Posts Tagged ‘accidental’

Israel kills SEVEN Gaza food aid workers in “accidental” airstrikes where Israeli drones hunted, targeted and destroyed three clearly marked food aid vehicles

Israel kills SEVEN Gaza food aid workers in “accidental” airstrikes where Israeli drones hunted, targeted and destroyed three clearly marked food aid vehicles A convoy of aid workers from World Central Kitchen (WCK) was struck three times by Israel in Gaza bombings that the Zionist state says were not intentionally aimed at these targets. According […]

OOPS: First all-female spacewalk results in accidental release of tool bag into orbit

OOPS: First all-female spacewalk results in accidental release of tool bag into orbit A pair of women who recently completed the first all-female spacewalk, considered “historic,” made a boo-boo when they accidentally released a bag of equipment into orbit. NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara had just completed a six-hour, 42-minute spacewalk during which […]

Accidental defenestration and murder-suicides too common among Russian oligarchs and Putin critics?

After the chairman of the board of Russia’s largest private oil company died in what Russian news agencies cited as an accidental fall from a hospital window, questions were again raised over whether suspicious deaths among Russian oligarchs and critics of President Vladimir Putin have become all too common to be completely coincidental. Initially, a […]

Accidental defenestration and murder-suicides too common among Russian oligarchs and Putin critics?

After the chairman of the board of Russia’s largest private oil company died in what Russian news agencies cited as an accidental fall from a hospital window, questions were again raised over whether suspicious deaths among Russian oligarchs and critics of President Vladimir Putin have become all too common to be completely coincidental. Initially, a […]

Accidental defenestration and murder-suicides too common among Russian oligarchs and Putin critics?

After the chairman of the board of Russia’s largest private oil company died in what Russian news agencies cited as an accidental fall from a hospital window, questions were again raised over whether suspicious deaths among Russian oligarchs and critics of President Vladimir Putin have become all too common to be completely coincidental. Initially, a […]

The Evil Eye in the Mediterranean: How to Avert Accidental Envy

The ancient Mediterranean belief of the evil eye still has its adherents today. Those who have the “eye” are thought to give bad luck unintentionally to anything or anyone that they are envious of. The evil eye is an accidental kind of misfortune and anyone might be capable of casting it. Simply congratulating someone or […]

“Accidental” Destruction of Aboriginal Stone Arrangement in Australia

A private landowner has damaged a 1,500-year-old stone eel arrangement near Lake Bolac, Australia. The Kuyang stone monument was shaped into an eel and created before the Europeans arrived in Australia. Kuyang means eel in South West Aboriginal language. The eel stone arrangement has been on private land and owned by one family for 150 […]

Was the Ever Given Grounding Accidental or Intentional?

By Motasem A Dalloul On 29 March, the Egyptian authorities officially announced that the colossal Ever Given cargo ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal six days earlier had been refloated. However, although the ship was freed several days ago, and the backlogged ships that were on the two sides of the canal have […]

Most misinformation spread online is accidental, study finds

Half of the misinformation that spreads online is shared because users are not paying attention, a study has found. A report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Media Lab found that around 50% of its 5,000 participants had unintentionally spread misinformation because they did not realise what they were sharing. Meanwhile, a third of […]

Critically Injured Soldier Likely Shot By Accidental Discharge, IDF Probe Finds

A soldier who was critically wounded after being shot in the head Tuesday night was apparently struck by an accidental discharge from another serviceman’s weapon, a military investigation found. As this was the second time in under a week that a soldier was shot on base, the commander of the Israel Defense Forces’ Ground Forces […]

Accidental FOIA Reveals Mind Control Documents; Here’s Further Evidence This Technology Exists

By Aaron Kesel Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups; instead of getting information on how the agency targets the groups, he got way more than the information he was […]

Hamas Founder Linked To Iran Dies After Mysterious "Accidental" Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound

Fueling the speculation was a hasty Hamas statement released on January 9 which initially claimed he had died of “natural causes” but a subsequent statement was quickly issued saying he accidentally shot himself in the head while “inspecting his personal weapon in his home and is in critical condition.” The 62-year old Alami, who also went by Abu Hamam, had […]

Tom Petty Died from Accidental Drug Overdose Involving Opioids, Coroner Says

Tom Petty, the chart-topping singer and songwriter, died in October from an accidental drug overdose as a result of mixing medications that included opioids, the medical examiner-coroner for the county of Los Angeles announced on Friday, ending the mystery surrounding his sudden death last year. The coroner, Jonathan Lucas, said that Mr. Petty’s system showed […]

Autopsy Reveals Tom Petty Died of Accidental Drug Overdose, Another Casualty of Big Pharma

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Legendary rocker Tom Petty passed away recently, on October 2, 2017 of cardiac arrest in his home in California. Now, some three months later, an autopsy has revealed the true cause of death to be accidental overdose on prescription medications. “Petty had a mixture of fentanyl, oxycodone, temazepam, alprazolam, […]

An Immigrant, a Found Gun, an Accidental Shooting: Who or What is to Blame?

Jose Zarate, an undocumented immigrant charged with the murder of a woman two years ago, was found not guilty on Thursday by a San Francisco jury. Kate Steinle was walking with her father along the city’s Embarcadero pier in July of 2015 when police said a man walked up to her and shot her. She […]

How Accidental are America’s Accidental Civilian Killings Across the Middle East?

How Accidental are America’s Accidental Civilian Killings Across the Middle East? How can America in clear conscience continue to kill civilians across the Middle East? It’s easy; ask Grandpa what he did in the Good War. Civilian deaths in WWII weren’t dressed up as collateral damage, they were policy. Following what some claim are looser […]

israel & ISIS best of buddies again after accidental attack

Israeli Defense Minister: Israel Forgives ISIS For Attack Following Apology “As we understand, it was done by mistake and it was only once.” <img class=”size-full wp-image-227505″ src=”” alt=”Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, speaks during a press conference at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, Israel. (AP/Sebastian Scheiner)” width=”1600″ height=”781″ srcset=” 1600w,×146.jpg 300w,×375.jpg 768w, […]

Swedish Government On Verge Of Collapse After Admitting ‘Accidental Leak’ Of Entire Nation’s Info

Swedish Government On Verge Of Collapse After Admitting ‘Accidental Leak’ Of Entire Nation’s Info Zero Hedge July 27, 2017 Swedens government is being quietly rocked by a major scandal. So far the market has paid it little regard, but, as Citi warns, it may soon escalate… Sweden appears to have accidentally leaked the details of […]

US-led Coalition Airstrike on Syria Government Was Not Accidental

The next stage of parliamentary life will be the toughest character test Abbott has faced in politics

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Tony Abbott’s plan for a long-term political future provides an irritant for Malcolm Turnbull but, at least between now and the election, it shouldn’t be much more than that. Former prime minister Tony Abbott will find it challenging to carve out a constructive place on the backbench. Mick Tsikas/AAP Voters are […]

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