Posts Tagged ‘effectively’

New bill that would effectively ban TikTok in US passes House

The bill would ban TikTok in the U.S. unless the social media platform’s parent company, ByteDance, divests its holdings. Source

Iceland Effectively Bans COVID Vaccines After Post-Vax Excess Deaths Massacre, US Funeral Home Market Jumps 30%

Context: Normally a 1% difference in excess deaths in a country would be notable. Four five and six percent are levels seen during COVID, after COVID deaths had all but disappeared in Iceland. Icelandic daily newspaper Morgunbladid via The Expose: Icelandic Government Quietly (Very Quietly) Removes Covid Vaccines. For now. By Sasha Latypova, November 21, 2023 […]

Florida Effectively Bans Central Bank Digital Currency

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday signed legislation effectively banning any Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the Sunshine State — a move he teased earlier this year. Source

Policing the Elite’s Technocracy: How Do We Resist This Effectively?

Policing the Elite’s Technocracy: How Do We Resist This Effectively? By Robert J. Burrowes Global Research, April 15, 2023 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to […]

Top Doctor Paul Marik Sues Own Hospital to Effectively Treat COVID Patients

December 1, 2021 Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most respected critical-care doctors in the world, was forced to sue his own hospital in order to be able to treat COVID patients with effective treatments and medications, he told The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. He was using […]

How to easily and effectively wake up your friends & family

What crazy times it is to be a “truther”, watching your predictions unfold in record speed. Many of them laughed at you… But, will they still listen? Right now families are being torn apart due to difference in opinions as to what is going on in the world, and despite us truthers believing our knowledge […]

How To More Effectively Disagree In Biblical Matters

Recently we came across something called “Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement” (pictured below), which was based off of an essay written by Paul Graham called “How to Disagree“. The essay resonated with us, as it highlighted many of the observations we have come to in our own lives when it comes to discussing and analyzing the […]

CDC Says A New COVID Variant May Be Needed To Effectively Bury Afghanistan News

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Officials at the CDC said today that the surprising virulence and persistence of Afghanistan news may require a whole new COVID variant to distract the country from it. “We’re concerned that the only way to cure the administration of all this bad publicity may be a prolonged, shrieking freak-out over a new COVID variant,” […]

The Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Remote Employees Effectively

By Vincent Tricarico Most people dream about having the chance to work remotely. Working in your pajamas with a pet on your lap—what is not to love about it? However, some employees may not be completely sold on the idea. Worst-case scenario visions may pop into their head: employees slacking off due to at-home distractions, employees […]

In NZ every medical and para medical registration body has sent letters to members effectively “gagging” the expression of ANY concerns regarding the CV VX in NZ

From The Health Forum NZ fb page In New Zealand every medical and para medical registration body has sent letters to members effectively “gagging” the expression of ANY concerns regarding the CV V in New Zealand. * A few weeks ago over 30 GPs signed an open letter of concern regarding several issues relating to […]

Hungary amends constitution to effectively ban gay adoption

Hungary amended the definition of family in its constitution Tuesday to allow an effective ban on adoption by same-sex couples, another win for the ruling conservatives but decried by one pro-LGBTQ group as “a dark day for human rights.”The nationalist Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has worked to recast Hungary in a more […]

Susan Rice: Obama ‘Very Effectively’ Turned the Knife on Trump’s ‘Incompetence,’ ‘Corruption’

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice said on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that former President Barack Obama “very effectively” turned the knife into President Donald Trump’s “incompetence” and “corruption” during a campaign speech in Philadelphia. O’Donnell said, “I thought of you today when I heard the president say in that last passage especially, […]

Louie Gohmert Reintroduces Resolution to Effectively ‘Cancel’ the Democrat Party over Ties to Slavery

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is reintroducing a privileged resolution that would have House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) essentially remove “any item that names, symbolizes or mentions any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported slavery or the Confederacy, from any area within the House wing of the Capitol or […]

Christian Slovakia Officially Outlaws Mosques, Effectively Banishing Islam From Their Nation

Slovakia — a nation whose Christian history and culture reaches back over 1,000 years — has officially banned mosques from being established anywhere in the country, and thereby effectively banning Islam from the Central European nation: Slovakia has introduced measures making it the country with the toughest laws against Islam in all of Europe. In […]

Qatar ‘effectively dismantles’ employment system criticized as abusive towards foreigners

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State Sets Massive Precedent, Passes Law To Effectively Ban The NSA

By Rachel Blevins Michigan has become the first state to ban the National Security Agency’s intrusive data collection practices by passing a law that prohibits law enforcement and state agencies from turning over personal data to the federal government without due process. The Fourth Amendment Rights Protection Act, or HB4430, will go into […]

Father Effectively Treats Daughters’ Crohn’s Disease by Juicing Cannabis

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times ABC News Australia recently reported on a story about a desperate father. Stephen Taylor’s two daughters were fighting Crohn’s disease, which causes chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. When all else failed, Taylor turned to juicing cannabis and discovered that the plant may have the potential to cure […]

Internal border checks must stay until EU can "effectively protect" its borders – German minister

     Internal border checks must stay in place in Germany for as long as the EU fails to protect its external borders, newly-appointed German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said, slamming the Schengen Agreement. “As things stand now, there are not too many border points in Germany that are permanently occupied,” Seehofer told German weekly newspaper […]

Internal border checks must stay until EU can ‘effectively’ shield its borders – German minister

“As things stand now, there are not too many border points in Germany that are permanently occupied,” Seehofer told German weekly newspaper Die Welt am Sonntag. German army exposed as lacking basic equipment for NATO missions – report “We will discuss whether that needs to change. After all, it is not just about preventing people […]

Brazil’s largest newspaper abandons Facebook for "effectively banning professional journalism" with new algorithm

     The largest newspaper in Brazil, Folha de S Paulo, announced late last week that due to Facebook’s recent changes to their news feed algorithm resulting in what the paper claims is “effectively banning professional journalism,” it would cease publishing content on the social media platform. The Guardian reported that the popular Brazilian newspaper has […]

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