Posts Tagged ‘abandons’

Meta abandons free speech principles, adopts globalist thought police guidelines to block speech

(NaturalNews) Social media platforms like Facebook have made no secret of their desire to control public narratives, and they’ve now put another nail in the… Source

If Congress abandons Ukraine, Cuba’s communists will take full advantage

Cuba’s regime is committed to fortifying the Russian cause. The U.S. must be equally committed to aiding the Ukrainians. Source

RFK Jr. abandons free speech principles, calls on college campuses to impose “zero-tolerance policies” on antisemitism

RFK Jr. abandons free speech principles, calls on college campuses to impose “zero-tolerance policies” on antisemitism Early on, he seemed like a promising “dissident” candidate who might actually follow through with shaking up the establishment if elected president in 2024. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s positions on free speech seem to have changed, though, ever since […]

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Developer Abandons Two Major US Projects As Renewable Bust Erupts

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Developer Abandons Two Major US Projects As Renewable Bust Erupts President Biden’s ‘wind revolution’ is blowing down as the world’s largest offshore wind farm developer abandoned two major US projects due to supply chain and interest rate impacts and recorded impairment charges well above previous forecasts.  Orsted A/S announced, “US offshore wind […]

Bill Gates Suddenly Abandons Climate Doom Narrative

From Bill Gates is suddenly changing his tune and appears to be abandoning the “climate doom” Narrative just as more people see through the climate change façade and realize how their lives are being exploited by globalism. “Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent the last decade warning audiences that the world […]

Toymaker Lego Abandons Oil-Free “Breakthrough” Brick As ESG Push Derails 

Toymaker Lego Abandons Oil-Free “Breakthrough” Brick As ESG Push Derails  ‘Woke’ toymaker Lego has discontinued its sustainability effort to manufacture bricks made from recycled plastic. This decision came after discovering recycled plastic was actually contributing to higher carbon emissions, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. Niels Christiansen, chief executive of Lego, told FT that utilizing recycled polyethylene terephthalate […]

Lithuania abandons Russian gas imports, urges EU to do the same

Lithuania’s energy ministry said they had completely abandoned Russian gas imports in response to the war in Ukraine. “We are the first EU country among Gazprom’s supply countries to gain independence from Russian gas supplies, and this is the result of a multi-year coherent energy policy and timely infrastructure decisions,” said Dainius Kreivys, the country’s […]


JAPAN ABANDONS VACCINATION CAMPAIGN AND KILLS COVID IN A MONTH THANKS TO IVERMETICIN The COVID-19 absurdity exists solely and exclusively because our governments have not used the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan (and also India) had just demonstrated, in less than ONE MONTH, that ivermectin can eradicate the disease. BOOM They already backtrack…?When people want […]

Japan Abandons Vax Policy, Switches to Ivermectin, Ends COVID Craziness

Japan Abandons Vax Policy, Switches to Ivermectin, Ends COVID CrazinessPublished on November 17, 2021Written by By far, however, the absolute superstar among foreign nations dealing with COVID is Japan.  Japan has PULLED the vaccines and substituted Ivermectin – and in one month, wiped COVID out in that country! * Safe? Japan pulls Moderna vax, ends […]

New Zealand Abandons Controversial ‘Zero COVID’ Policy

New Zealand has announced it is dropping its controversial ‘zero COVID’ policy after numerous critics pointed out that such an approach to eliminating the virus was impossible. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made the announcement earlier today during a press conference in which she acknowledged, “The return to zero has been extremely difficult.” “What we have […]

Foxconn mostly abandons $10 billion Wisconsin project

Taiwan electronics manufacturer Foxconn is drastically scaling back a planned $10 billion factory in Wisconsin, confirming its retreat from a project that former U.S. President Donald Trump once called “the eighth wonder of the world.” Under a deal with the state of Wisconsin announced on Tuesday, Foxconn will reduce its planned investment to $672 million […]

Kid Abandons Her Toys To Watch Other Kids Play With The Same Toys On YouTube

FLATWOODS, KY—According to sources, local 7-year-old Bella McClusky recently got a brand new toy from her Grandmother. After only 5 minutes of playing with her new toy, she reportedly got bored and elected instead to watch other people play with the exact same toy on YouTube.  “I don’t get it,” said Bella’s confused Dad, John McClusky. “She […]

Australia Abandons Local COVID-19 Vaccine After False Positive HIV Results

Clinical trials of a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland in Australia and biotech firm CSL have been scrapped after participants returned false-positive HIV test results in phase one of the trial. Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday announced the government made the decision after receiving scientific advice.  “The University of Queensland […]

Woman Abandons Assisted Suicide Plan After Successful Treatment

Photo Credit: Andre Furtado/Pexels (The Christian Institute) — A woman who announced on live television that she wanted to go to Dignitas to die has abandoned her plans after undergoing a new treatment which has left her feeling “reborn.” In 2013, Jennie Thornton, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, told ITV’s This Morning that if she […]

Shakira abandons plan to play in Tel Aviv

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 29 May 2018 Shakira, a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, performs during the opening of a United Nations development conference in 2015. Cia Pak UN Photo Palestinians are welcoming the news that Shakira won’t be playing in Tel Aviv this summer. PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott […]

Brazil’s largest newspaper abandons Facebook for "effectively banning professional journalism" with new algorithm

     The largest newspaper in Brazil, Folha de S Paulo, announced late last week that due to Facebook’s recent changes to their news feed algorithm resulting in what the paper claims is “effectively banning professional journalism,” it would cease publishing content on the social media platform. The Guardian reported that the popular Brazilian newspaper has […]

Germany buckles under new US sanctions: Abandons 5 projects of the Nord Stream-2

     Germany’s Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur, which is engaged in the development of the German gas transmission network until 2026, has decided not to include in their development plan five expansion projects of the “North Stream-2” due to their “unreliability.” It was assumed that the operators of the network would build a branch of the […]

Scientists test cancer vaccine on humans, trigger ‘powerful immune response’ by injecting chemo drug combo into tumors

(NaturalNews) A drug company is now set to begin human trials on a new cancer therapy that allegedly uses chemotherapy drugs in a fashion more similar to vaccines, stimulating the immune system to wipe out the cancer on its own and prevent it from returning. “Even though we are using chemo, this works […]

Why you can never trust the pesticide industry’s own safety tests

(NaturalNews) Pesticide companies rigorously test their products before turning them loose on the public, right? Because if not, wouldn’t they stand a grand chance of being wiped out by a mass class-action suit if their products turned out to really be harmful? Not really, it turns out. As reported by the group GMWatch, […]

Fed study concludes fracking increases risk of damaging earthquakes, especially in Oklahoma, southern Kansas

     The ground east of the Rockies is far more likely to shake this year with damaging though not deadly earthquakes, federal seismologists report in a new risk map for 2016. Much of that is a man-made byproduct of drilling for energy. Parts of Oklahoma now match northern California for the nation’s most shake prone. […]

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