Posts Tagged ‘mosques’

Gaza officials: IOF destroyed 1k mosques, dozens of cemeteries

 January 22, 2024 Source: News websites By Al Mayadeen English Gaza’s Endowments Ministry reports that since October 7, more than 1,000 out of 1,200 mosques have been razed by “Israel”. In a statement released on Sunday, the Palestinian Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Gaza reported that Israeli forces have so far destroyed over 1,000  […]

Gaza Endures 14 Days of Aggression as Israeli Raids Target Churches, Mosques

 October 20, 2023 In a shocking escalation of the ongoing barbaric bombing, the Gaza Strip continues to bear the brunt of the Israeli aggression for the fourteenth consecutive day. With no respite in sight, the occupying forces launched a series of relentless airstrikes throughout the region. Tragically, the impact of these attacks reached even the […]

Christians Officially Become Minority in UK as Mosques Open Where Famous Churches Stood For Centuries

Christians are now officially in the minority in the UK, with census results revealing that less than half of the population in England and Wales ascribe to the faith, while hundreds of new mosques are […] The post Christians Officially Become Minority in UK as Mosques Open Where Famous Churches Stood For Centuries appeared first […]

Mosques and Shrines: Helmsman Beware

During the heyday of the Non-co-operation Movement led by Gandhijee,the firebrand Bengali rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam wrote a poem where he held out a warning to the leaders.He was aware of rising Hindu-Muslim tensions and growing indiscipline among its ranks.The title and the first line of the poem is :”Beware helmsman!”,obviously addressing the leaders […]

New Zealand honours bravery of 10 people during Christchurch mosques attack

New Zealand road worker Wayne Maley was one of 10 people given official bravery awards Thursday for helping to save lives during a deadly attack on two mosques in Christchurch in 2019. Fifty-one people were killed by a gunman at two mosques in the city on March 15 that year. Maley, who was one of […]

Kosovars get COVID vaccine after Friday prayer at mosques

Kosovo’s health authorities are trying a new technique to persuade people to get the COVID-19 vaccine — cooperating with the Muslim community at Friday prayers. Imams around Kosovo called on the faithful to get the jab while medical teams waited in the mosques’ yards to inoculate them. Despite a recent fall of daily new cases, […]

We Need More Hospitals, Not Temple or Mosques

Written by Bobby Ramakant and Sandeep Pandey             As India runs a drive for vaccination against Covid the nature reminds us about our diminutiveness by an accompanying surge in Covid cases. In 2020, India had reported the highest number of 98,795 cases in 24 hours on 17 September 2020 but now the new unfortunate peak […]

2 arrested in New Zealand for online threats to Christchurch mosques which saw deadly white supremacist attack in 2019

Police in New Zealand have detained two individuals accused of making online threats against two Mosques in the city of Christchurch, both of which were the scene of the country’s most deadly shooting in 2019. “Any messages of hate or people wanting to cause harm in our community will not be tolerated – it’s not […]

Jerusalem mayor threatens to ban unvaccinated Arabs from attending mosques

Muslim residents of East Jerusalem won’t be allowed to visit mosques if they refuse to join Israel’s vaccination drive, the city’s Mayor Moshe Lion has warned community leaders in Arab neighborhoods. The people in the Muslim part of the city were “indifferent” to being vaccinated against the coronavirus and needed extra persuasion to get the […]

One of the world’s oldest mosques found in Tiberias, Israel

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France eyes shutting dozens of mosques suspected of ‘separatism’

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

 A Comparison of Respect for the Sanctity of Mosques in France, the US, and China

France has seen a spate of attacks carried out by radicalized Muslims. The attacks and killings must be denounced. But more so must one denounce the terrorism and killings carried out by the French state against Muslims in its wars abroad. In a move that gives a strong inkling of French values, the French state […]

Christian Slovakia Officially Outlaws Mosques, Effectively Banishing Islam From Their Nation

Slovakia — a nation whose Christian history and culture reaches back over 1,000 years — has officially banned mosques from being established anywhere in the country, and thereby effectively banning Islam from the Central European nation: Slovakia has introduced measures making it the country with the toughest laws against Islam in all of Europe. In […]

Mosque gunman intended to blow up mosques, attack a third, New Zealand court told

The white supremacist who slaughtered 51 worshippers at two New Zealand mosques had intended to burn down the mosques afterwards, a prosecutor said in court on Monday, while describing two of those praying as making heroic efforts to stop the mass shooting. New details about the March 2019 attacks were outlined during the first day […]

Austria to Expel up to 60 Imams, Close 7 Mosques

Austria said Friday it could expel up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families and would shut down seven mosques as part of a crackdown on “political Islam”, triggering impotent fury in Ankara. “The circle of people possibly affected by these measures – the pool that we’re talking about – comprises around 60 imams,” said […]

Al-Qaeda warns Saudi crown prince over replacing mosques with cinemas

The Sunni terrorist group said that Mohammad bin Salman replaced mosques with cinemas and gave up on religious texts in a statement on its Madad news bulletin, cited by SITE Intelligence Group. The influence of atheist and secular views has paved the way for corruption and moral degradation in Saudi Araba, the group said in its […]

Facebook, Whatsapp blocked as Buddhists attack mosques in Sri Lanka

The state of emergency was imposed after Buddhists attacked mosques and Muslim-owned businesses in the central highlands district of Kandy. On Wednesday the government asked internet service providers to shut down access to social media sites following reports of Facebook posts calling for attacks on Muslims. Telecommunications companies have also restricted general internet access in […]

PA: 96 Israel violations against Al-Aqsa, Al-Ibrahimi Mosques

There were 96 Israeli violations against Al-Aqsa and Al-Ibrahimi Mosques in February, the Palestinian Ministry of Waqf revealed on Sunday. In a statement, the ministry also revealed nine Israeli projects aimed at Judaising Jerusalem, noting that they are planned to be carried out beneath the Old City. The statement also revealed that the Israeli occupation […]

Mozambican authorities ordered closure of three mosques over alleged Islamist terrorism links

nsnbc : Following an attempted armed uprising by Islamists on October 5 – 6 in Mocimboa, the Mozambican government has ordered the closure of […]

israel doing nothing to stop attacks on churches and mosques

Israel doing nothing to stop attacks on churches and mosques Tamara Nassar Stained glass and a statue of the Virgin Mary were among the items destroyed in the latest attack on St. Stephen’s church at Beit Jamal, west of Jerusalem. (Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem) Since 2009, at least 53 churches and mosques have been vandalized […]

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