Posts Tagged ‘weaponization’

Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House

[Wednesday, May 1, 2024; 10:00 AM; Rayburn House Office Building Room 2141] Chairman Jordan, Ranking Member Plaskett, and Members of the Committee: I am Todd Zywicki and I appreciate the opportunity to appear to you today to testify on the topic of “Weaponization of the Federal Government.” I am George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law […]

Full spectrum warfare: Israel’s weaponization of words against Palestine

MAR 7, 2024 Photo Credit: The Cradle Ali Choukeir He mobilized the English language and sent it to the field. In a multipolar world where great powers are vying to influence global public opinion, language is paramount. “Words, after all, are the building blocks of our psychology“and shape our perception of good and evil, right […]

Our Democracy™: The Democratic Weaponization Of Government And The Need For Decentralization

Authored by Roger Kimball via American Greatness, Reading Matt Taibbi’s summary how the Democrats weaponized the government against Donald Trump, starting before the election of 2016 and proceeding right up to the present moment, I am reminded once again that the issue is not democracy but “Our Democracy.” That is, the Democrats and their deep-state allies […]

Interview 1820 – James Corbett on The Weaponization of Psychology

via ANTIJANTEPODDEN: Investigative journalist James Corbett has investigated how psychology is being weaponized to target dissidents. In this episode he explains the absurdity of the old diagnoses of anarchia, which was too much love for freedom, and drapetomania, which was the mental illness of slaves running away from their masters. Over the last three years, […]

Weaponization of Food Goes Into High Gear. “Eating Insects for Dinner”

Weaponization of Food Goes Into High Gear. “Eating Insects for Dinner” By Stephen Karganovic Global Research, July 14, 2023 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to […]

U.S. Senator introduces bill to disarm, demilitarize the IRS: ‘Any further weaponization of this federal agency against hardworking Americans and small businesses is a grave concern’

Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, introduced a bill last week which she has labeled in the form of a question: Her bill is called the “Why does the IRS Have Guns Act?”  “Why do paper-pushing tax collectors at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) need guns?” she asks on her website. “That’s the $35 million-dollar question.”  Source

The Weaponization Of The Transgender Movement & The Focus On Your Kids

This is a special follow up to today’s impromptu Daily Wrap Up, with a focus on the weaponization of the “transgender movement”, the movements bedrock of sexual identity, and the undeniable and unnerving focus on children with that conversation — ones way below the age where the idea of sexual identity is even fully understood.  […]

Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychology

Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychologyby James Corbett, The Corbett ReportMarch 12, 2023 “WA State Bill Will Send Political Enemies to Psych Wards” blares a recent headline from Kurt Nimmo’s Substack.The bill in question, Washington State Legislature House Bill 1333, “Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission,” would, according to its critics, “criminalize thought and expression under […]

Democrats Name Members for House Panel on ‘Weaponization’ of Government

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday named his appointments to the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and other key panels. On Jan. 10, the Republican-controlled House voted to establish a select subcommittee to probe the “weaponization” of the government by federal law enforcement agencies under the Biden administration. The newly […]

Jim Jordan Vows To Take Down ‘Deep State’; Chairs ‘Weaponization of Government’ Select Committee

Jim Jordan has vowed to take down the ‘Deep State’ and bring to justice those who abused their power within government to silence ordinary Americans on social media. The 118th House of Representatives will see […] The post Jim Jordan Vows To Take Down ‘Deep State’; Chairs ‘Weaponization of Government’ Select Committee appeared first on […]

Interview 1775 – The Weaponization of the WHO on CHD TV

via CHD.TV: Solve the intentionally confusing puzzle about what the WHO’s 2023 plans are regarding the “zero draft” for a new and potentially legally binding pandemic treaty, International Health Regulation amendments, recent Intergovernmental Negotiating Body Meetings and more. Learn all about the corrupt public health organization “with teeth” with guest James Corbett and Meryl Nass, […]

‘Spartacus’: The Weaponization of Biotech Part 4

BY RHODA WILSON ON JULY 6, 2022  “The unregulated advancement of biotech is creating a new arms race and threatening our personal autonomy.” – Spartacus A document posted online under the name “Spartacus” went viral in 2021. The ‘Covid letter’ summed up the state of the ‘pandemic’ at the time, calling out the so-called ‘science’ attributed to Covid-19 and the […]

Exclusive — Matt Gaetz: ‘Nothing More Dangerous’ than ‘Weaponization’ of DOJ Against People Who Go to School Board Meetings

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he believes “nothing is more dangerous right now than the weaponization of the Justice Department against people who show up at school board meetings,” as it paves the way for broad targeting. “I’m on the judiciary committee, I think nothing is more dangerous right […]

Global food corporations say weaponization of food system already well underway, “transition” to New World Order almost complete

Global food corporations say weaponization of food system already well underway, “transition” to New World Order almost complete / Ethan Huff (Natural News) The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a coalition of the world’s largest multinational food corporations, is developing a new “equitable” food strategy that involves deciding which foods are “moral” […]

Weaponization of Coronavirus: When Nature is Conscripted to Harm

November 6th, 2021 David Martin, PhD, spoke at our Wise Traditions Conference 2021 on November 5, 2021 and we decided to share his presentation freely! This is quite simply, an absolute “must-see” that electrified the audience! Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid _______________________________ If you are looking for […]

The Hypocrisy Of Washington’s Weaponization Of Protests In Cuba

Above Photo: Charles Hutchins. On 11 July, Cuba saw thousands of demonstrators take to the streets in cities across the island. The protests are believed to have started in the Artemisa Province before spreading to neighboring Havana and further afield, including Cuba’s second-largest city, Santiago de Cuba. Press reports largely claim that protesters are motivated […]

Space weaponization “cannot be walked back”

“Let’s be clear: Deploying weapons in space crosses a threshold that cannot be walked back,” stated retired U.S. Army Colonel John Fairlamb in a piece in The Hill, the Washington, D.C. news website. Fairlamb knows the weaponization of space issue. His background includes being an International Affairs Specialist for the Army Space and Missile Defense […]

ACH (1347) Paul English – The Weaponization Of Language

ACH (1347) Paul English – The Weaponization Of LanguageTHE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on September 22 2020, Andy is joined by Paul English for a show entitled, “The Weaponization Of Language.” We discussed: the Blankety Blank clip that we played during the show intro segment; the latest BBC demonization of Russia including […]

COVID-19: The Weaponization of a Disease and the Subsequent Misdiagnosis

Two reports that you will NOT get from the Kosher press and their lackeys: Independent Chinese journalist exposes the weaponization of the Wuhan “virus.” [embedded content] Exosomes versus viruses.   Is COVID-19 caused by a virus, or is the so-called virus merely an exosome, or byproduct of the disease?   If you get this wrong, you will […]

Congress Directs Immediate Weaponization of Space to Counter Missile Strikes

The space-based interceptor program—a plan for the United States to deploy satellites into space capable of destroying ballistic missiles before they even take flight—has been on ice for years due to repeated delays by the Pentagon. Congressional frustration over the issue has been mounting for some time, leading Sen. Ted Cruz (R., […]

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