Posts Tagged ‘embargo’

Global call for arms embargo on Israel gains limited US support

More than 200 lawmakers from 13 countries recently unified in an unprecedented statement, voicing their staunch opposition to their nations’ arms exports to Israel. Source

End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs Mexico To Stop Migrant Flows, But There’s A Price

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Turkey condemns lifting of Cyprus arms embargo by United States

Turkey has condemned the surprise move by the US administration to remove the decades old arms embargo imposed on Cyprus, with its foreign ministry issuing a statement over the weekend. Ironically and perhaps a symbolically calculated move the United States announced they were lifting the arms embargo on Cyprus just as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan […]

Turkey furious by the US lifting the arms embargo on Cyprus – What Tatar and Oktay said: “It’s an embarrassment”

The embarrassment following the shock Turkey received by Washington’s historic decision to lift the arms embargo on Cyprus continues and has evidently caused outrage in Ankara and in the occupied territories. The Turkish-Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar described the decision as “disturbing”. Asked by a CNN Türk journalist if the US, with its decision “militarise Cyprus” […]

Turkiye condemns US lifting of arms embargo on Cyprus, warning of possible arms race 

Turkiye has condemned the United States’ decision to fully lift its embargo on Cyprus from next year, saying that the move could result in an arms race on the island. In a statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry today, it warned that the US’ decision will “further strengthen the Greek Cypriot side’s intransigence and negatively […]

Turkiye condemns US lifting of arms embargo on Cyprus, warning of possible arms race 

Turkiye has condemned the United States’ decision to fully lift its embargo on Cyprus from next year, saying that the move could result in an arms race on the island. In a statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry today, it warned that the US’ decision will “further strengthen the Greek Cypriot side’s intransigence and negatively […]

OPINION: The US has lifted the arms embargo on Cyprus, but…

HURRAH!!!! Our American friends have informed little Cyprus that they have decided to lift the arms embargo they had imposed on the small island nation. Cyprus was invaded by NATO member Turkey in 1974 and more than a third of the island is occupied to this day by Turkey that maintains a military force of […]

OPINION: The US has lifted the arms embargo on Cyprus, but…

HURRAH!!!! Our American friends have informed little Cyprus that they have decided to lift the arms embargo they had imposed on the small island nation. Cyprus was invaded by NATO member Turkey in 1974 and more than a third of the island is occupied to this day by Turkey that maintains a military force of […]

Europe’s Russian Oil Embargo Could Lead to Fuel Shortages – Minister Admits

An EU wide embargo on Russian oil could lead to serious fuel shortages in many parts of Germany, one of the country’s ministers has admitted.

New US Embargo on Cambodia Over Friendship with China

The United States continues a process of targeting and isolating nations around the globe increasingly choosing to do business with Beijing rather than Washington. The most recent of these is the Southeast Asia nation of Cambodia. For years Cambodia has incrementally pivoted from once serving US foreign policy objectives in the region, to striking a […]

Biden regime shutting off fuel, energy supplies as part of WARTIME EMBARGO against We the People… prepare for famine, collapse and civil unrest

By Mike Adams In his latest act of total warfare against the American people, Joe Biden is pushing to shut down the Line 5 pipeline in Michigan that transports over 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Canada to Michigan, where it gets processed and distributed throughout the Midwest. Without this pipeline, Midwestern states are going to […]

Lebanese Hezb Allah, Syria, and Iran Break the US Embargo on Lebanon

ARABI SOURI SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 Lebanese Hezb Allah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasr Allah warned the US camp earlier this year: ‘If you come to kill me, I will kill you, I will kill you, I will kill you.’ Whether metaphoric or for real, the man is nicknamed ‘The True Promise.’ Today, Thursday 16 September 2021, and […]

What? A World Boycott of US Products Until US Stops Its Embargo of Cuba and Leaves Guantanamo?

  A Half-century Long Brutal USA Embargo Against Tiny Cuba! 184 Nations Vote For its End & Against US & Israel  NEW YORK, June 23 (Reuters) – ‘U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration continued Washington’s tradition of voting against an annual United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for an end to a U.S. economic embargo on […]

UNHRC arms embargo call against Israel passes with EU OK, Bahrain absence

The United Nations Human Rights Council approved a resolution calling for an arms embargo against Israel that had the support of many of the European countries but received a nod of disapproval from Bahrain, which was absent for Tuesday’s vote. The measure, dubbed the accountability resolution, passed 32-6, with eight abstentions. It included some of […]

Iran says UN arms embargo on Tehran has ended

TEHRAN, Iran — A longstanding UN embargo on arms sales to and from Iran expired early Sunday in line with a 2015 landmark nuclear deal, the Iranian foreign ministry said. “As of today, all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from the Islamic Republic of Iran … are […]


Originally appeared at ZeroHedge Currently Iran already operates the S-300 anti-air defense system, but just ahead of the major UN weapons embargo set to expire this month, which the US contests, Russia has once again strongly suggested that it’s poised to transfer its more advanced S-400 system to Iran. The latest comments on the issue […]

Trump said preparing executive order to sanction any who break Iran arms embargo

US President Donald Trump is planning to sign an executive order authorizing him to enact sanctions against anyone who breaks an arms embargo on Iran which is set to expire in October, Reuters reported Friday, citing multiple sources with knowledge of the matter. The measure will allow Washington to bar access to US markets to […]

Israel’s Crimes Must Be Met With Arms Embargo

Above photo: Palestinians flee to safety as the Israeli military attacks the Shejaiya neighborhood between Gaza City and the Israeli border. Ashraf Amra. Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip must be met with an “urgent and comprehensive military embargo,” the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee stated on Sunday. Israel has bombed Gaza every night […]

Israel’s Crimes Must Be Met With Arms Embargo

Above photo: Palestinians flee to safety as the Israeli military attacks the Shejaiya neighborhood between Gaza City and the Israeli border. Ashraf Amra. Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip must be met with an “urgent and comprehensive military embargo,” the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee stated on Sunday. Israel has bombed Gaza every night […]

Israel’s Crimes Must Be Met With Arms Embargo

Above photo: Palestinians flee to safety as the Israeli military attacks the Shejaiya neighborhood between Gaza City and the Israeli border. Ashraf Amra. Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip must be met with an “urgent and comprehensive military embargo,” the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee stated on Sunday. Israel has bombed Gaza every night […]

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