Posts Tagged ‘dystopian’

Raspail’s Dystopian “The Camp Of The Saints” Novel Warning Of Immigration Influx Has Been Realized 50 Years Later

By Grzegorz Adamczyk Fifty years ago, in 1973, the French author Jean Raspail released a then seemingly far-fetched Source

‘Dark & Dystopian’ Trump Will Be GOP Nominee Says Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, who is an expert in ‘projection’, says she believes Biden/Harris deserve to be reelected because the alternative is ‘dark and dystopian’. During PBS’s “NewsHour” on Tuesday she said she believed that former President […] The post ‘Dark & Dystopian’ Trump Will Be GOP Nominee Says Hillary Clinton appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Urgent – Crossing a Line – Dystopian UK Energy Bill

Fair Play Now 1,527 views 14 Sept 2023 For Ribin Tilbrook’s talk at the Reigate Superstand (and all the others) go to:… For me uncensored, get my weekly email newsletter here:… for videos made by Tim at UK events, and a new one with John O’Looney Source

C.S. Lewis Foresaw Dystopian Technocracy Based On Scientism

Several people in the 1900s foresaw where society was headed. C.S. Lewis was one of them. His book, That Hideous Strength, describes “a literal pact with the devil at the highest reaches of the technocracy, but at the same time a mechanism whereby the larger system remains defiantly bland and normal-seeming, and only a crazy person […]

The Unholy Trinity: Soros, Schwab, and Bill Gates – The Architects of our Dystopian Past, Present & Future

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MAY 19, 2023 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) In recent years, the names George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates have become synonymous with influence and power. These individuals have made their mark in various domains, from finance and philanthropy to global governance and technological innovation. However, their rise to prominence has not been without controversy and scrutiny. […]

‘Dystopian’ CBDCs Will Allow Govt to Track Purchases Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Warns

Author Robert Kiyosaki has warned that the launch of “dystopian” CBDCs will allow the federal government to track all our purchases. Kiyosaki, who wrote the best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad cautioned that CBDCs would […] The post ‘Dystopian’ CBDCs Will Allow Govt to Track Purchases Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Warns appeared first on […]

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki warns of “dystopian” CBDCs

World governments are making plans to introduce CBDCs. Source

Lab-Grown Meat: A Promising Future or Dystopian Fate?

In late March, Italy became one of the first countries to take a decisive stance on lab-grown meat. The proposed bill is clear: Italy seeks to ban lab-grown meat production, sale, and use. If the bill is passed in Parliament, a violation of the law could result in a $65,000 fine. Francesco Lollobrigida, Italy’s Minister […]

A Clockwork Orange’s Prediction of Dystopian Democracy: the Rise & Failure of Authoritarianism

Why does authoritarianism fail to create safety and prevent crime? Can democracies be totalitarian? What makes policing ineffective? Source

The Early 21st Century Dystopian Nightmare Reality

The Early 21st Century Dystopian Nightmare Reality By Dr. Joseph SansoneGlobal Research, December 07, 2022Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone 5 December 2022 Welcome to the early 21st century dystopian nightmare reality where Orwell’s 1984 is no longer fiction, and if you are hearing voices, it could be the government transplanting those thoughts in your head.If you think your […]

Social Credit: Forcing us into a Dystopian Digital World

26TH JULY 2022 Social credit is leading us straight into the sort of world predicted by Orwell and Huxley. Your body, your mind, your spirit and everything you once thought you owned will belong to the conspirators and their world state. Social credit, promoted by the WEF, the UN, the WHO and a bunch of […]

Top 10 Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum

Throughout the years, people at the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) have said some highly disturbing things, none of which garnered proper media attention. When one pieces together the topics championed by WEF, an overarching theme emerges – the total control of humanity using media, science, and technology while reshaping democracies to form a global government. […]

Top 10 Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum

Throughout the years, people at the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) have said some highly disturbing things, none of which garnered proper media attention. When one pieces together the topics championed by WEF, an overarching theme emerges – the total control of humanity using media, science, and technology while reshaping democracies to form a global government. […]

We Have Arrived Into the Dystopian Future Dreamed Up by Science Fiction Writers

“The Internet is watching us now. If they want to. They can see what sites you visit. In the future, television will be watching us, and customizing itself to what it knows about us. The thrilling thing is, that will make us feel we’re part of the medium. The scary thing is, we’ll lose our […]

The Future Is Here: Dystopian Movies Fit for a Dystopian World

We have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick. Much like Orwell’s Big Brother in 1984, the government and its corporate spies now watch our every move. Source

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real

by Jeffrey A. Tucker | Brownstone Institute Watching Songbird (2020) was a delight. Wait, wrong word. It was chilling, remarkable, stunning, revealing, and terrifying in strange ways. It features a dystopian society that is fully consumed by disease panic and controlled by a police state that claims to be fixing the problem. The problem is not being fixed. […]

Chilling Video From Irish Government Previews Dystopian Coronavirus Digitized Social Credit System

A chilling new video released by the Irish government previews an Orwellian social credit system revolving around the coronavirus disease, in which compliance with COVID-19 obedience mandates is tracked through QR codes and phone apps. An electronic “risk level” correlates with obedience with various rituals, such as wearing a face mask, and other health measures, […]

Dystopian: China Introduces ‘AI Prosecutor’ That Can Automatically Charge Citizens of a Crime

While in the West mostly speech and movement of people are policed through automated “AI” censorship and surveillance systems, in China, work appears to be well under way to create a machine that would act as an AI-powered prosecutor. The product, which has already been tested by the busy Shanghai Pudong prosecutor’s office, is able […]

Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In? Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451?

There’s a debate going on among the disaffected/ terrified over which dystopian novel we’re now living in. As John Rubino remarks, some point to social media addiction and designer drugs to suggest Brave New World. Others see mass surveillance and pandemic lockdowns as putting us squarely in 1984. Still others cite online censorship and cancel […]

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