Posts Tagged ‘countless’

BIG Elections Thefts are always used as distractions from countless other election thefts routinely perpetrated by the Democrats.

Submitted by The Armchair Political AnalystSOTN Exclusive Not that elections in the USA ever mattered, but virtually everyone misses the most effective strategy used by the Uniparty since the first ballots were ever held in this Republic. BIG and naked election thefts are always used for cover for the numerous other elections thefts that can […]

Victorian-Era Wallpaper Killed Countless Children

Wallpaper isn’t as popular as it once was, and perhaps the reason for its fall from fashion was its ability to kill! Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Mexico’s ‘Tren Maya’ Project Reveals Countless New Sites and Burials

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s ambitious, and highly controversial, Maya Train or Tren Maya project was announced in the winter of 2018. Envisaged as an intercity project that will traverse the Yucatan Peninsula in south-eastern Mexico, it was met with opposition by historical conservationists, the Zapatista guerrilla group, local indigenous peoples, and a significant […]

Since flu was renamed covid last year, unprecedented harm was inflicted on countless millions of people. Western mass media are complicit in the greatest ever public health crime against humanity. They should be prosecuted and held accountable for their endless mass deception campaign

Truth-Telling Journalism Banned from Big Media Reports Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On major domestic and geopolitical issues, managed news misinformation and disinformation alone are featured — by the NYT and other establishment media. On all things seasonal flu-renamed covid, mass-jabbing, and related issues, they exclusively publish state-approved fake news rubbish about […]

After countless failures, could natural gas power a breakthrough in Israel-Palestine relations?

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Egyptian Pharaonic Tomb Of Elite Family And Countless Artifacts Found!

Major archaeological finds in Egypt continue to be unearthed and this one involves an entire elite family burial tomb. Archaeologists have found a new ancient Egyptian pharaonic tomb, belonging to an important royal official, that is roughly 2,500 years old. The recently unearthed Egyptian pharaonic tomb includes the graves of family members and a trove […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

CONFIRMED! Countless False Positives from PCR Tests Proves the CORONAhoax Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Youtube New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences […]

Youtube allows countless parodies of Lorde song — but pulls down one detailing Palestinian oppression

Earlier this month, some creative friends of Palestinians did a stirring cover version of Lorde’s hit song “Royals” that exalted the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS) as a means to end Palestinian persecution, as well as saluted the young New Zealand artist for respecting the BDS call and not playing Israel. Replete with disturbing […]

Sen. Paul, Scott Bullock: Civil Forfeiture has Ruined Countless Lives. It’s Long Overdue for Reform

Justice Clarence Thomas made headlines last month when he criticized civil forfeiture, a notorious police practice that allows law enforcement to confiscate property, even from people who have never been charged with a crime. “This system,” he wrote, “has led to egregious and well-chronicled abuses.” Hearing one of the Supreme Court’s most conservative members […]

Whistleblower: The Clinton Foundation Is Rotten To The Core

The Clinton Foundation is part of an international charity fraud network worth over $100 billion since 1997, according to a Foundation whistleblower, as claims the Foundation is rotten to the core begin to emerge from various state departments, insiders and Bernie Sanders himself. The mainstream media has been attempting to paint the Clinton email scandal […]

The Forgotten Mysterious Symbol at Roswell

Did you know there is a mysterious Swastika symbol located not far from Roswell, New Mexico? It was located in a totally empty inhabited land surrounded by weird symbols and patterns, But, the real question is what on Earth is a giant Swastika doing in the middle of the United States? The enigmatic symbol caused […]

“3 Million” Invaders Wait in Turkey

There are a further three million “refugees” right now in Turkey aiming to move to Europe, EU Commissioner for migration Dimitris Avramopoulos said on Monday. Another 500,000 “refugees” are standing by in North Africa, but Greece will be the first to be impacted in the summer, he added. Speaking to the media after a meeting with […]

Cop Brutally Stomps Citizen’s Head to Death but Doesn’t Think He Should be Imprisoned?

  Jack Bouboushian | Courthouse News Service A former prison guard convicted of brutally murdering a prisoner was not coerced into making incriminating statements to the FBI, the 11th Circuit ruled. Michael Smith was a prison guard at Ventress, a state prison in Alabama built for 650 that housed […]

U.S. Planning ‘Large Scale’ Operation In Libya Using Faulty Intelligence

The Pentagon is drawing up plans for a large scale air assault on ISIS forces in Libya based on faulty and overestimated intelligence reports. Top Washington officials and analysts warn against military escalation in Libya, saying that it is based on overblown estimates of the Islamic State’s strength and would in fact add more fuel […]

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