Posts Tagged ‘23’

Universe potentially ‘cosmic zoo’ filled with complex plant and animal life, theorize scientists

(NaturalNews) The development of complex life forms on other planets may be nearly inevitable once the basics of life itself are present, according to a new study. A group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Washington State University have concluded that the universe may resemble a “cosmic zoo” filled with […]

6.1 magnitude shallow earthquake & powerful aftershocks strike Nicaragua

     A 6.1 magnitude earthquake followed by a series of aftershock has struck Nicaragua, according to USGS. Tremors were reportedly felt in neighboring Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica. The earthquake, with an estimated magnitude of 6.1, struck some 25 kilometers from the cities of Chinandega and El Viejo at a depth of 10 kilometers, […]

Connecticut Law Will Allow Guns to Be Confiscated After Temporary Restraining Order

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Armenia, Tajikistan to buy Iran’s Avgas

Last year, the volume of Iranian exports of gasoline and aviation fuels met with a five-fold increase from 3,000 tons to 15,000 tons. Given the boost in production and exports, Iran has launched a fresh round of talks with neighboring countries with an aim to seal short and long-term agreements on exporting various types of […]

Hillary Clinton ‘Lying For 13 Minutes Straight’ Video, Goes Viral

The following footage shows Hillary Clinton ‘changing her mind’ on a number of key issues like the same-sex marriage, universal healthcare, links to big banks and foreign policy experience. (Scroll down for video) The Independent reports: The video starts off on same sex marriage, and how Ms Clinton did not publicly support it until 2013. […]

Missing deer reportedly alive

Most of the deer which were displaced from a breeding site in Khuzestan Province following heavy flooding last month are believed to be missing but healthy. Khuzestan was one of the nine provinces that were hit by severe flash floods in April which left a trail of destruction and caused significant damage to infrastructure. The […]

Lightning strikes kill eight and injure two in Odisha, India

     Lightning strike amidst heavy thunderstorms this afternoon claimed at least eight lives and injured two across various parts of Odisha. As per reports from Bhatakhamara village under Narla block of Kalahandi district, a father-daughter duo were killed because of lightning strike in the village. Besides, while another man died in that village, his wife […]

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Saturday, 23-04-2016

Iran Daily   Zarif: US must ‘seriously’ live up to its side of nuclear deal Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif asked the US to implement the last year nuclear deal as the European businesses are reluctant to do business with Iran over the fear of being penalized under US regulations.   Daesh attack kills […]

Mom Calls Cops Over Missing 12-Year-Old So Officer Breaks His Teeth

An Idaho woman says a cop with the Idaho Falls police department picked up her 12-year-old son and smashed his face into the trunk of a parked car after she called to report that he was missing. Amy Olzak says she initially made the call on the morning of March 13 and spent the day with friends searching for the […]

Mom Calls Cops Over Missing 12-Year-Old So Officer Breaks His Teeth

An Idaho woman says a cop with the Idaho Falls police department picked up her 12-year-old son and smashed his face into the trunk of a parked car after she called to report that he was missing. Amy Olzak says she initially made the call on the morning of March 13 and spent the day with friends searching for the […]

Mom Calls Cops Over Missing 12-Year-Old So Officer Breaks His Teeth

An Idaho woman says a cop with the Idaho Falls police department picked up her 12-year-old son and smashed his face into the trunk of a parked car after she called to report that he was missing. Amy Olzak says she initially made the call on the morning of March 13 and spent the day with friends searching for the […]

The insanity of Empire: CIA-armed militias are shooting at Pentagon-armed ones in Syria

     Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the bitter 5-year-old civil […]

Brussels Crisis Actor — This Guy Allegedly Survived His ‘Third Terror Attack’ After Paris and Boston

According to the MSM, this American teenager just survived his THIRD terror attack in Brussels this week, after Paris and Boston. (This has to be one of the most ridiculous narratives from a long strain of amateurishly designed false flags, so I am not going to take this seriously). According to ABC News, Mason Wells […]

Brussels Crisis Actor — This Guy Allegedly Survived His ‘Third Terror Attack’ After Paris and Boston

According to the MSM, this American teenager just survived his THIRD terror attack in Brussels this week, after Paris and Boston. (This has to be one of the most ridiculous narratives from a long strain of amateurishly designed false flags, so I am not going to take this seriously). According to ABC News, Mason Wells […]

Lyin’ Ted, the Man, the Myth, the Legend, the Liar

      But he called Trump Islamaphobic   Lyin’ Ted bought by the same corporations that he is pledging to fight against in order to return American jobs to the country   “I will bring jobs back to America” Lyin’ Ted   Too late Donald, Dave Hodges has already spilled those beans, more than […]

Here’s Why the Brussels Attack Was Probably Yet Another False Flag

A terrorist attack occurred on Tuesday March 22nd, 2016, in Brussels, the capital city of Belgium and the European Union. Bombs were set off in Brussels metro station Maelbeek (right next to EU and NATO headquarters) and its Zaventem airport. by Makia Freeman At the time of writing, the toll is reported as 34 dead […]

Turkey’s President, Erdogan, Warns of Attacks in Brussels 4 Days Before Event Took Place

In an instance of bizarre timing or, perhaps, foreknowledge, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Europe only four days ago that it could see terrorist bombings and attacks in its cities in the near future if it does not cease support for and cooperation with Kurdish “militants.” by Brandon Turbeville Interestingly enough, Erdogan mentioned Brussels […]

There Are Some Questionable Things Showing Up In These NASA Photos

Last fall, NASA released thousands of photos from every manned Apollo mission that took place between 1961 and 1972. The collection includes about 13,000 images from the NASA archives, most of which are photos of smiling astronauts living the dream in outer space. But Redditor my_newz_account sifted through all of the pictures and came across […]

FBI conspiring with National Science Foundation to linguistically surveil the social media posts of ‘anti-vax’ activists and health freedom activists

(NaturalNews) It’s been said that the government – specifically the FBI – is working alongside the National Science Foundation to study the ways in which online information is spread and social media memes go viral. While that all sounds rather interesting, it looks as though there may be more to it than merely […]

What Really Happened When NASA Went To The Moon? Why The Official Story Is Very Questionable

From an intuitive standpoint, simply watching the Apollo 11 press conference with Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collings, and Buzz Aldrin can be a little disorienting. The astronauts’ body language is peculiar, and the tone of the entire press conference is inexplicably somber, with very few of the smiles or laughs one would expect to accompany such a momentous occasion. […]

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