Posts Tagged ‘intentional’

Biden Admin Sues Tennessee for Criminalizing Intentional AIDS Exposure

The Biden regime has opened a lawsuit against the State of Tennessee arguing that state laws that prohibit the intentional spread of the HIV virus “discriminate against people living with HIV.” Under Tennessee law (Title […] The post Biden Admin Sues Tennessee for Criminalizing Intentional AIDS Exposure appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

An Intentional Cover-Up

As noted by Spiked reporter Matt Ridley,1 “It is completely normal to start inquiries into mass deaths by asking how they happened — so that you can stop them happening again …” (TAP – Matt is Viscount Ridley cousin and descendant of the Stanleys, Earls Of Derby – one of England’s wealthiest families) Yet in the […]

Definitely intentional: Senate investigation uncovers SECOND lab leak from Wuhan Institute of Virology that’s connected to vaccine development

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The latest investigative report from the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee (HELP), finds structural design flaws in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that readily allow for lab leaks of aerosol viruses. The HELP committee report found a “preponderance of circumstantial evidence†that SARS-CoV-2 … [Read More…] Source

Dioxins: The Ohio Cover Up & The Overwhelming (Intentional?) Incompetence/Malfeasance Of The US Gov

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/26/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional

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Jim Jordan on Inflation: ‘Part of Me Says This Is Intentional’ by Biden WH

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Friday blasted President Joe Biden and his administration for having created the record-high inflation and gas prices across the United States.

Hypocrisy, War, Murder, Lies, Division, ‘Racism’, Dependency: All Intentional US Policy

The Truth is Hate Speech to those who Hate the Truth. Try to tell an Americans the true history of modern North America they will extract the contents of their colons into their fruit of the looms. And be very angry with you. Don’t mess with their illusion of a “Chosen land and a Chosen […]

Was the Ever Given Grounding Accidental or Intentional?

By Motasem A Dalloul On 29 March, the Egyptian authorities officially announced that the colossal Ever Given cargo ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal six days earlier had been refloated. However, although the ship was freed several days ago, and the backlogged ships that were on the two sides of the canal have […]

Explosion At Dutch COVID-19 Test Center Appears Intentional, Police Say

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) — Dutch police on Wednesday said a coronavirus testing center north of Amsterdam appeared to have been intentionally targeted after an explosion went off at the facility before it opened. The blast in the town of Bovenkarspel, 55 km (35 miles) north of the capital, shattered windows but caused no injuries, police from the province of […]

“Covid” aka the flu and Nursing Home Deaths — the Case for Intentional Genocide

Dylan Eleven | Truth11.col The covid confusion can be more easily understood if you replace the word covid with the seasonal flu. As stated in this article; there is no such thing as covid- From the article: I’m a clinical lab scientist I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab […]

Parents’ Lawsuit Claims School Engages in ‘Intentional Racial Discrimination’ Against White Students

Parents have filed a lawsuit against Villa Duchesne High School in Missouri, claiming the elite Catholic girls prep school has engaged in “overt and intentional racial discrimination against its Caucasian students,” including their daughter. According to the petition filed in the Circuit Court of the County of Saint Louis, the parents accuse the school of […]

“All hell to break loose” by intentional design

By Bill LivingstoneAmerican Thinker Two recent reports, when combined, paint a dark pathway for America in the coming weeks, a nation set on fire by multiple contentious court battles and widespread daily protests. The 79 Days Report, by the Claremont Institute and the Texas Policy Foundation, illuminates possible election legal battles on the horizon and how […]

Denouncing ‘intentional effort’ to sabotage election, judge orders nationwide reversal of DeJoy mail changes

A federal judge late Thursday issued a nationwide injunction temporarily blocking and reversing dramatic changes to mail operations imposed in recent months by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, slamming the policies as a “politically motivated attack” on the U.S. Postal Service that—if allowed to stand—would disenfranchise voters in November. “Although not necessarily apparent on the surface, […]

Intentional fires are destroying the Amazon rainforest

A year ago, “Fire Day,” a day to intentionally light fires, sparked international concern when the number of forest fires in the Novo Progresso region, a city in the Amazon region of Pará, skyrocketed massively. Today, with the start of the “fire season”, the region is once again drawing international attention. For the residents of […]

Deadly SUV cliff crash may have been intentional, California officials say

SAN FRANCISCO — California Highway Patrol officials say preliminary evidence shows the cliff crash that killed a Washington state family may have been intentional. Capt. Greg Baarts with the CHP Northern Division says information pulled from the SUV’s software shows the vehicle was stopped at the highway pullout before it accelerated straight off the cliff. […]

Apple Faces Lawsuits Over Its Intentional Slowing of Older iPhones

Apple Faces Lawsuits Over Its Intentional Slowing of Older iPhones December 22nd, 2017 Via: Guardian: Apple is facing lawsuits over the revelations that it intentionally slows down older iPhones without user consent. Apple has admitted to slowing down the iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and […]

4chan Users Find Evidence Atlanta Airport Blackout Was Part Of Intentional Cover-Up

Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world’s busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta’s mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have […]

How Intentional Dreaming Can Assist Your Waking Life

Next Story Every single night when we go to sleep, we dream. Sometimes we remember our dreams and sometimes we don’t, yet we have them nevertheless. But what is the purpose of dreaming, if there is one? Where do we go when we dream? Can we control them, and is there insight to be gained from them? […]

‘It’s probably intentional’: Tech expert to RT on Google smart speaker’s eavesdropping glitch

“It’s always possible that the company did miss this, but it’s unlikely,” Kitze, who specializes in financial and internet privacy, said. His comments came after Android Police journalist Artem Russakovskii revealed that his Google Home Mini had been quietly recording thousands of audio files without his knowledge, all of which were available for playback. Google […]

Miss Earth Switzerland 2016 Isn’t Swiss

Editor’s Comment: Miss Earth Switzerland is a Swiss beauty pageant for young women in Switzerland. Swiss is a European ethnicity that is part of the White race. Have you ever heard of a White European woman winning a pageant to become the new Miss Nigeria or Miss China? Of course not because only in White […]

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