Posts Tagged ‘del’

CNN: Depriving Iranians from Hajj hurts Saudi economy

Tehran, May 31, The Iran Project – CNN says depriving Iranian pilgrims from this year’s Hajj hits the Saudi economy where it hurts. In a report on Monday, US media said, “It also hits the Saudi economy where it hurts. Saudi makes around $18 billion a year from religious tourism, and Iranians comprise one of the […]

Strong hailstorms wallop Czech Republic

     Insane thunderstorms packed with strong anomalous hailstorms swept across the Czech Republic on May 23, 2016. A hail attack that wil continue for the next few days, say meteorologists. It looks like snow, but it’s hail… Severe thunderstorms accompanied by strong hailstorms and gusty winds paralyzed central Bohemia and the Highlands on Monday 23, […]

American College of Physicians encourages doctors to ‘counsel’ patients on guns and report data to third parties

(NaturalNews) The American College of Physicians, the second largest physician group in the U.S., is pushing doctors to question patients about firearm safety, as shown in a new report published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The report reminds doctors that the law doesn’t prevent them from asking patients about firearms, and encourages […]

If Flint officials get arrested for poisoning children with lead, why aren’t CDC officials being arrested for poisoning children with MERCURY?

(NaturalNews) In recent days, and likely after much hand-wringing, a trio of state and city officials have been indicted for poisoning scores of mostly African American residents in the city of Flint with water containing dangerous amounts of lead. As reported by The Associated Press and others, the officials – two state environmental […]

TSA whistleblower: Orders were to profile Somali imams; he refused

     Minnesota is home to one in three Somalis in the US, according to MPR News, and Somali leaders in the Twin Cities claim that members of their community are subject to higher scrutiny and harassment from TSA agents. In an effort to address these concerns, Andrew Rhoades, an assistant federal security director for the […]

Majority of Cologne NYE attackers are from Morocco, Algeria – report

So far 153 suspects have been identified, with 149 of them foreign citizens, including 103 from Morocco and Algeria, according to Ralf Jäger, the interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, as quoted by DPA. Jäger was speaking at the Düsseldorf parliament. You no longer have to fight attacker to prove rape: Germany updates law in wake […]

Armenia, Azerbaijan military conflict escalates over Karabakh region: Tanks, artillery and aircraft clash

     Hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan have reportedly flared up overnight, with reports of gun and mortar fire coming from the border. Moscow has called for an end to hostilities. Both Azeri and Armenian defense ministries accused each other of provoking the escalation. Azerbaijan said Armenian troops opened fire 127 times over 24 hours along […]

Prenatal Flu Jabs: Worthless and Worrisome

Guessing games The best way I found to convince others into looking into flu jab safety is to inform them that some specialists get together at a big table and play Nostradamus. They look through trends and research into strains from many, many subtypes of the three main types of Influenza (flu) that may or may not […]

The Triad of Treachery

Europeans are likely the first people in history to fall to an invasion instigated and endorsed entirely by the enemy within. The speed, unexpectedness and scale of the Coloured Invasion, and the depths to which public servants, lying Press and Police have since sunk have taken shocked ethnic-Europeans by surprise. It is beyond nightmare that, […]

The Triad of Treachery

Europeans are likely the first people in history to fall to an invasion instigated and endorsed entirely by the enemy within. The speed, unexpectedness and scale of the Coloured Invasion, and the depths to which public servants, lying Press and Police have since sunk have taken shocked ethnic-Europeans by surprise. It is beyond nightmare that, […]

Ucrania, en manos de oligarcas y financieros

En un país de paradojas extremas, los cambios van deprisa. Más allá del símbolo que supone que se derribe una estatua de Lenin en Odessa en el marco de las leyes de “desovietización” para reemplazarla por otra… del héroe de Star Wars, Darth Vader (!), merece la pena sumergirse en el laboratorio de un capitalismo desenfrenadoque nos […]

Es una guerra de conquista

“Cómo hay gente pendeja en este mundo, confunden a los “yihadistas” con musulmanes y por más que les pinches expliques te dicen que te vayas a vivir a un país árabe, cada país tiene su cultura, y practican lo que les enseña su religión, los yihadistas son gente loca, entrenada y pagada por el gobierno […]

Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings

Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings In the purported road rage incidents, now, in Oklahoma and, previously, in New Mexico are absolutely fake. These shootings never occurred. It is fully staged. Yet, it is said: ARAPAHO, Okla. (AP) – A western Oklahoma sheriff says two people are dead after a man […]

Resultados en Venezuela: Sistema Electoral y la Democracia

El 6 de diciembre de 2015 las elecciones dieron lugar a una clara victoria de la oposición sobre la alianza bolivariana liderada por el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV). La oposición ganó 112 escaños con 58% de los cerca de 74% del electorado que votó. La coalición Bolivariana ganó 55 escaños y obtuvo 42% […]

Islamic State releases new apocalyptic video depicting ‘final’ battle with ‘crusaders’ in Syria

     Three weeks ago, we highlighted what we dubbed “the greatest piece of terrorist video propaganda in history.” The clip, a 5-minute Hollywood special produced by Islamic State’s al-Hayat Media (the nerve center for a labyrinthine network of “Wilayats”), begins with a glorification of the “caliphate”, as an English-speaking narrator notes that ISIS’ territory is […]

Canada under the Liberals: Real Change Or Nicer Sounding Rhetoric? Canada and America’s War

Sometimes my writing is reactive rather than proactive, but when the new government is just starting up is a great time to be proactive. The Liberals promised change and domestically – so far – seem to be living up to that change. What the future holds for foreign policy is yet to be determined, but […]

How About That ‘Erl!?

How About That ‘Erl!? December 7th, 2015 Warning: This is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any financial instrument. — Down 6%. Huge pivot ahead at WTI$33.22, assuming that you pay any attention to candle shadows, which I do. If you just […]

Recovery: Japan’s Economy Falls Back Into Recession Again

Recovery: Japan’s Economy Falls Back Into Recession Again November 17th, 2015 Via: BBC: Japan’s economy has fallen into recession again after it shrank 0.8% on an annualised basis in the third quarter. The preliminary data means the world’s third-largest economy has contracted for a […]

Selected Articles: Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Wears On

Source Article from

Iran deal fallout clarifies the geopolitics of apartheid and genocide – Veterans Today

Tensions over the Iran deal… a shift in US foreign policy for the Middle East I was interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari of Truth NGO about the American Enterprise Institute announcement that it would grant its Irving Kristol Award for 2015 to Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli prime minister’s recent visit to the USA to see […]

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