Posts Tagged ‘allah’

Allah is Satan

Allah is Satan  

How Ansar Allah are schooling the West on the battlefield: Bloomberg

11 Mar 2024  Source: News Websites Ansar Allah fighters stage a rally against the U.S. government designating Ansar Allah as a terror group and against the U.S.-led sustained airstrikes on Yemen, near Sanaa, Yemen, January 25, 2024. (AP) By Al Mayadeen English An opinion piece published in Bloomberg details the significant challenges the Yemenis pose […]

What the West needs to know about Yemen’s Ansar Allah

8 Feb 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rasha Reslan The West’s failure to recognize Ansar Allah as a revolutionary movement may escalate the risk of a full-blown war, with the West paying a high price, ultimately leading to its defeat in West Asia. The Ansar Allah movement has lately attracted international attention by boldly defying […]

Allah – Moon God

Allah – Moon God The Archeology of The Middle East The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of “Allah.” The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the Biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was “Allah” the […]

10-Year-Old Girl Stabbed by Suspect Yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ in Sweden

A known criminal yelling Islamic slogans was arrested for stabbing a young girl in an unprovoked attack in Sweden this week, according to reports. The horrifying incident unfolded on Thursday afternoon in the culturally-enriched city of Gothenburg. Police were called to Brunnsparken, a square in the city center, where they found a 10-year-old girl suffering […]

Man shouting Allah Akbar Arrested after Stabbing Rampage at Brussels Train Station

Three people were injured this week when a suspect already known to authorities embarked on the latest stabbing rampage at a train station in Western Europe, according to reports. The horrifying incident unfolded at around 6 p.m. on Monday evening in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. A man began attacking people aboard a subway train […]

Lebanese Hezb Allah Shoots Down an Israeli Drone with ‘Suitable Weapon’

SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 Hezb Allah, the Lebanese Islamic resistance movement said it has shot down an Israeli drone using a ‘suitable weapon’ over southern Lebanon, Israeli media later admitted after Hezb’s media showed pictures of the drone. Hezb Allah media said in a statement that ‘at 13:55 of this afternoon, Thursday, the Islamic Resistance fighters […]

Lebanese Hezb Allah, Syria, and Iran Break the US Embargo on Lebanon

ARABI SOURI SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 Lebanese Hezb Allah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasr Allah warned the US camp earlier this year: ‘If you come to kill me, I will kill you, I will kill you, I will kill you.’ Whether metaphoric or for real, the man is nicknamed ‘The True Promise.’ Today, Thursday 16 September 2021, and […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: One Nation Under Allah

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Ron Arad is Dead, Israel Spent Millions of US Dollars to Confirm a Hezb Allah Statement

November 3, 2020 Arabi Souri Ron Arad is Dead; after decades of fruitless efforts and spending millions of US dollars, if not tens of millions and if not more, the Israeli ‘intelligence’ confirmed what Hezb Allah already informed them through the UN. Ron Arad was an Israeli IDF pilot terrorist, his US-supplied fighter jet was shot […]

‘Allah hu Akbar’ Gunman Kills Two Female Police Officers, one Bystander, in Belgium in Suspected Terror Attack

‘Allah hu Akbar’ Gunman Kills Two Female Police Officers, one Bystander, in Belgium in Suspected Terror Attack Local media have named 36-year-old Benjamin Herman as the gunman who fatally shot three people outside a cafe and took one woman hostage at a school in Liège, Belgium, on Tuesday morning. He allegedly shouted ‘Allah hu Akbar’ […]

H&M Recalls Lego-Themed Socks After Customers Spot ‘Allah’ in Design

Swedish clothing giant H&M was forced to remove a range of children’s socks from its stores after receiving complaints that part of a design featuring a Lego man with a jackhammer allegedly resembled Arabic script for “Allah.” A pair of socks caused a stir after several customers complained the print featuring a Lego figure resembled […]

Pray to Allah, Soap Opera Tells German Kids

Pray to Allah, Soap Opera Tells German Kids Germans should convert to Islam, state-funded TV suggests Kit DanielsPrison January 15, 2018 Native German kids must learn to pray to Allah, a soap opera recommended. A segment from Lindenstra’e, a state-funded TV show, shows a young German woman telling a boy that theres another name […]

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

Earlier this year, President Trump took a beating in the mainstream media for blasting Europe’s, and more specifically Sweden’s, disastrous immigration policies… Give the public a break – The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT! — Donald […]

A Job That No «Israeli» Wants, thanks to the Men of Allah

Darko Lazar Throughout the summer of 2006, the “Israeli” military command was plagued by indecision, chaos and sheer incompetence. Hezbollah’s successes in delivering powerful, unexpected and precise blows against the invading army threw Tel Aviv completely off-balance and seriously dented “Israeli” morale. The effects on “Israel’s” armed forces quickly became apparent to observers. “This wasn’t […]


South Front The Ansar Allah Movement was founded in 1992 under the name of “Faithful Youth Movement”. The movement’s followers are known as the Houthis, named after the founder of the movement Badr al-Din al-Houthi, who is considered its religious leader. While many believe that the Houthis are Shiites, they are in fact from the […]

Democrat Senator’s Son Shot In Mosque Raid Trying To ‘Die For Allah’

The FBI’s Anti-Terror Task Force made a huge bust today at a Mosque just outside Fort Dixon, Tennessee. A terrorist cell calling themselves “ant Ghabiun” was reportedly operating with a dedicated force of both illegal Syrian refugees and homegrown recruits. The cell had detailed plans of several airports, seaports, shopping malls and sports stadiums along […]

Anti-Terror Music Video Calls on Muslims to Worship Allah With ‘Love Not Terror’

Vic Bishop, Staff WriterWaking Times  The Islamic holy month of Ramadan has brought with it waves of intense violence in 2017 with hundreds of attacks around the world of Muslims targeting Muslims for death and carnage. Of course, this is the trend, and while some blame ISIS, and some blame Wahhabism, Saudia Arabia, the […]

The view from Gaza: ‘The Turkish government has sold us out and wants us to be grateful’

Israel and Turkey have reached an agreement to normalize ties six years after an Israeli naval attack that killed 10 Turkish activists and 9 years after the imposition of a deadly siege that has left Gaza unlivable. What do we, Palestinians of Gaza, feel about it? To put it mildly, we are dismayed and angered […]

Software Update Destroys $286 Million Japanese Satellite

Software Update Destroys $286 Million Japanese Satellite May 10th, 2016 Via: Hackaday: The Japanese X-ray telescope Hitomi has been declared lost after it disintegrated in orbit, torn apart when spinning out of control. The cause is still under investigation but early analysis points to […]

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