Posts Tagged ‘veterans news’

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – October 16, 2012

Veterans treatment courts have popped up across the country to help troubled Vets integrate with VA care to get the help they need. The courts were featured on a recent edition of 60 Minutes.

How Poor Leadership Threatens Israel

Is Netanyahu’s Iran War Hype a National Security Threat to America?               …by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor                          … and   Press TV   Bibi – Giving us all the finger There is no bigger threat to a nation’s national security than horrible leadership. And by that I mean the criminally negligent kind, where trials, […]

James H. Fetzer: 9/11 IRAN REVIEW Interview

  James H. Fetzer: Mossad Played a Crucial Role in 9/11 Attacks   Interview with James H. Fetzer By: Kourosh Ziabari   (THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012) – More than one decade after the 9/11 attacks which completely diverted the path of the U.S. foreign policy and led to the waging of two lethal, erosive wars […]

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for September 13, 2012

Here’s Today’s Department of Defense Contract Awards   DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY SNCT dba SNC Manufacturing*, Orocovis, Puerto Rico, was awarded contract SPM1C1-12-D-1063.  The award is a firm fixed price, indefinite delivery and indefinite quantity contract with a maximum $77,370,110 for Army combat uniform coats.  Other locations of performance are throughout Puerto Rico.  Using military service […]

Background to Mossad Try at Egypt Civil War over “Coptic” Film (Archival)

The similarity the Alexandria church operation showed to “Lavon Affair” the Israeli false flag operation in 1954 is not easy to overlook.   [Editors Note: We are rerunning this past attack as background on the long history of intelligence involvement in a large number of such attacks for the destabilizing religious conflicts that they can […]

Are Netanyahu and the Zionist lobby now a threat to the survival of the US-Israel relationship?

   …by Alan Hart   In her first response to the killing of the American ambassador and three others in Libya, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she had asked herself the question that many Americans were asking – how it could have happened? The most likely answer, it seems to me, is that […]

Obama to Appear at Comedy Show Instead of Meeting Netanyahu: Reports

The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VT or any other VT authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors or partners. Legal Notice Posted by Veterans Today on Sep 14 2012, With 0 Reads, Filed under Living. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS […]

Dagestan—‘Syria comes to Russia…’

 ——— By F. William Engdahl*  author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order                                   12 September 2012 ———-   Part I: Syria comes to the Russian Caucasus On August 28 Sheikh Said Afandi, acknowledged spiritual leader of the Autonomous Russian Republic of Dagestan, was assassinated. A jihadist female suicide bomber managed to […]

Blasphemous September: Insult to Religion or Freedom of Faith?

Who is  Orchestrating the Current Religious Upheaval…and Why?    …by  Dr. Ismail Salami   Members of English Defense League  That a blasphemous movie desecrating the person of the holy Prophet of Islam has been released in the United States simultaneously with the 9/11 tragic incident cannot be looked upon as sheer coincidence. In a coordinated […]

It’s the Occupation, Stupid

by Stephen Lendman   Haaretz contributor Amira Hass is right saying so. Current headlines highlight thousands of West Bank protesters. Palestinians took to the streets against unaffordable rising prices. In some areas, things got violent. Demonstrators smashed windows, tried to storm a municipality building, and clashed with police. On Sunday, trucks and taxis blocked the […]

What You Need to Know About VA Loans

As banks tighten lending standards, demand has increased tremendously for Veterans Affairs mortgages, known as VA loans. — The VA loan is one of the few mortgage options for borrowers who don’t have down payments, and is available to more than 22 million veterans and active military members. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is […]

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – September 14, 2012

Veterans! Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources   We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need   1.   Former Navy SEAL among Americans killed at consulate in Libya.  A former Navy SEAL was among the […]

An Apology

By Sami Jamil Jadallah   As an American and as a Muslim, I could not but feel the pain and loss the family of the late Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith and other officials feel for the lost of their loved ones. I feel the loss of my nation America and my people Americans and […]

In Praise of the “American Values”

  Mom and Apple Pie The current economic downturn has become life and death issue for the American public and their Government. What led it to its current state, who was/were responsible, and how it can recover are the topics filling up mainstream media and blogsphere for the past five years. Economists view it, as […]

US/Argentina Tie Seimens to Organized Crime

—— By Press TV  —- Carlos Moran filed his lawsuit in a federal court in Miami on Thursday, and is now demanding a compensation of USD 100 million from the Munich-based company, Bloomberg reported. Moran said he was working for the Argentinean regulatory agency in 2000, when he discovered numerous inconsistencies in a one-billion-dollar contract […]

Iran: Zionists have reached end of line: Ahmadinejad

——- By Press TV —– “I am confident that Zionists are goners and the world will be freed from their existence and justice will be established,” Ahmadinejad said on Friday. Although Zionists will fail to achieve their goals, all nations should remain vigilant against their plots, he added. The Iranian president said US decision-makers directing […]

Guardian: Anti-Islam Film Never Existed

Mystery deepens over US film linked to Benghazi protests ——– Cast say they were misled as evidence suggests film was post- dubbed and questions arise over funding and identity of director ——— By Rory Carroll, ——–  (Photo and video not Guardian whose article is deceptive and contradictory, Editor) The anti-Islamic video that inflamed mayhem in […]

Taylor Swift – Ronan’s Song, a Magic Carpet to Fly Away

 What Can a Four Year Old Boy Teach Us All About Living and Dying?              …by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor Taylor Swift delivers her signature song for Ronan I had never heard about Ronan Thompson before today. As usual I just bumped into his story while quickly scanning page links while working on […]

Pashtun Awakening: Defeat the Taliban by Changing the Narrative

By Khalil Nouri, Editor   WASHINGTON, D.C. – The New World Strategies Coalition, a think tank founded by native Afghans which creates nonmilitary solutions for Afghanistan, released its latest policy brief today entitled, Pashtun Awakening: Defeat the Taliban by Changing the Narrative. The policy brief outlines a solution for resolving the situation in Afghanistan by […]

Top Ten Reasons Obama Will Appear on Letterman instead of Meeting Netanyahu

The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VT or any other VT authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors or partners. Legal Notice Posted by Kevin Barrett on Sep 15 2012, With 0 Reads, Filed under Humor, Of Interest. You can follow any responses to this entry through […]

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