Posts Tagged ‘bully’

Adolf Hitler The Gay Bully of The Past

Great Gay Bullies of the Past: Adolf Hitler Posted on October 12, 2015 by EditorialTeam Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was one of the greatest monsters and dictators of the twentieth century. His aggressive Nazi policies caused World War II and led to the extermination of six million Jewish men, women and children in concentration camps. Not only was he a […]

Pfizer tried to ‘bully’ India into accepting experimental injections

According to Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the minister for electronics and technology, the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer tried to “bully” the Indian government into releasing it from liability for legal actions over its Covid-19 vaccine. In the end, India never authorized the vaccination injection. Chandrasekhar tweeted on Friday, “Just to remind all Indians, that Pfizer sought to […]

New UK PM Enters Whilst the Rest of the World Gangs Up Against the Schoolyard Bully, America

The ongoing debacle in Ukraine demonstrates that the US and the “allies of the willing” are no longer the main power block in the world. There are new camps forming, alliances, and these are often connecxted to old colonial wounds and shared pain. Collectively they are ganging up against the schoolyard bully, the US, and […]

TPUSA Promotes John Guandolo’s Call for Right-Wing Activists to Bully and Harass Political Opponents

A new film produced by the right-wing youth organization Turning Point USA spotlights radical right-wing conspiracy theorist John Guandolo urging sheriffs to take the law into their own hands and resist federal authority. Guandolo is a former FBI agent who resigned in 2009 “before the bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility could question him about his […]

Biden and Democrats: Climb into your Bully Pulpit, connect with the American people

As we watch the Democrats failing to match the Republican’s strategies in reaching and influencing the American people, the word to them must be: “it’s the Bully Pulpit, stupid!”

Herschel Walker Responds to The Nation’s Elie Mystal: ‘I’m Not Going to Have You to Bully Me Because You Can’t’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker reacted to a piece from The Nation’s Elie Mystal declaring Walker to be “an insult to black people.”

Former Staffer Says Kamala Harris Is A ‘Soul Destroying Bully’

As Vice President Kamala Harris faces questions about her leadership, former staffers continue to speak out anonymously about their experience working for her. One staffer said Harris does not do the work necessary for the job and likended her to a workplace “bully” in an article for the Washington Post. She said the VP routinely […]

Pentagon announces Nuclear WW3 as it continues to Bully and Antagonize Russia in the Black Sea

    The US says there is an ‘increased potential’ for nuclear conflict with the country’s main enemies because they are stockpiling nuclear weapons. Russia and China have been modernizing and expanding their respective arsenals over the last decade, according to a recently disclosed 2020 report from the Pentagon on nuclear operations. And North Korea […]

Microsoft Employees Accuse Bill Gates Of Being An Office Bully & Womanizer

Four Microsoft employees have accused founder Bill Gates of being an office ‘bully’ whose catchphrase was “that’s the stupidest fucking idea I’ve ever heard” In an Insider report published Tuesday the employess also claim that Gates pursued sexual affairs with employees and journalists. His reputation as a hot-tempered boss began not long after he launched tech […]

A ‘Climate Lockdown’ is on the Horizon – A Threat Used to Bully the Public into Accepting the ‘Great Reset’

by Kit Knightly If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won’t be going anywhere. Instead it looks like they’ll be rebranded as “climate lockdowns”, and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public’s head. At least, according to an article written by an employee of the WHO, […]

Lobby for Foreign Government Continues to Bully State Legislatures

From If Americans Knew The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has been pushing politicians to block the international boycott against Israel, BDS , over Israel’s massive human rights abuses. Two more states have just passed legislation against BDS – Idaho & West Virginia – even though boycotting has long been considered a right for all […]

K-pop star, 20, suspended for being a bully at school

A South Korean pop star has been suspended from all promotional activities by his management after an allegation of bullying emerged from his time at school. The episode comes amid a broader debate about bullying in South Korea after a string of celebrities faced accusations from former classmates. The management agency representing 20-year-old Hyunjin from […]

US Bully In Last Chance Saloon

Above photo: Darko Bandic/AP. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced this week the reimposition of international sanctions against Iran. Trouble is nobody is listening to Washington’s remonstrations any longer. Not only has the emperor no clothes, he’s lost bullying power too. The Trump administration asserts it has the legal right to invoke “snapback” UN sanctions […]

Blackbird9 – (210) Cry Bully Products Of Obummer Rotten Core

Blackbird9 – (210) Cry Bully Products Of Obummer Rotten CoreBLACKBIRD9 EFR simulcasts Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Live on Weds 8pm-10pm US est. Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club’s Wednesday Podcast, Cry Bully Products Of Obummer Rotten Core. Tonight we examined the aggressive behavior of The Day Care Generation. In the First Hour  we cover the chaotic events […]

LGBT "bully brigade" forces Mike Huckabee off a country music charity board by invoking their usual tactics of hatred and intolerance

(Natural News) Not even one full day after he was appointed to the board of directors of the Country Music Association’s CMA Foundation, former Arkansas Governor and two-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee resigned from his post, citing a barrage of bullying from the LGBT mafia over his religious and political beliefs. A […]

Trump’s Bully Roy Cohn

  December 11, 2017 Source Article from

Trump’s Bully Roy Cohn

  December 11, 2017 Source Article from

Trump’s Bully Roy Cohn

  December 11, 2017 Source Article from

[WATCH] Bully Cop Trips and Shoves High School Girls After Soccer Game

Many have observed the bullying behavior that comes out when people are given a badge, uniform, and told they have special rights over everyone else. But sometimes we catch that overt bullying on video (scroll down for video). No, we’re not talking about your every day police brutality against “suspects.” What we’re talking about here […]

The warped logic of pro-Israel bully Jonathan Hoffman

David Cronin Lobby Watch 25 August 2017 Should I feel flattered or afraid? Each time I give a talk in London, there is a strong likelihood that the pro-Israel bully Jonathan Hoffman will attend. Hoffman turned up at a recent event held to promote my new book Balfour’s Shadow. Not content with heckling on the […]

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