Posts Tagged ‘revised’

The Shocking Origins Of The Debunked Claim That The UN “Revised” Gaza Death Toll

Fox News published an article on May 13, which they have failed to retract and that ended up going viral on social media, falsely claiming that the United Nations had decreased its recorded Gaza death tolls by around 50%. Another claim has been that the death toll was revised down by 10,000. Both are blatant […]

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0%

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0% Normally the market could care less about data that is at least 3 months old, like for example today’s 3rd estimate of Q3 GDP for the quarter ended Sept 30 or, well, three months ago, but on days like today when […]

Markets Go Wild On 3-Month-Old (Revised) Data

“Great” news America… economic growth in the 3rd quarter was not quite as hot as the government had previously guessed. ‘Worser-er’ data suddenly supports the goldilocks scenario as the algos appeared to completely ignore the current initial claims data which is practically at record lows. Stocks soared higher… Treasury yields puked… Gold spiked… As the […]

Greek economy set to double in growth after revised outlook

The Greek economy is set to double in growth after the Bank of Greece (BoG) revised its growth outlook to 6 percent for 2022 because of the high returns from tourism, BoG governor Yannis Stournaras said on Friday in an interview. Speaking to Politico, Stournaras said initial forecasts by BoG were a 3.2 percent growth… […]

Israel revised its West Bank travel restrictions in hopes of obtaining a US visa waiver, but they still discriminate against Palestinians

Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) recently announced that it was revising its forthcoming guidelines for entry into the West Bank by foreign nationals. The country had faced backlash over a new series of travel rules that are scheduled to be implemented this fall, including a stipulation that foreigners had 30 days to report […]

Eurozone Second Quarter Growth Revised Up, Supported by Household Spending

A shopper pays with a euro bank note in a market in Nice, France, on April 3, 2019. (Eric Gaillard/Reuters) BRUSSELS—Eurozone economic growth was stronger than previously estimated in the second quarter, data showed on Wednesday, as household spending recovered after half of year of stagnation despite the squeeze on disposable income from spiraling inflation. […]

Biden’s China Trade Policy Should Be Revised Put More Effective Pressure on Beijing: Experts

News Analysis Tariffs on products and goods imported from or exported to China have undeniably sent a strong message to Xi Jinping’s regime about its chronic human rights abuses and violations of the terms of its World Trade Organization (WTO) membership. Though they are well-intentioned and have had some impact on Beijing’s conduct, it may […]

DeSantis Team: Florida’s Revised Quarantine Rule Is ‘Very Simple’

Students in Florida no longer have to quarantine due to exposure to the Chinese coronavirus if they are asymptomatic — a “very simple” rule, Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) press secretary explained on Thursday. “Florida’s revised rule about school quarantine is very simple: Students who are sick have to stay home until they recover. Students who […]

General Milley Is Releasing A Revised Version Of ‘The Art Of War’ — And We’ve Got Exclusive Excerpts

General Milley Is Releasing A Revised Version Of ‘The Art Of War’ — And We’ve Got Exclusive Excerpts U.S.—Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is a pretty good book, but General Mark A. Milley says he can make it even better. Milley believes the book needs to be updated to integrate all the advancements America’s modern military […]

Why has China Revised its Demographic Policy?

China has faced demographic problems for several decades now. For a long time, the Chinese authorities have been forced to take various large-scale and costly measures to regulate the birth rate in accordance with the needs of the state at the time. In 1979, when the birth rate was recognized dangerously high, the government launched […]

NASA reveals revised risk of Bennu collision

NASA reveals revised risk of Bennu collision Posted on Thursday, 12 August, 2021 Bennu is coming, but will it hit us ? Image Credit: NASA Goddard Conceptual Image Lab At a news conference yesterday, the space agency revealed how likely it is that the asteroid will hit us.When it comes to disaster scenarios, there are […]

Gaza law barring women from travel without male consent to be revised, judge says

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Netanyahu Trial May Face Fresh Delay As Judges Hint Indictment Must Be Revised

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial resumed on Sunday, with his lawyers asking the Jerusalem District Court to dismiss the charges against him due to alleged impropriety by police investigators probing the premier, and the judges indicating they intended to order prosecutors to explain why some parts of the indictment were not sufficiently detailed. Such […]

US seeks to extend arms embargo on Iran indefinitely in revised UN resolution

The United States on Tuesday circulated a revised resolution that would extend a UN arms embargo on Iran indefinitely, seeking to gain more support in the 15-member Security Council where veto-wielding Russia and China have voiced strong opposition. US Ambassador Kelly Craft said the new draft “takes council views into account and simply does what […]

Revised Israel Anti-Boycott Act still threatens free speech

Nora Barrows-Friedman Activism and BDS Beat 29 March 2018 Activists at a 26 July rally in Baltimore protest the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which was introduced by Maryland’s Senator Ben Cardin. New York’s Senator Kirsten Gillibrand pulled her support for the bill on 1 August. (Elizabeth Woodson/via Facebook) A US bill aimed at criminalizing the boycott […]

UN Security Council Adopts Revised Sanctions on North Korea

Iran, Russia sign ‘revised’ oil-for-goods deal

Press TV – Russia says it has signed a revised contract with Iran over a much-debated and long-delayed scheme to barter crude oil with goods and commodities.    Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak was quoted as saying by media that the changes in the contract concerned technical aspects and prices. Iran’s Ministry of Petroleum is […]

House Passes Revised American Health Care Act

House Republicans passed a revised version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on Thursday. The bill passed after moderate Republicans fretted this week about how well the bill will protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Many, including former Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), previously came out against the bill, but now support it […]

Putin to have phone conversation with Erdogan on Wednesday – Kremlin

“The phone conversation between President Putin and President Erdogan will take place tomorrow [on Wednesday], initiated by Russia,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. Erdogan apologizes to Putin over death of Russian pilot, calls Russia ‘friend & strategic partner’ On Monday, Erdogan sent a letter to President Putin to offer his apologies for […]

Does Language Influence How You See The World?

April McCarthy, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times The language you are introduced to affects the structure of your brain, influences how you see the world and who you are. But what if you speak two languages? Can learning a language rewire your brain? As our species evolved parts of our brain expanded, resulting in more computing power […]

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