Posts Tagged ‘balancing’

A Sino-Turkish balancing act: Economy vs geopolitics

AUG 7, 2023 Source The geopolitical competition between Beijing and Ankara challenges their mutually harmonious Silk Road initiatives. As western pressure on China and its Asian periphery increases, will NATO-member Turkiye choose growth and development over a hegemonic clash? Erman Çete In the highest-level meeting between Chinese and Turkish officials since 2011, Turkish President Recep […]

Bangladesh: Balancing Act between Beijing, Washington and New Delhi

The People’s Republic of Bangladesh seeks to maintain a special status in the global geopolitical arena by refusing to join any defense alliances and attempting to remain neutral. This trend can be explained by the fact that China and India account for approximately 35% of all Bangladeshi imports, primarily machinery and energy resources, while the West […]

Women in the balancing act

The other day, my newly appointed domestic help (Premdevi) was morose and after a lot of persuasion, I got to know the reason. She narrated that her husband who is very abusive, and jobless for the last four to five years, stay back at home, don’t look for a job or perform household chores and […]

Where Will Ankara’s Attempts at Geopolitical Balancing Lead?

Today, when Turkey is experiencing serious difficulties in its relations with many countries of the Western world, primarily the United States and the EU, as well as the Middle East, Turkish President Erdogan is trying to pursue a policy of a circus tightrope walker in order not only to get to “solid ground”, but also […]

Egypt and Turkey Aim at Balancing Things Out in the Mediterranean

The change of the ruling elite in the White House has prompted many countries in the East, including Egypt and Turkey, to revise their foreign policies to better adapt to this new reality. After seven years of tensions, Ankara and Egypt are now sending signals that they are prepared to seek rapprochement. This is largely […]

Biden’s foreign policy challenge: Balancing Iran and Middle East allies

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Putin’s concern on N. Korea crisis: Tensions ‘balancing on brink of large-scale conflict’

     Attempts to pressure North Korea into stopping its nuclear missile program through sanctions are “misguided and futile,” Russian President Vladimir Putin warned, adding that threats and provocations would only add more fuel to the fire. “The situation on the Korean Peninsula, where tensions have grown recently, is balancing on the brink of a large-scale […]

Putin on N. Korea crisis: Tensions ‘balancing on brink of large-scale conflict’

“The situation on the Korean Peninsula, where tensions have grown recently, is balancing on the brink of a large-scale conflict. Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile program is misguided and futile,” Putin, who is due to attend a summit of the BRICS nations in China next […]

Hacktivist Cracks ISIS Twitter Accounts, Posts Rainbow Flags as Payback For Orlando Boast

Twitter user @WauchulaGhost told Newsweek they felt compelled to act after Omar Mateen went on the rampage, killing 49 people at Pulse nightclub in what appears to be a homophobic attack. Source Article from

Cyber warfare: Foreign special services have increased their online operations against Russia

     The head of Russia’s Security Council has said that the number of electronic attacks on Russian state bodies has nearly doubled and reiterated his demand for civil servants to stop using foreign-made messenger services at work. Nikolay Patrushev told the session of Russia’s top consultative body in charge of security that in 2015 over […]

Yemeni forces capture 150 Saudi mercenaries in Bayda: al-Masirah

Yemeni forces have reportedly captured at least 150 Saudi mercenaries in the war-hit country’s central province of al-Bayda. According to a report by Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news website, the Yemeni army, backed by Popular Committees loyal to the Houthi Ansarullah movement, caught Saudi mercenaries in Rada’ town on Tuesday as they were heading toward a Saudi […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

From LA to Ferguson: When Cops Get Caught Behaving Badly

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   There has much ado in the news about how corrupt the police agencies in America have become. That is why evidence of wrong doing is so precious, and in Los Angeles Lee Baca, a retired LA County Sheriff, provided […]

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