Posts Tagged ‘cracks’

Biden cracks jokes about Trump as hush money trial kicks off

Biden cracks jokes about Trump as hush money trial kicks off lead image Source

Canada Cracks Down on Natural Supplements such as Vitamins, Favoring Synthetic Alternatives

Canadian health authorities are looking for new ways to crack down on natural health products and businesses. According to Health Canada, it’s all about safety. The bought-and-paid-for Canadian government is attempting to amend the Food and Drugs Act to increase onerous regulations against natural health products. These regulations threaten the very existence of natural product […]

Jan 3 – Cracks in Israeli Unity Emerge

Please send links and comments to [email protected] I don’t know how reliable Scott Ritter’s sources are but Ritter says Netanyahu is running a dictatorship due to a revolt in his war cabinet. Israelis increasingly suspect Bibi has led them into a trap, which is certainly the case. Ritter says the IDF has been humiliated […]

Sidney Powellapalooza: Trump’s Kraken Cracks

Sidney Powell, the conspiracy-theory-spouting lawyer who tried to help former President Donald Trump overturn the results of the 2020 election, pleaded guilty Thursday to six misdemeanor charges in the case brought by Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fanni Willis against Trump and 18 others. It seems unlikely that this is what right-wing pastor Ken Christmas had in mind when he prayed over Powell a year ago asking […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Kraken Cracks

Dan Friedman @ Mother Jones: Release the Kraken! Sidney Powell Just Pleaded Guilty in Georgia Election Trial and Agreed to Testify. Tom Boggioni @ Raw Story: Sidney Powell guilty plea opens door to her becoming key Jack Smith witness against Trump. AJ McDougall @ The Daily Beast: Wannabe Tennessee Mayor Smiles With Neo-Nazi in Photo […]

Biden Administration Finally Cracks Down on Illegal Aliens, Orders Deportation of Christian German Family

A Christian German immigrant family has been pleading with the Biden administration to stop their upcoming deportation after living in the United States for 15 years. They fled Germany in 2008 after being threatened with fines and prosecution for homeschooling their children. “We are supposed to come back in two weeks from now to show […]

Cracks, loopholes and blindspots: What are the West’s Russia sanctions missing?

Some conspicuous absences exist in the West’s sanctions regime against Russia, allowing it to contine raking in a fortune. Source

‘Signs of cracks’ within Iran’s government as protests endure

Revolutions “usually involve phases of relative calm and others of tumult,” says Ali Fathollah-Nejad at the American University of Beirut. Source

Brazil’s president cracks down after riot and vows to protect democracy

Brazilian authorities have vowed to punish thousands of supporters of ex-President Jair Bolsonaro who stormed and trashed the nation’s highest seats of power in a riot. Source

Mysterious shock wave cracks Earth’s magnetosphere, exposing the planet to dangerous space radiation

A mysterious shock wave cracked Earth’s magnetosphere Monday night, December 19. Magnetosphere is the region that protects the planet from harmful space radiation. Although the shockwave’s origin is unknown, astronomers think it came from an ejection of energetic and highly magnetized, superheated gas discharged from the sun, which is also called a coronal mass ejection (CME). […]

Democrat John Fetterman Cracks Under Pressure, Agrees to Debate Republican Mehmet Oz

Democrat John Fetterman is committing to at least one debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania’s race for U.S. Senate following mounting pressure.

YouTube Cracks Down on Prayer: Videos Removed if People ‘Pray’ for Covid Healing in Place of Medical Treatment

Google-owned YouTube has wandered into a whole new territory of censorial practice in its attempt to limit the content that contradicts the global public health community’s guidance about COVID-19. Now, not only could going against the infallible findings of the almighty World Health Organization result in a removed video but if you deign to encourage your […]

VIDEO: Gates cracks big smile at mandating vaxx to receive social security…

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Report: UAE company cracks down on pro-Palestine workers in Canada

The Dubai Ports World (DP World) has recently sent out notices delivering a three-day suspension to 94 port workers who respected a Block the Boat community picket against the Israeli Zim Volans ship in Prince Rupert, northern British Columbia, and refused to unload the vessel. Mondoweiss news site said DP World, owned by state-owned Dubai […]

UAE company cracks down on ‘Block the Boat’ picket line in Canada

A small town in northern British Columbia was recently the backdrop for a chilling display of how Emirati influence and power can be used to attempt to suppress popular support for Palestine. On June 14, Prince Rupert was the scene of a Block The Boat community picket against the Israeli Zim Volans ship that had […]

Netherlands art institute cracks down on free speech for Palestine — and seizes watermelon banner

Artists, tutors and co-activists at Piet Zwart Institute (PZI), a masters in fine art institution in Rotterdam, lately turned to the freedoms of artistic expression to fight on-campus censorship of Israeli actions. Not knowing the extent of the fight yet to be had on their campus, a group of artist-activists at PZI mobilised after the […]

Press Violations Explode to 180 in May Alone as Israel Cracks Down to Buff Its Image

By Jessical Buxbaum Source “The more that Israel is exposed internationally for its human rights violations in Palestine, the more it becomes desperate in its attempt to crack down on journalists and the media in general.” — Dr. Ramzy Baroud OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM — Despite wearing a press vest and holding a government press card, Al Jazeera […]

China cracks down on Hong Kong Tiananmen Square massacre vigil

Police arrested an organizer of Hong Kong’s annual candlelight vigil commemorating the deadly Tiananmen Square crackdown and warned people not to attend the banned event Friday as the city mutes its pro-democracy voices. Hong Kong had been the last place on Chinese soil where on June 4, 1989, the event was publicly commemorated, and tens […]

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Cracks Down On Dissent As His Presidency Enters Crisis Mode

A prominent newspaper columnist. Multiple Indigenous leaders. Doctors, academics and scientists. All of them, in recent weeks and months, have been subject to subpoenas, investigations, or other more implicit efforts to silence the criticism they’ve leveled against the government of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right leader who has ramped up his authoritarian tactics as […]

Just when we need it most, UK cracks down on BDS

The timing is either perfect or perverse, depending on your point of view. At the very moment that the UK government has announced plans to ban boycotts, divestment and sanctions by public funded bodies, the very reasons for supporting non-violent strategies to achieve equality for the Palestinian people look more urgent and compelling than ever. As […]

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