Posts Tagged ‘fragile’

Ricky Gervais Comments On Woke Purge Of Literature By The “Fragile” And “Easily Offended”

Comedian Ricky Gervais offered his two cents on recent reports that classic literature is being completely rewritten for a modern day woke audience, by wondering if his own work would be changed after he is dead. Tongue firmly in cheek and poking fun at himself, Gervais tweeted he is pondering whether the “fragile” and “easily […]

‘Merry Christmas, You Fragile Snowflakes!’: The 2022 Right Wing Watch Holiday Gift Guide

With the war on Christmas supposedly upon us, Right Wing Watch took a spin through some of the looniest gifts being hawked to good conservatives this holiday season. Right Wing Watch’s 2022 annual gift guide is here. Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal Everyone knows that there really is no point in celebrating the birth of […]

Lancet: Lockdowns Aggravated the Already ‘Fragile Mental Health of Many Chinese’

The Lancet medical journal took a pause from its progressive pandering this week to criticize China’s harsh Coronavirus lockdowns, insisting that the measures have intensified China’s already serious mental health problems.

Chuck Schumer to Force Vote on Abortion After Fragile Polling Data

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Thursday announced the Senate will vote on abortion legislation Wednesday which would make abortion on demand and up-to-birth federal law and nullify state laws protecting unborn babies’ lives. 

Al-Tanf: The Fragile Military Base

Posted on October 22, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians 22.10.2021 By Al-Ahed News Staff An infographics detailing information regarding the al-Tanf military base in Syria which accommodates American and British troops. Related Videos [embedded content] Targeting the al-Tanf base. Connotations that go beyond the geography of action and reaction [embedded content] Targeting the illegal U.S. al-Tanf base […]

What Keeps the Political Situation in Libya So Fragile?

As is well known, under the agreements reached at the Forum of the Libyan Political Dialogue in Tunisia, the first presidential election in the history of Libya will be held on December 24, 2021. However, so far, the development of the situation has followed a pattern similar to that of Afghanistan. There are many groups vying […]

‘Fragile, vulnerable’ young Jews who join ‘hip hop club’ that supports BDS are crux of new antisemitism — David Harris

David Harris, the CEO of the American Jewish Committee, says there’s a new nexus of antisemitism: “fragile… vulnerable” young Jews join campus groups such as the “hip hop club” where they are indoctrinated into anti-Israel attitudes. These antisemitic beliefs are pervasive on campus, Harris explained on an AJC webinar (Facebook, YouTube) about Jew-hatred last week. […]

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Left ‘Speechless’ Over ‘Exceptionally Fragile’ State Of The World

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry issued a statement to supporters on Tuesday, describing themselves as “speechless” and “scared” over the current state of the world, while also offering followers encouragement and ways to help.  “The world is exceptionally fragile right now. As we all feel the many layers of pain due to the situation in […]

‘We can’t escape the politics’: Biden and DeSantis’ fragile détente tested

That episode serves as a stark reminder of how partisan politics can imbue even basic government responses to a disaster, a phenomenon that has renewed relevance in the wake of a new tragedy in Florida, where the terrifying collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside may have cost 150 or more lives. On […]

Putin-Biden Negotiate Fragile Peace

Putin-Biden Step Back from the Abyss,In Sober View of Nuclear War Threat by Harley Schlanger [Print version of this article]View full sizeC-SPANPresident Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet in summit in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16, 2021. An earlier version of this article has been posted on the blog of the Russian International […]

Clamping down Media Sites: US Hegemony Reveals Its Fragile Democracy

25/06/2021 Mohammad Youssef The recent US aggression against the resistance axis; clamping down its electronic sites is very revealing and represents a new surge of confrontation! By doing this, Washington has proved how fragile and weak the American democracy is. In its attempt to gag the voices and prevent spreading the truth about the real […]

Fragile peace holds in Gaza but tensions with Israel remain

People in Gaza are attempting to get back to some sort of normality a week after a fragile ceasefire with Israel came into effect. 250 people, mainly Palestinians, died in a short but fierce conflict. “At what price?,” asked Hadil, a saleswoman in Gaza City. “The blood of the martyrs. And then? Nothing. Everything remains […]

Claudia Andujar: Photographing the fragile way of life of the indigenous Yanomami people

Amazonian Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa wrote his 2013 book The Falling Sky: “A path of light opened before my eyes and unknown beings came towards me. “They had the appearance of tiny human beings with black saki tails around their foreheads and their hair covered in white down feathers. They approached with slow movements, in […]

France says Turkey has stopped insults, but demands more action to fix fragile diplomatic relations

France’s foreign minister has called for more action from Turkey to fix the fragile ties between the two nations, despite accepting that Ankara has taken steps to cool tensions by ceasing insulting Paris and the European Union. Turkey and the European Union have been in a war of words in recent months, as tensions rise […]

Renewed nuclear deal offers hope to Iran’s fragile economy

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Italy’s fragile government will continue despite turmoil, says expert

Italy’s government has been weakened by recent turmoil but will survive until the end of the year, an expert has told Euronews. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has today been addressing senators ahead of a confidence vote in his government. On Monday, he won a crucial vote in parliament’s lower house securing a 321-to-259 victory. It […]

Gulf Muslim pilgrims are about to upset the fragile status quo at Al-Aqsa

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

U.S. Jewish life is ‘fragile’ –Bret Stephens peddles delusions to battle Beinart

For weeks we waited for Bret Stephens of the New York Times to address Israeli plans to annex the West Bank beginning July 1. Silence. Even as countless American supporters of Israel came out against the plans out of a sense of political urgency, Stephens had nothing to say. He was a lot like AIPAC […]

Kremlin calls for restraint in ‘already fragile’ Syria as West eyes military options

Trump: Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’! “As before, we still hope that all sides will avoid any steps that a) are not really provoked by anything, and b) could significantly destabilize an already fragile situation in the region,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday. […]

‘We’re not fragile like US, which went on its knees to China’ – Zimbabwe president Mugabe

“Zimbabwe is not a fragile state, it is one of the most highly developed countries, second after South Africa,” he said at the World Economic Forum for Africa. Zimbabweans could soon use livestock as collateral “You cannot even talk about us as a ‘fragile state’ from an economic point of view.” “I can call America […]

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