Posts Tagged ‘demonstrate’

The Contagion Myth: Failure to Demonstrate Transmission of “Viral” Diseases.

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON MARCH 1, 2024 • ( 18 COMMENTS ) by Simon Lee, Science Officer, Anew UK. “Suffice it to say, that in the ordinary sense of the word, there is no proof, such as would be admitted in any scientific inquiry, that there is any such thing as ‘contagion.‘” Florence Nightingale Anticontagionists versus Contagionists It is ironic that the seven […]

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST The largest and most expensive war game in the Pentagon’s history occurred in 2002. Known as the Millennium Challenge, the operation aimed to demonstrate the ease with which the United States can allegedly destroy Iran […]

Kosovan Serbs demonstrate against Kurti’s government

An estimated 1500 Kosovan Serbs have demonstrated in the north of the country against what they claim is the partisan rule of Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Source

Thousands demonstrate in Kosovo over alleged rape of girl, 11

Protesters threw red paint at government buildings in Pristina over the incident.

Hundreds injured as Palestinians demonstrate against ‘flag march’

An estimated 70,000 Israeli settlers participated in the annual flag march in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, with some crowds chanting “Death to Arabs.” Hundreds of Palestinians have been injured across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem as Israeli forces suppressed protests that erupted in response to the march. Follow here for news throughout […]

Shocking Social Experiments Demonstrate Why Conformity And Blind Obedience To Authority Have Gone Viral

By Dylan Charles | WakingTimes I’m a committed advocate of personal liberty and informed consent, and I can’t possibly fathom turning my sacred body over to the pharmaceutical industry to be a guinea pig in an experimental drug trial. Especially when the institutions pushing this on the world are so brazenly involved in creating the […]

Nurses in Lisbon demonstrate against career freeze

About two hundred nurses demonstrated this afternoon, in front of Portuguese Parliament against career freeze. In the protest, marked by the seven unions of Portuguese Nurses, justice and respect were requested by professionals who for more than 20 years have frozen careers. The concentration of nursing professionals, that anticipates a national strike, scheduled for 3 […]

Yemen women demonstrate against deteriorating economic conditions

Tens of Yemeni women took part on Friday in a demonstration organised in Aden against the deteriorating economic conditions and the decline in the value of local currency, Anadolu Agency reported. According to Anadolu Agency, female activists called for the demonstration that took place in the south of the city. Participant women condemned the deteriorating […]

People above Profit: Thousands Demonstrate in Brazil in New Wave of Protests in 350 Cities

In Brazil, social movements, trade unions, and human rights activists on Saturday demonstrated in at least 350 cities to condemn the recent corruption scandal linking President Jair Bolsonaro with the purchase at inflated prices of Indian-produced Covaxin COVID-19 vaccines. The protests supported the impeachment petition submitted by unions, left political parties and social organizations to the Lower House on Wednesday. […]

Ukraine: Far-right activists demonstrate in Kyiv in support of jailed ex-leader

Hundreds of protestors took to the streets in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Saturday, marking the birthday of a far-right activist. Serhiy Sternenko, a former leader of the organisation Right Sector, was convicted last month of kidnapping and beating a newly elected local council member in 2015. He was sentenced to seven years and […]

Karnataka High Court Directs Revenue Secretary To Demonstrate Compliance In ESG Lakes PIL

Bidarakere, near Pavagada For almost two years now, Chief Justice Mr. Abhay Oka of the High Court of Karnataka has systematically developed jurisprudence to protect lakes as our commons, and for posterity. This is being achieved by his orders in a PIL filed by Citizens Action Group (CAG) PIL (WP 38401/2014). The jurisprudence reaffirms a […]

Anti-Amazon protesters demonstrate in front of Paris Finance Ministry

Activists in Paris dropped fake packages bearing the logo of Jeff Bezos’ company in front of the Finance Ministry in Paris to symbolise what they alleged was “the government’s collusion with Amazon”. Around twenty activists from “Attac”, “ANV-COP21” and “Friends of the Earth” took part in the action, timed to coincide with Black Friday. They […]

Greek General Strike Against Attacks On Right To Demonstrate

By Katerina Selin, WSWS. November 28, 2020 Above photo: Students demonstrate on 1 October, 2020, for measures to protect them from the coronavirus and for higher spending on education. Face-book/COVID-19 Solidarity/Menoume energoi. And devastating coronavirus policy. The mood in the international working class is strained to the breaking point. As millions of people were demonstrating […]

‘Bibi endangers Israel’: 100-car protest convoy headed to Jerusalem to demonstrate against Netanyahu

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Muslims demonstrate against French President, warn Swedish leaders to ‘enforce Sharia Law, or We’ll do it’

    Following the recent string of Islamic terror attacks and beheadings in France this fall, as a show of force, dozens of Muslim men rolled out their prayer mats outside outside the French embassy in Stockholm, Sweden. RAIR Foundation The demonstration, a declaration of supremacy and dominance of sharia over European and secular law, […]

Researchers Use MRI Technology To Try & Demonstrate Telepathy Between Humans

We are having a New Moon in Scorpio on November 15th throughout most of the world and on the night of the 14th in Central to Western North America. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will […]

More than 5,000 demonstrate in Auckland NZ

I’ve tweaked the numbers. From a local head count the tally is 5K not 3K, awesome. EWR SEE ALSO: Auckland freedom March Vinny Eastwood Share this: Like this: Like Loading…

Netanyahu supporters demonstrate in Jerusalem after police clear their way

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

‘Our stones are stronger than their weapons’: thousands in Gaza demonstrate for the ninth straight Friday

Sabah al-Salibi collected dozens of small stones with her daughters, Susan, 22, and Rawand, 24. She said she wanted to pass them to the demonstrators whose eyes were blurry from teargas “to save them time by finding suitable stones” to throw at Israeli snipers hidden behind earthen berms at the Gaza – Israel fence. Even […]

Thousands demonstrate at Gaza border in ‘Burn Israeli Flags’ Friday

The 7-year-old, blonde and rosy-cheeked due to the sun, arrived at the rally with her dad at noon and went to ‘Malaka’; one of four other protest locations along the Gaza-Israeli border, which is set to end in mid-May on the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, in which nearly 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from […]

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