Posts Tagged ‘outlaws’

Louisiana Outlaws People With Penises From Women’s Restrooms: ‘Enough is Enough’

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed a bill on Wednesday outlawing biological males from using women’s restrooms and public facilities, which will take effect on August 1. “Enough is enough,” Landry said. “Louisiana will not allow biological men to take advantage of opportunities for women.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered […]

Canada Borderline Bans Christianity, Outlaws Reading Aloud From Bible in Public

    The Trudeau government has introduced a bill that could land Christians in prison for quoting the Bible or expressing a traditional faith-based opinion if the Canadian government deems it “promotion of hatred or antisemitism.” Bill C-367, purported to amend the Criminal Code, will redefine the boundaries of free speech, criminalizing public Bible readings, […]

Noxious Appalling Toxic Outlaws

Ukraine used US-made chemical weapons – Russia Moscow claims that Washington and Kiev have violated the articles of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Washington and Kiev have violated articles of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as Ukrainian forces have used illegal munitions on the battlefield, Russian Lieutenant General […]

Israel outlaws human rights – #30

Israel on Friday banned six leading Palestinian human rights groups, my colleagues Ali Abunimah and Maureen Murphy at The Electronic Intifada reported. Al-Haq, Addameer, Defense for Children International Palestine, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees and the Bisan Center for Research and Development were all designated as “terror” groups […]

Proekt: Russia outlaws investigative media outlet and labels journalists ‘foreign agents’

Russian authorities have outlawed an investigative online media outlet and listed its journalists as “foreign agents”. The US-based publisher of Proekt was declared an “undesirable” organisation on Thursday by Russia’s Prosecutor General’s office. The move to effectively ban the outlet’s activities is seen as the latest in a series of steps to raise pressure on […]

Russian Court Outlaws Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny’s Groups

MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow court on Wednesday night outlawed the organizations founded by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny by labeling them extremist, the latest move in a campaign to silence dissent and bar Kremlin critics from running for parliament in September. The Moscow City Court’s ruling, effective immediately, prevents people associated with Navalny’s Foundation […]

Texas Officially OUTLAWS Mask Mandates

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has issued an executive order outlawing the enforcement of unconstitutional mask wearing in the state, and will issue $1000 fine to any official who attempts to do so. The order will come into full effect on June 4th and will apply everywhere, including in schools. As of May 21st the fines […]

France finally outlaws sex with children under 15 after Duhamel-Kouchner incest scandal reignites age of consent debate

French lawmakers have adopted a law cracking down on sex with children and incest, following a social media firestorm touched off by allegations of incestuous abuse against a prominent intellectual earlier this year. The Assemblee Nationale voted unanimously on Thursday to set the age of consent at 15, classifying sex with children under that age […]

Denmark outlaws sex without explicit consent with unanimous passing of new law on rape

Danish MPs have passed a new law which makes sex without explicit consent illegal, with all parliamentary parties voting in favor of the motion. Women’s rights activists have labeled it “a great day for women.” Sex without explicit consent has been outlawed in Denmark following the passing of a new rape law by MPs on […]

Norway Outlaws ‘Hate Speech’ Against Transgender and Bisexual People

Photo Credit: Mikita Karasiou/Unsplash (Thomson Reuters Foundation) — Norway’s parliament outlawed hate speech against transgender and bisexual people on Nov. 10, expanding its penal code which has protected gay and lesbian people since 1981. People found guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private remarks, and a […]

Christian Slovakia Officially Outlaws Mosques, Effectively Banishing Islam From Their Nation

Slovakia — a nation whose Christian history and culture reaches back over 1,000 years — has officially banned mosques from being established anywhere in the country, and thereby effectively banning Islam from the Central European nation: Slovakia has introduced measures making it the country with the toughest laws against Islam in all of Europe. In […]

Iranian FM on US Targeting Passenger Jet: ‘These Outlaws Must be Stopped’

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New U.S. ‘Hate Speech’ Law Outlaws Criticism of Israeli Occupation

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — The state of South Carolina will become the first state in the nation to legislate a definition of anti-Semitism that considers certain criticisms of the Israeli government to be hate speech. The language, which was inserted into the state’s recently passed $8 billion budget, offers a much more vague definition […]

California Gov. Jerry Brown Outlaws Homelessness

California Governor Jerry Brown has outlawed homelessness in Los Angeles, banning tens of thousands of vagrants from using cars and RVs as temporary shelter. Under cruel new laws, it is now illegal to sleep in a car or RV between 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. reports: Fines will range anywhere from $25 to $75 […]

South Carolina’s New Hate Speech Law Outlaws Criticism of the Israeli Occupation

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — The state of South Carolina will become the first state in the nation to legislate a definition of anti-Semitism that considers certain criticisms of the Israeli government to be hate speech. The language, which was inserted into the state’s recently passed $8 billion budget, offers a much more vague definition of anti-Semitism […]

Critics lash out as Malaysia outlaws ‘fake news’

Critics fear the new law will be used to stifle opposition to the government ahead of August’s general election. Prime Minister Najib Razak secured a majority in the Malaysian parliament for the Anti-Fake News bill on Monday. Early drafts of the bill had initially set out 10-year prison terms for offenders but that was later […]

Iran Outlaws Use Of US Dollar

Iran has announced a complete ban on merchants trading with the US dollar, as part of an ongoing trade war with the West. According to the Central Bank of Iran’s director of Foreign Exchange Rules and Policies Affairs, Mehdi Kasraeipour, the policy is specifically meant to address fluctuations in market rates of the US dollar. Russia […]

Outlaws and Sheriffs in the Wild Wild Mid-East – A Birds Eye View

Andrew KorybkoGlobal Village The past week was very geopolitically eventful for the Mideast even by the region’s dynamic standards, which shows that a new international order is indeed being formed there but that serious challenges still remain to its ultimate fruition.  The prevailing trend is that the region is becoming more multipolar as the imminent […]

Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution

(Natural News) It would seem that Sweden’s Parliament truly cares about doing what is best for its people. Rather than bowing to pressure by pharmaceutical companies or the scare-tactics of the mainstream media, the Swedish government recently adopted a decision to refuse to enforce the compulsory or mandatory vaccination of its citizens. Such a mandate, […]

Latin America’s Debts to the British Empire: Simón Bolívar in the Debt Labyrinth

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