Posts Tagged ‘bernardino’

San Bernardino County Residents Vote to Study Secession from Far-Left California

San Bernardino County residents voted for officials to study the possibility of seceding from California as voters grow increasingly tired of the state’s far-left policies. Source

Graphic Video: San Bernardino Policeman Shoots Allegedly Armed Suspect After Failed Arrest

Authorities in San Bernardino released a video from an overnight deadly shooting after a suspect resisted arrest. The black male pulled a handgun from his pocket before the officer fired, authorities claim. The shooting took place Thursday just before midnight when authorities responded to a call about a man, identified as 35-year-old Mark Mathew Bender, […]

Follow the Fake Blood in the 2015 San Bernardino Shooting Hoax

Florida Cops Charged After Surveillance Video Exposes Perjury

Three Florida cops have been charged and jailed following weeks of investigation into inconsistent statements surrounding a drug bust at a motel room last November. Kissimmee police officers Tiffany Hall, Taylor McFee and Felix Echevarria were all charged with official misconduct and suspended without pay on Tuesday. Hall also faces charges of perjury and falsifying records. Hall […]

A Parma Magistrate Jailed Me In Order To Get Money From You!

The video above is a VLog I did this afternoon discussing my recent 24 hour stay in the Parma City jail because I refused to be extorted by thugs who claim to work for the “City of Parma.” As outlined in the video my ordeal with the “city of Parma” started when I changed lanes while driving through […]

A Knock At Midnight

A Knock At Midnight Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids A Knock At MidnightMarch 28, 2016 © Watch ‘EU-Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ For More See: What To Expect In 2016 Click Here And: What You Don’t See About The Anti-Christ Click Here And: America’s Coming Nightmare Click Here And: Bad Start With Hillary Click Here And: Jewish Tyranny […]

Fed study concludes fracking increases risk of damaging earthquakes, especially in Oklahoma, southern Kansas

     The ground east of the Rockies is far more likely to shake this year with damaging though not deadly earthquakes, federal seismologists report in a new risk map for 2016. Much of that is a man-made byproduct of drilling for energy. Parts of Oklahoma now match northern California for the nation’s most shake prone. […]

Terrifying Internet-of-Things Search Engine Lets You Spy On Strangers’ Webcams

From: It’s called Shodan and it just got much easier to use Think of the millions of devices with video feedsmaybe the baby monitor perched over your kids crib or a security camera looking out over your back porch. A new feature on the most popular search engine for the […]

Antibiotics May Increase Risk of Dementia & Other Mental Disorders

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   Researchers from the Harvard University School of Medicine have published a study showing that antibiotics can cause delirium, and other problematic mental states that might necessitate a closer watch from healthcare professionals. By taking medical records spanning 70 years […]

Irish Didn’t Exploit Their Persecuted Minority Status

The new axis of evil, Turkey snuggling up to israel

The Pending Rapprochement between Turkey and Israel … If Deniz Zeyrek, a famous leftist journalist in Turkey, was to say, “The state of Israel and its people are undoubtedly sincere friends of Turkey and our condemnations until now are aimed at some extreme illegitimate actions of the Israeli government,” he would be condemned as a […]

Behold: How the US blew $17 billion in Afghanistan

In 2008, the Pentagon bought 20 refurbished cargo planes for the Afghan Air Force, but as one top US officer put it, “just about everything you can think of was wrong.” No spare parts, for example. The planes were also “a death trap,” according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. So […]

The Death of Detroit

Detroit was once a marvelous city, embodying the best of White Western civilization, but then “diversity” came and turned the city into what looks like a war zone, chasing off most Whites and destroying anything of value. Source Article from

Man and Technology

by Dr. William L. Pierce (1972) Technology has come somewhat into bad odor among many of today’s young people. Sensitive souls who find themselves out of tune with the gaudy, gimmicky, and artificial world of 20th-century America often place the blame for this dissonance on the technology which has made all the gimmicks possible. […]

Muslims Suffer Wave of Attacks From Jewish Orchestrated Hoaxes

Muslims Suffer Wave of Attacks From Jewish Orchestrated Hoaxes Once again, Zionist Jews are waging vast war against the people of Islaam through deceit and chicanery. Brutal attacks have been leveled against these peaceful – and peace-keeping people – as a result of Zionist-conceived propaganda. While it is all lies people jump at the chance […]

Turkey Smuggled Sarin Gas to Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria? Turkish MP

Turkey is allegedly complicit in the smuggled use of various types of banned chemical weapons for which the Assad government was wrongfully blamed. Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP) opposition member Eren Erdem accused Ankara of covering up a major war crime, likely direct high-level involvement in smuggling materials used to make deadly sarin gas to ISIS […]

US-Saudi Sponsored Mercenaries in Yemen

Source Article from

U.S. Arms Dealers Provide ISIS With Their Weapons, Expose

International human rights lawyer, Arno Develay, has accused the US of providing ISIS weapons in order to prolong war in the Middle East.  Develay says that US arms dealers are the main beneficiary of a protracted war in the Middle East and that ISIS have a substantial amount of US-made weapons in their arsenal. […]

Majority of US millennials want boots on the ground against Daesh

     Most young Americans are in favor of sending ground troops to battle Deash, also known as ISIL/The Islamic State, but few are willing to be the ones who fight, according to a poll by Harvard University. The new Harvard Institute of Politics survey of people aged 18 to 29 found that some 60% of […]

Would the American People Support a Military Coup?… A West Point Instructor Issues a Call to the Military to Overthrow Obama

A West Point instructor, a man of honor who has served his nation faithfully, suggested in a law review article that the military should overthrow the treasonous Obama, and put him where he belongs… ~ Voice of Reason – Videos …in Leavenworth, awaiting a trial for treason, where if convicted, he can pick between the […]

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