Posts Tagged ‘universal’

Universal Law vs Martial Law

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Is The ‘Universal’ Christian Church Supported by Scripture?

Here we continue with another chapter from Charles Weisman’s book Is Universalism of God? — with his important critique of the so-called “universal church” promoted by literally every mainstream “judeo-Christian” church. The Universal Church One of the main arguments among Universalists — and humanist Christians — is that after the [crucifixion], Jesus supposedly established a […]

The Swastika Has a Universal Meaning: Salvation

“The Nazis had an incredible sense of design and a deep understanding of iconography and branding, which is one reason why these symbols still have power over people today. These symbols have been reappropriated yet again for a new purpose. This powerful sigil was used to cast a spell and project black, negative energy over […]

Immortality of the Universal Mind

Thoughts on Manly P Hall’s, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. In Ray Kurzweil’s 2005 book on “The Singularity is Near” he does not even talk about the “Mind-Body” problem of Consciousness. He makes it quite clear that they are awakening “Consciousness” but that it’s not the same type of Consciousness (i.e. the spirit or […]

Cracking the Code to Discover Ancient Tarot Symbolism and Forgotten Universal Knowledge

How old is the Tarot? This is a question that seems easy to answer today. As playing cards, we can confidently map the Tarot to the early 15th century. Mystery solved? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Read more Section:  News Opinion Guest Authors Read Later  Source

The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.  The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.  This should set off alarm bells for all […]

More than 70% of Democrats back government-run universal healthcare: poll

Across the political spectrum, 57% of respondents said they believe the government should ensure everyone in the U.S. has health coverage. Source

mRNA Universal Injections Are “The Future” Even As They Alter, Maim & Kill Many Who Take Them – Why?

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/11/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The “Multivalent” Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine & Mandatory Vaccination Bill Passes In British Columbia

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/26/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Admitting They Are Lying Full of S#it Mass Murderers, One Baby Step At A Time-CDC no longer recommends universal masking in health facilities

The CDC (Criminal Division of Child Mass Murder) Is admitting one baby step at a time the evil child mass murdering lying demonically possessed degenerate sons of bitches and bitches taking bribes to mass murder Americans are full of shit, completely wrong about everything, and in dire need of hanging. No one anywhere in the […]

CDC Drops Universal Masking Recommendation for Healthcare Workers

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly dropped its universal masking recommendation for healthcare workers last week. Source

Universal Basic Income Will Be Linked to Your Digital ID Which Will Be Linked to Your Social Credit Score – So Who’s Pushing For it?

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 • ( 7 COMMENTS ) “A Universal Basic Income (UBI) is where a government pays all individuals a set salary regardless of their means. It guarantees a certain amount of money from the state without any requirement to work” In this article, wrote ThreadsIrish, I am not going to dig deep into the economic reasons […]

Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forebearance Are Universal Values Transcending Nations and Cultures: Chinese Expatriate

With Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, overseas Chinese are sending their festival greetings to Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, to express their appreciation and gratitude for Mr. Li and Faun Gong practitioners. Every year at major Chinese festivals, Chinese people from China and overseas send their best wishes to Mr. Li via digital means, […]

Is Universal Basic Income Part Of A Just Transition?

In the remote rural village of Dauphin, in the Canadian province of Manitoba, economists tried out an unusual experiment. In the 1970s, they persuaded the provincial government to give cash payments to poorer families to see if a guaranteed basic income could improve their outcomes. During the years of this “Mincome” experiment, families received a […]

Scientists Convert Donor Lungs to Universal Blood Type in a Medical First

Scientists Convert Donor Lungs to Universal Blood Type in a Medical First Rh Negative Facts  Rhesusnegative.netFebruary 24, 20220 [embedded content] Patients can wait a long time for potentially life-saving lung transplants, since the need to find close matches complicates the process. One of the characteristics that need to be matched is patient and donor blood […]

The battle for Palestinian rights is universal

Last summer, after the Israeli government dubbed 6 Palestinian human rights organizations “terrorists,” Mondoweiss had the distinct honor of publishing statements from the Palestinian leaders of each organization. Their statements were courageous, tough, and thoughtful – each one of them more inspiring than the last as a pronouncement of sumud, or steadfastness. Just reading the words of such […]

Gavin Newsom to Reimpose Universal Mask Mandates in California, Even for Vaccinated

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will reimpose universal indoor mask mandates in the Golden State, even for vaccinated people. On Monday, California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly announced the new mandate due to a spike in cases since Thanksgiving, hailing masks as a “tool we know has worked” despite evidence of the contrary. “This is […]

Stopping antimicrobial resistance is the bedrock for advancing universal health coverage

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day is 12 December Stopping antimicrobial resistance by promoting infection prevention, responsible and appropriate use of antimicrobial medicines in human health, livestock and food systems, is the bedrock for promoting universal health coverage. Failing this, the absence of efficacious antimicrobials will effectively return the world to the pre-antibiotic era before the […]

Los Angeles Launches Largest Universal Basic Income Pilot

Los Angeles Launches Largest Universal Basic Income Pilot Date: October 28, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: Grace Dean via Business InsiderLos Angeles is launching a universal-basic income (UBI) pilot program, set to be the biggest in the US so far.The scheme will give about 3,000 families in poverty $1,000 a month for a year, and there are […]

Chicago To Launch Huge Universal Basic Income Program

Chicago To Launch Huge Universal Basic Income Program Date: October 28, 2021Author: Nwo Report Even though UBI trials have not produced tangible benefits to society, city after city continues to take the plunge, expecting different results. Americans are generally against UBI, preferring work to being on the government dole. Some claim that robots will displace […]

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