Muslims Suffer Wave of Attacks From Jewish Orchestrated Hoaxes

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Muslims Suffer Wave of Attacks From Jewish Orchestrated Hoaxes

Once again, Zionist Jews are waging vast war against the people of Islaam through deceit and chicanery. Brutal attacks have been leveled against these peaceful – and peace-keeping people – as a result of Zionist-conceived propaganda. While it is all lies people jump at the chance to spew hate, directed not only against Muslim people but also against their entire system of faith.

The fools – they should be waging war against the ultimate enemy, the people who harbor great hate themselves, Zionist Jews, the haters of Christianity and the Christian people. It is such criminal minds who hold the Christian masses so low as to regard them as lower than swine. Yet, those who give them status, who hold them as brothers in faith, Islaamic people, it is they who are targeted by the gullible, readily deceived goy.

No wonder Jewry has such low regard for such people. They can be categorically manipulated, moved in any direction that is desired, that is when it comes to hatred of Islaamic people and Islaam.

Thus, it is occurring, and it is happening globally, although the brunt of the hostility is borne by American Muslims and also Muslim-appearing people:

“…this week a Muslim store owner in Queens, New York, was…attacked over the weekend by a man who said he wanted to “kill Muslims.”

What a coward the man is to have attacked a defenseless man, merely because of his appearance and skin color. What did the shopkeeper have to do with ISIS in any case or even the San Bernardino hoax?

After viewing the video and listening to the following woman’s rant, a specific statement in the Qur’aan comes to mind, which is that people didn’t argue among each other in, essentially, bigoted bias until the divine books were revealed. It’s a most curious statement and gives a strong indication into the nature of the divine Being.

The books were revealed in order to prevent human suffering and angst. Yet, in that primitive nature of the human mind revelation was used as a tool against humanity, causing people to argue about who is right and who is right, which God is true and which isn’t, and this is precisely what is seen in the video of the ranting woman.

The apparently religiously motivated bigot can be seen here, her face showing mere hate, one which is seething in rage.


Here is the key point. She feels immunized to do whatever she wills, as long as it is against Islaamic people. They are the enemy after all; sure they are. Despite being approached by the uniformed parks associate and being told that what she was doing is “inappropriate,” it matters not. Still, she goes on the attack, striking a man with her umbrella, while throwing hot coffee in his face: committing an assault not only before witnesses but also before the cameras:


Apparently, at this point, according to eyewitnesses, she assaulted also the name of God, in her mind the Islaamic god, at then lunged at the individual. A Mr. Albershari has confirmed that she struck him with her umbrella. All this occurred while Muslim people were performing ritual prayer in the park.

The arch-Israeli ISIS plot, along with the hoax San Bernardino shooting, is working to a degree. The Zionists are prevailing in the creation of global Islamophobia. This is in order for these criminal minds to achieve their ultimate goal, which is world domination and the complete conquest of the Middle East. It is also to attempt to achieve absolute conquest of Jerusalem, the center for their world domination scheme.

The shock suffered by the wrongly attacked is permanent. In the case of the woman above the attack was witnessed by her children, who are apparently also severely traumatized by the event.

There are endless examples of such hate-driven attacks. Here is the point. This false rage is based on great lies spread by the Zionists. It is truly a Jewish plot to create Islamophobic attacks against innocent people, and rather than the direct perpetrators, it is the Zionist criminal mind which is ultimately responsible for any injuries, injuries, and even deaths resulting from these attacks.

Because of Jewish plots it is open season on Muslims. The Zionists have done this before, causing the world to slaughter the Germanic people but also, previously, the native people of the Americas, a plot first orchestrated by terminally rabid, murderous Genoese Jew, Cristobal Columbus.

It is high time to crush the Zionists and obliterate their influence. This is the only way peace will be established on this earth.

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