Posts Tagged ‘precedent’

CUNY encampment felony charges could set a dangerous precedent for Palestine organizing

Ten CUNY students are still facing felony charges from the police raid on City College’s Gaza encampment. If convicted, the ruling would set a precedent for prosecuting pro-Palestinian students and organizers across the United States. Source

Supreme Court’s abortion pill decision could set precedent for contraception rights

Image Credit: Planned Parenthood The Supreme Court’s deliberation over the fate of mifepristone, a cornerstone drug for reproductive freedom, has ignited concerns about a domino effect that could jeopardize access to a broad range of healthcare services, including birth control and gender-affirming treatments. This legal battle unfolds against the backdrop of concerted Republican efforts to […]

Pastor in Nepal Fears Conviction Sets Ominous Precedent

Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya and wife Junu. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – As he awaits prison after a wrongful conviction for proselytizing, Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya fears his case will set a precedent for authorities in Nepal to incarcerate other Christians, he said. The 35-year-old pastor said he fears police and judiciary […]

NATO/CIA False Flag Operation in Racak in 1999 Set Precedent for Similar Operations in Syria and Ukraine that Were Designed to Create a Pretext For Military Intervention

Burials in Račak after the 1999 massacre. [Source:] Clinton administration claimed Serbian forces massacred civilians when deaths at Račak resulted from fighting between Serbian Army and terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which Washington supported A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain We are […]

United Nations Rips ‘Dangerous Precedent’ Of Elon Musk’s Chilling Crackdown On Journalists

Musk “sets a dangerous precedent at a time when journalists all over the world are facing censorship, physical threats, and even worse,” said a spokesperson. Source

Putin says U.S. created nuclear PRECEDENT by bombing Japan [TRUE] and vows to ‘smash’ the ‘satanic’ [TRUE] West: Explains USA is STILL occupying Germany, [TRUE, & JAPAN] Ratchild’s USA blew up Nord Stream [TRUE] and warns he’ll use ‘all forces’ to defend annexed Ukraine regions

What the red Russian Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarian KGB agent the Putinister said is fact. Course he is a Ratschild bitch also and the “war” in Ukraine is an illusion for the sheep, as the Putinister is following the Ratschild’s orders the same as the little children raping treasonous degenerates in Soddom and Gomorrah on […]

Precedent Setting Lawsuit: New Orleans Grill to Recover DAMAGES For Lockdown Losses

New Orleans Grill Becomes First Business Allowed By Court To Recover Damages For COVID-19 Lockdown Losses BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, JUN 22, 2022 – 08:15 AM Authored by Michael Washburn via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Oceana Grill, a popular seafood restaurant in New Orleans, has achieved a first-of-its-kind victory in its long-running legal battle to receive payouts […]

Supreme Court Sets Dangerous Precedent Of Letting The American People Make Medical Decisions For Themselves

U.S.—The SCOTUS has struck down Biden’s vaccine mandates on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. Experts say this sets a dangerous precedent of letting individuals make their own medical decisions. “What am I supposed to do now that I don’t have private companies working with the Federal government to force me to inject a foreign […]

Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice

On Friday, the English High Court paved the way for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States and tried over the publication of hundreds of thousands of documents, some of which contained evidence of US and British war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The decision reversed a ruling in January by a lower […]

Syria Massacre Coverup Shows Danger Of Assange Precedent

The New York Times has published a very solid investigative report on a U.S. military coverup of a 2019 massacre in Baghuz, Syria which killed scores of civilians. This would be the second investigative report on civilian-slaughtering U.S. airstrikes by The New York Times in a matter of weeks, and if I were a more conspiracy-minded person I’d say the paper of […]

US Coverup Of Syria Massacre Shows The Danger Of The Assange Precedent

The New York Times has published a very solid investigative report on a US military coverup of a 2019 massacre in Baghuz, Syria which killed scores of civilians. This would be the second investigative report on civilian-slaughtering US airstrikes by The New York Times in a matter of weeks, and if I were a more conspiracy-minded person I’d say […]

Marwa Osman on Israel’s genocide of Gaza, and the new precedent of united regional Resistance

Eva Bartlett  A very informative discussion with Beirut-based journalist and political analyst Marwa Osman, on the litany of Israeli crimes against Palestinians in Gaza during Israel’s horrifying bombardment of the besieged and densely inhabited Gaza Strip. Note: as of May 19: Ministry of Health in Gaza: 219 Palestinians massacred, including 63 children, 36 women and injuring […]

The Forgotten Precedent for Our ‘Unprecedented’ Political Insanity

European visitors were stunned. Many wrote home about the wild spectacle of an American election, watching “people living as far asunder as the population of Paris is from that of St. Petersburg” simultaneously break out in political debate. To Europeans, it looked like a festival of diversity, anchored by working-class young white marchers and filled […]

In precedent, court rules school can bar unvaccinated, untested worker

In a landmark ruling, a Tel Aviv labor court ruled Sunday that a school can prevent unvaccinated employees who refuse to have regular COVID-19 tests from coming to work, determining that the children’s safety takes precedence over staff’s rights. The ruling came in the case of a teaching assistant at a school in the town […]

Episode 395 – Precedent Trump

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? What, in other words, was Precedent Trump? Watch on […]

Temporary nuclear deal with Iran buys time for Biden, but sets bad precedent

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Joe Biden Ditches Mask Precedent in the Oval Office

President Joe Biden on Thursday abandoned his precedent of wearing a mask in the Oval Office as he signed executive actions on health care. “Since we are socially distanced, I think I can take my mask off and make this very brief announcement,” Biden said after reporters entered the Oval Office. The president spoke to […]

Attorney: Trump Impeachment Sets Precedent Presidents Are Responsible For Actions of Their Supporters

Attorney Jonathan Turley has warned that the impending impeachment of Donald Trump over the storming of Capitol Hill sets the precedent that presidents can be impeached for the actions of their supporters. Top Democrats say they “have the votes” to introduce articles of impeachment against Trump for “inciting an insurrectionist mob” during last week’s incident. […]

Why impeach Trump at this late date? One word, says Bernie Sanders: ‘Precedent’

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday delivered a one-word answer to those wondering why Congress should impeach President Donald Trump even though he only has days left in office: Precedent. “It must be made clear that no president, now or in the future, can lead an insurrection against the U.S. government,” Sanders (I-Vt.) tweeted Friday amid […]

Trump hands Biden a precedent: Terrorists can be negotiated with

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