Posts Tagged ‘invaders’

Biden’s Treasonous Border Crisis: Illegal Invaders From Venezuela Plant Venezuelan Flag on Texas Island Near Eagle Pass (VIDEO)

Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Invaders From Venezuela Plant Venezuelan Flag on Texas Island Near Eagle Pass (VIDEO) Source

1982 Beirut welcomes invaders with 3 bullets and a cup of coffee

24 Sep 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Myriam Charabaty The Wimpy Operation in Hamra, Beirut, drove the invading Israeli Occupation Forces of 1982 out of Beirut as it proved that Resistance is Beirut’s popular choice. Believing they had conquered Beirut, the first Arab capital to be invaded, Israeli soldiers believed they owned the city […]

Nitwityahoo Calls For Expulsion Of Illegal Invaders From Occupied Palestine

IsraHell Prime Minister Benjaming Nitwityahoo has convened a special meeting of his Khazarian terrorist cabinet to examine ways to immediately expel invaders who were involved in violence. Several of Netanyahu’s red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Terrorist ministers issued statements decrying violence. “Israel is a country of law”. red Russian Khazarian occupiers of Palestine dressed […]

Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead Of ‘Ukraine’

Aging Iraq Invaders Keep Accidentally Saying ‘Iraq’ Instead Of ‘Ukraine’ by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter June 29, 2023   President Biden accidentally referred to Putin’s war in “Iraq” when answering questions from the press, a year after former president George W Bush made the same gaffe. Both men played crucial roles in the push to […]

Invasive Species red Russian Khazarian Terrorist Invaders Rampage as The Holocaust of Semitic Indigenous Palestinians Continue-Mean While Palestinian Children’s Art Work of Them Being Traumatized By Invading Khazarian Terrorist Displayed in In UK Hospitals Removed Because the Truth “Traumatizes” Jews

“FOR A JEW, NOTHING IS MORE INSULTING THAN THE TRUTH”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsynsyn-Nobel Prize winning novelist, Historian and victim of Jewish Terrorist. In 2 months, Invasive species Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Mongrel Khazarian Jewish Terrorist have Holocausted at least 64 Palestinians (one last night). Mean while in England, Palestinian children’s artwork depicting their torture […]

AOC Claims Criminal Illegal Invaders Who Rape Children, Steal, Rob, Carjack, Murder While demanding “Free” Everything Are A “Blessing”

The bug eyed bimbo AOC brow beats Americans who do not want their country over run with the criminal gentuza from 3ed world countries who have no wish to assimilate into American society. The pimped out political prostitute said:“Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer […]

AOC Claims Criminal Illegal Invaders Who Rape Children, Steal, Rob, Carjack, Murder While demanding “Free” Everything Are A “Blessing”

The bug eyed bimbo AOC brow beats Americans who do not want their country over run with the criminal gentuza from 3ed world countries who have no wish to assimilate into American society. The pimped out political prostitute said:“Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer […]

AOC Claims Criminal Illegal Invaders Who Rape Children, Steal, Rob, Carjack, Murder While demanding “Free” Everything Are A “Blessing”

The bug eyed bimbo AOC brow beats Americans who do not want their country over run with the criminal gentuza from 3ed world countries who have no wish to assimilate into American society. The pimped out political prostitute said:“Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer […]

AOC Claims Criminal Illegal Invaders Who Rape Children, Steal, Rob, Carjack, Murder While demanding “Free” Everything Are A “Blessing”

The bug eyed bimbo AOC brow beats Americans who do not want their country over run with the criminal gentuza from 3ed world countries who have no wish to assimilate into American society. The pimped out political prostitute said:“Many of us understand that immigrants and refugees are a blessing. They have so much to offer […]

Legs Straight Up In The Air Harris Says “border is secure” As 500 Invaders Sneak Into Texas At One Crossing Point In One Night

Legs straight up in the air under married politicians 40 years older than her Harris said “the border is secure”.She must have meant the border of her Depends undergarments as even a low IQed floozy should understand when 500 illegal criminal invaders can march calmly over the Mexico-Texas border in one place in one night, […]

Legs Straight Up In The Air Harris Says “border is secure” As 500 Invaders Sneak Into Texas At One Crossing Point In One Night

Legs straight up in the air under married politicians 40 years older than her Harris said “the border is secure”.She must have meant the border of her Depends undergarments as even a low IQed floozy should understand when 500 illegal criminal invaders can march calmly over the Mexico-Texas border in one place in one night, […]

Islam Reached India through Arab Traders rather than Invaders

Cheraman Juma Masjid in Kodungalloor Islam’s diffusion towards India occurred due to Arab Traders rather than Invaders as imagined by the RSS ideologue, Mohan Baghwat in his latest statement. This is substantially substantiated by the building up of the first mosque by these Arabs in Kodungallur (modern Kerala which had nothing in common with what […]

jewish Head of DHS Admits At Least 12,000 Illegal Haitian Invaders Released Into U.S.

jewish supremacists have made it clear that their goal is to destroy the White world. While they lock us down and require vaccine passports, Haitians are given free access to the country and don’t even get tested. This goes to show what a fraud their whole war on Covid really is, if it wasn’t already […]

Welcoming An “Unrelenting Stream” of Black Invaders Into the U.S.

Remember when Biden talked about how a “constant, unrelenting stream of immigration, not in little trickles but in large numbers,” is a source of our strength? Link Share now! Source

ACH (1475) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Neuro Hacking Brain Invaders

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1475) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Neuro Hacking Brain Invaders Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on March 19 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Neuro Hacking Brain Invaders.” […]

jew Wants to Integrate Invaders to Make Them “As Swedish as Me”

jews have wormed their way into every White country and are using their influence to open up borders and bring in an invasion of aliens. WorldTruth link

Muslim Invaders Try to Justify Their Unwanted Presence in the UK

Two Muslims don’t like hearing the truth about the invasion. SUPPORT MP

WATCH: OnlyFans Star Opens Fire on Alleged Home Invaders

OnlyFans star Ansley Pacheco opened fire on alleged home invaders who burst into her Miami-Dade County, Florida, home on October 4 just before 8:45 p.m. The Daily Mail reports that the two alleged armed invaders made their way into the home as friends of Pacheco’s husband, Daniel, arrived to watch a Miami Heat basketball game […]

France: Groids & Leftists March in Favour of Undocumented Invaders

After a French school teacher gets beheaded by a raghead, thousands of French have decided that they need more moslem terrorists in their country. BREAKING – France: Protesters on the march towards the Elysee in Paris to demand the regularization of undocumented migrants, the closure of detention centers, and housing for — 🚨 […]

Climate Change, Not Aryan Invaders, Caused the Harappan Culture’s Dramatic Fall

The Indus Civilization was one of the most important Bronze Age civilizations. It was comparable in its achievements to the Egyptians and it is often claimed that it was very influential in the development of later societies in the Indian subcontinent. However, the reason why this ancient civilization fell is one of the ancient world’s […]

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