Posts Tagged ‘infertility’

Official Study: 80 per Cent of Americans Consuming Infertility Drugs via Popular Cereals

A whopping 80 per cent of Americans who consume popular cereals are being exposed to a harmful chemical that causes infertility and delays puberty. A study by The Environmental Working Group published in the Journal […] The post Official Study: 80 per Cent of Americans Consuming Infertility Drugs via Popular Cereals appeared first on The […]

Another Scientific Study Shows How Plastic in Food is Causing Infertility, YET Nothing Ever Changes

By the time you open a container of yogurt, the food has taken a long journey to reach your spoon. You may have some idea of that journey: From cow to processing to packaging to store shelves. But at each step, there is a chance for a little something extra to sneak in, a stowaway […]

Official German Study Warns Masks Are Causing Mass Infertility

An official German study has revealed that masking during the Covid pandemic caused mass infertility among the general public. A team of scientists, led by an Independent Surgeon in private practice, published a large review […] The post Official German Study Warns Masks Are Causing Mass Infertility appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Surgeon Who Operates On Trans Kids Admits They Face Life Of Infertility, Incontinence & Other Issues

A gender surgeon dubbed Dr Frankenstein has revealed the downsides of performing genital re-shaping surgeries on transgender children and adults, in a video which has since been deleted. Dr Blair Peters is an assistant professor of surgery in the division of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Oregon Health and Science University BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility

despite not having proven efficacy against the new coronavirus-19, suddenly, ivermectin has been specifically recommended by doctors, health departments, and the federal government as part of an early treatment for Covid. Source

Even Today, Virgin Mary Milk Powder is Used as a Cure for Infertility

The Virgin Mary’s breast milk has been the subject of veneration for centuries and even today couples battling infertility often imbue it with miraculous powers. This is especially true at the Chapel of the Milk Grotto in Bethlehem, where faith and fertility go hand in hand. The Milk Grotto in Bethlehem, Palestine, is dedicated to […]

Bill Gates’ Factory Breeding 30 Million Mosquitos Infected With ‘Infertility Bacteria’ Per Week

Bill Gates is now breeding 30 million mosquitos per week in a factory in Colombia and he is threatening to “scale and deliver” the mosquitos, which are infected with an infertility bacteria, to “communities around […] The post Bill Gates’ Factory Breeding 30 Million Mosquitos Infected With ‘Infertility Bacteria’ Per Week appeared first on News […]

Covid Vaccines and Infertility

Why are birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Taiwan — nine months after mass covid vaccinations? KanekoaTheGreat Jun 27 2022 Germany Germany reported a 13% decline in births between January and March 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. United Kingdom The United Kingdom reported a 7.7% decline in births with 75,670 […]

Vaccinated Women Are Now Lying About Their Vax Status As More Men See Them As Infertility Risk

    Everyone was told that those who did not get the jab would regret it, but now it seems that the opposite is true. In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility. […]

Mom Beats Infertility, and Now 4 of Her Surviving Quintuplet Preemies Are Thriving: ‘It Changed Us’

An Ohio couple, who were once high school sweethearts, became pregnant with quintuplets after a two-year battle with infertility. A terrifying journey ensued, including losing one newborn and several close calls. After 385 days in the NICU, the proud parents finally reunited four happy, healthy babies at home. Hannah and Jake Merton, aged 22 and […]

Good Argument For Parents to NOT Vaccinate Their Children; It’s the Infertility Vaccine (30 Minutes) That Also KILLS Children

Special Solari Report: What Is the Real Cost of Vaccines? Part I with Professor Dolores Cahill February 10, 2021 Video Mirror Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file Download the Interview MP3 audio file Transcript:Read the PDF of: Special Solari Report: What Is the Real Cost of Vaccines? Part I with Professor Dolores Cahill  “Action is the […]

Health Officials Warn Of Mysterious Infertility Crisis Among Trans Women

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S health officials have noticed what appears to be a growing crisis among transwomen: rampant infertility. A very disturbing report shows that not one transwoman has ever successfully become pregnant. “Transwomen are women the same as any other women,” said Grant Leonard, a spokesman for the National Institutes of Health, “so it’s very odd […]

BOOM! Florida Urologist Finds Signs of Infertility & Prostate Cancer in Men Jabbed With COVID Vaccines

A urologist in Palm Beach County, Florida is warning COVID vaccines could be causing a rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values, an issue common in men suffering from infertility and prostate cancer. by Kelen McBreen Dr. Diego Rubinowicz spoke with CBS 12 about what he calls “falsely elevated PSA levels” being found in men who […]

Infertility Risks Of COVID-19 Injections, Spike Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/30/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Dr. Hodkinson Interview – COVID-19 Vaccines, Infertility & Spike Protein Dangers

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Dr. Hodkinson, here to discuss the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, the possibility of infertility, and the very real concerns about the vaccine-induced spike proteins and what new scientific research is clearly suggesting about their […]

Toxic substance causing Cancer and Infertility Found in Moderna COVID vaccine

    It’s called SM-102. Verifying that it is in the Moderna COVID vaccine, I find a 12/30/20 CDC document titled: “COVID-19 Vaccines: Update on Allergic Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions.” If you scroll down halfway through the document, you’ll see a chart titled, “Ingredients Included in mRNA COVID vaccines.” (pg 20) The right-hand side of […]

Sperm Count, Infertility, and the Chemical Apocalypse

Dangerous living through chemistry Erin Brockovich on declining sperm  counts. [embedded content] The chemicals that are part of the problem. [embedded content] Stay tuned to EFR for the best news on important topics. Share this: Source

RH – Documenting Infertility Vexxines Since 1945

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – Documenting Infertility Vexxines Since 1945 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Squalene and the Infertility Jab

Jabberwocky from the Medical Mafia. Clip from Jesse Ventura interview with Dr. Riba Laibow.   Make this go viral! How it’s done: Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic -confirmation of genocide. ( You have come to the RIGHT PLACE  for TRUTH! Stay tuned to EFR for the latest on the plandemic! […]

The stigma of infertility

March 4, 2021 by A J-Wire community service announcement Read on for article The Australian Jewish Fertility Network (AJFN) is to host the sixth annual Infertility Awareness Shabbat (IAS) to raise awareness and break the stigma surrounding the infertility journey. On 12- 13 March, synagogues across Sydney will come together to show support for couples […]

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