Posts Tagged ‘mostly’

AP: ‘Israeli Strikes on Gaza City of Rafah Kill 22, Mostly Children, as U.S. Advances Aid Package’

Israel bombed “mostly children” in Rafah on Saturday night just hours after the US House approved the largest aid package ever for the Jewish State, the AP reports. Source

Matt Walsh blows lid on transgender body-butchering industry that mostly targets children

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) In a new exposé, The Daily Wire journalist Matt Walsh, a staunch conservative, reveals the shocking medical malpractice taking place under the guise of “gender-affirming care,” also known as the transgender mutilation of humans, particularly children.Walsh created a video series – see below – showing how the body … [Read More…] Source

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Is (Mostly) Glorified Pattern Recognition

This somewhat funny narrative about an ‘Artificial Intelligence’ simulation by the U.S. airforce appeared yesterday and got widely picked up by various mainstream media: However, perhaps one of the most fascinating presentations came from Col Tucker ‘Cinco’ Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations, USAF, who provided an insight into the benefits and hazards in […]

Iran’s Shamkhani in UAE: Regional Problems Mostly Down To US, ‘Israeli’ Mischief

March 17, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council [SNSC], Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani linked the majority of the region’s problems to acts of mischief committed by the United States and the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime. Shamkhani made the remarks during an official visit to Abu Dhabi on Thursday, meeting with the […]

IRS targeted poorest taxpayers while millionaires went mostly unscathed in 2022: report

A study of 2022 IRS tax audit data found that a taxpayer in the lowest income bracket is five times more likely to face an audit that would a member of the highest income bracket.  Source

GOP lawmakers mostly decline to condemn Trump over white supremacist meeting

A flurry of top Republicans on Monday took a familiar approach to Donald Trump’s dinner with white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes — condemning the former president’s actions, but not the man himself. Trump’s onetime No. 2 was a notable exception. “President Trump was wrong to give a white nationalist, an antisemite and a Holocaust […]

Mascots For Paris Olympics Criticized For Being Mostly Made In China

Only about 8% of the mascot will be made in France and that’s raising concerns the country is too dependent on the world’s second-largest economy. Source

West Point Turns Over 40+ Pages Of Mostly Blacked Out CRT Emails

A separate public records request sent by Judicial Watch yielded over 600 pages of documents which showed the military academy pushed CRT in its trainings. Source

New Global Pandemic Mostly Ignored

Joel S. Hirschhorn The COVID pandemic meanders on with many people still becoming infected, hospitalized and even dying.  And despite all of its shortcomings and dangers COVID vaccines are still pushed by the medical and public health establishments and government agencies as the solution.  New variants of the virus keep emerging, making vaccines increasingly ineffective.  […]

UK Royals’ Spending Up 17%, Mostly For Palace Overhaul Costs

The most expensive official royal tour in the past year was the trip taken by Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, to the Caribbean in March. Source

Authorities Warn Tonight’s Protests May Escalate From ‘Mostly Peaceful’ To ‘Somewhat Peaceful’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Homeland Security has raised the level of its National Protest Advisory System (NPAS) from "Mostly Peaceful" to "Somewhat Peaceful" in response to swelling crowds outside the Supreme Court Building. The post Authorities Warn Tonight’s Protests May Escalate From ‘Mostly Peaceful’ To ‘Somewhat Peaceful’ appeared first on The Babylon Bee. Source

Ukraine’s NEXTA Live is Mostly but not entirely FAKE NEWS, here’s just a few posts Debunked

    Ukraine’s Telegram channel NEXTA Live is mostly full of FAKE NEWS, so anything and almost everything posted there, take it with a grain of salt or with a bag of salt if you will. Normally nobody wouldn’t even care about a random channel some random people made on Telegram, YouTube and Twitter. This […]

Danish Study Reveals All Variants Mostly Infect The “Fully Vaccinated” & Pfizer’s Hidden Safety Data

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/21/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Omicron Found Mostly in Vaccinated Americans So Far

Omicron Found Mostly in Vaccinated Americans So Far by Marco Cáceres Published December 12, 2021 On Dec. 1, 2021, the first case of the new SARS-CoV-2 variant known as Omicron (initially designated “B.1.1.529”) in the United States was confirmed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in California. The case involves a […]

Tish James is running for New York governor. Mostly from her office.

Despite dominating news cycles for months because of her office’s investigations into former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned in August, James has been less of a public presence in the campaign’s early weeks than any other recent gubernatorial contender. She has kept a busy schedule of closed-door meetings with potential supporters. But unlike the rest […]

Exclusive — Sen. Rand Paul: ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Is ‘Mostly a Response to Misinformation’ from Fauci and ‘Big Government Types’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that “vaccine hesitancy” among Americans is mostly a function of “misinformation” spread by government bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president and former director of NIAID. “The vaccine hesitancy, I think, is mostly a response to misinformation that you have gotten from […]

Snopes Rates Claim That Biden Pooped His Pants As ‘Mostly False’ Since It Was More Of A Wet Fart

Snopes Rates Claim That Biden Pooped His Pants As ‘Mostly False’ Since It Was More Of A Wet Fart SAN DIEGO, CA—Fact checkers at Snopes proved their value as beacons of all kinds of truth by rating the claim that Biden pooped his pants as “Mostly False” and informing truth seekers it was actually more […]

World Shares Mostly Higher After US Averts Shutdown

European shares and U.S. futures climbed Thursday after U.S. lawmakers moved to avert a government shutdown. Germany’s DAX edged 0.1 percent higher to 15,378.85 while the CAC 40 in Paris added 0.5 percent to 6,593.48. In London, the FTSE 100 also gained 0.5 percent, to 7,146.51. The future for the Dow industrials was 0.7 percent […]

VAX FAIL: Latest “covid” outbreak in Israel occurred mostly in “fully vaccinated”

Thursday, July 01, 2021 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The Israeli government is claiming that the majority of people who are testing “positive” for the new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “Delta” variant were already vaccinated. Ran Balicer, who leads an Israeli government “expert advisory panel,” says that his country is considering another lockdown due to this latest “strain” of […]

A “vaccinated” kid infects 83 kids—mostly “vaccinated”—at a party, having caught it from his “vaccinated” uncle, who got it from another “vaccinated” carrier (Israel)

Mark Crispin Miller And, from this, Israel’s “health” authorities conclude that the solution (final?) is more “vaccination.” “Our free press” continues to (a) black out the fact that most of those who have fallen ill, allegedly with COVID-19, were “vaccinated,” while (b) spreading the Big Lie, enabled by the CDC’s cooked numbers, that the opposite […]

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