Posts Tagged ‘betrays’

Chris Hedges: Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust-What Holocaust, The 66 Million Plus Humans Holocausted by The Red Russian Khazarian Jew Joseph Stalin?

If one looks at the world census of members of the Jew Cult religion before and after World War Two, there are simply not six million Jews from Europe missing. There are not five million Jews from Europe missing. There are not four million Jews from Europe missing. There are not three million Jews from […]

US betrays its own principles to preserve chaos in Syria

The headline is not mine. I understand the US HAS NO PRINCIPLES. Forget for a moment the true history of the American Revolution bears no true resemblance to the pig slop they indoctrinate American children with in US “government” mandatory “government indoctrination centers lyingly called “public schools”. It is FACT the closet queer who shacked […]

DDA betrays 4,000 families including 42 families of  Leprosy community residing at Kathputli Colony

New Delhi, November 18, 2021: A Press Conference was organized by The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) at Press Club today on the betrayal of Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in allotting houses to the families who were residing at Kathputli Colony. Kathputli Colony is majorly a colony of artists of national and international reputation. […]

‘Take the Guns First’: Trump Betrays America, Calls for Gun Confiscation Without Due Process

From ZeroHedge Washington, D.C. — President Trump told a group of lawmakers that they must do something to keep guns away from mentally ill individuals – even if that means raising the minimum age for rifle ownership to 21, Bloomberg reports. His remarks appeared to contradict a CNN report from earlier in the week, which quoted anonymous White […]

US Betrays Iran Deal as Predicted – Edges Closer to War

U.S. Senate Betrays Constitution, Fails To Stop Perpetual War Policy

By Aaron Kesel The U.S. Senate voted 61-36 to kill an amendment proposed by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) which would repeal the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Afghanistan and Iraq. Here are the 61 Senators who voted to give Trump the power to start new wars without […]

Trump Once Again Betrays What’s Left of His Base, This Time on Illegal Immigration

By Russ Winter of The New Nationalist In an interview with Associated Press conducted Friday, Red Queen Trump was asked about his policy on the so-called “dreamers”, who are younger immigrants brought into the US illegally. These individuals were protected from deportation by the Obama administration under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” or DACA program. Separately Trump stated […]

Don’t make these detoxification mistakes… they might cause you harm

(NaturalNews) In today’s world, toxins are all around us – making detoxification essential for optimal health. For example, an estimated 3 million tons of pesticides enter the environment thanks to conventional farming practices – every year. In addition, there are about 475 toxic chemicals within a typical woman’s daily personal care products. From […]

The Reich’s Most Outstanding Fighter Pilot

Austrian choirboy Walter Nowotny was destined to become the Reich’s top gun in aerial combat. The Reich’s Luftwaffe fighters were renowned for their courage and kill ability, yet Nowotny was in a class of his own. Nowotny was just nineteen-years old when on hearing the English and French declarations of war he volunteered for service […]

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