Posts Tagged ‘recap’

DeSantis, Haley spar in heated CNN debate, as Trump fields Iowa town hall: Recap

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis came out sniping at one another in their first one-on-one match-up on CNN’s debate stage in Des Moines, Iowa, while former President Trump counterprogrammed with a Fox News town hall in the same city. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie suspended his GOP presidential campaign just hours before the dueling… […]

Election Day 2023 recap: Voters back Democrats in Kentucky, Virginia, beyond

Voters across the country headed to the polls Tuesday to weigh in on a slew of statewide and local elections that could serve as a bellwether for next year’s congressional and White House races. Virginia Democrats have gained full control of the state’s General Assembly, dealing a major blow to Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s agenda in a… […]

The Eternal Return (Recap)

Note: This text was originally derived from Savitri Devi’s book, “The Lightning and the Sun”.  This post is Source

GOP candidates trade insults at testy debate: Recap

Nine Republican presidential candidates were on air tonight, in two forums. Eight candidates took the stage in Milwaukee, looking for a moment to set themselves apart from one another but also to gain traction in the race to beat former President Trump, who declined to participate in the debate because of his commanding lead. Trump… […]

Hitler Was NOT Controlled Opposition – Series Recap

Making Adolf Hitler into a Jewish-controlled agent is quite a brilliant plot by International Jewry to divert newcomers away from learning the true history & background of National Socialism.  Source

WEF-China recap: Klaus praises Wuhan lockdowns, speakers call for ‘public-private’ partnership on CBDCs

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are currently presiding over their annual “Summer Davos” conference in China, which started on Tuesday and ends Thursday. The top items on the agenda for the “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” includes — unsurprisingly for those who are familiar with Davos — the climate […]

A Recap Of The War In Ukraine – by Gonzalo Lira

Quick recap for those who haven’t followed what’s been going on in Ukraine but want to understand

GTR – Recap of Genesis 1, Part 1

GTR – Recap of Genesis 1, Part 1GENESIS TO REVELATION Pastor Eli James recaps the previous two shows on Genesis 1, with new material and a 12-point list of how CI theology differs from mainstream Judeo-Christianity. Share this:

A 5 minute recap of nine eleven (Corbett)

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Should We Be Treating Drug Users Medically Rather Than Criminally?

So-called ‘progressive’ politicians are often asked about how they would deal with the War On Drugs and their answer is almost always that we should be treating drug use as a medical issue rather than a criminal one. While this is a seemingly progressive response, it still suffers heavily from two very faulty premises. The […]

Open Letter To White Police Officers: Why Do White Officers Aggressively Police Black Communities?

A.) be resident of the jurisdiction you’re working for. B.) At least be urban, we need you to be a make up of the people you’re supposed to be ‘protecting and serving’ just like Chinatown and the Jewish communities. C.) Stop the Aggressive Policing tactics and styles. We have seen far too often and in […]

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap

  Injustice Everywhere September 11, 2011 Here are the 14 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, September 9, 2011: – Clarksburg WV cop was fired indicted for battery neglect of an incapacitated adult over an on-duty videotaped altercation shown above. [0] – Aransas Pass TX […]

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