Posts Tagged ‘liberties’

Trudeau Government Is Sued Over Emergencies Act, Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Ban Accounts

Trudeau’s authoritarian overreach, which a court ruled was unconstitutional, is being challenged by the victims of his actions. Source

Canada: Civil liberties protesters that had bank accounts frozen will have permanent record

Not only were bank accounts of those participating in the anti-Covid mandates trucker protest, “Freedom Convoy,” frozen as a maneuver to quash societal and political dissent – they will now reportedly face permanent consequences and be “flagged for life.” This transpires from the statements regarding the controversy made by a representative of the Canadian Bankers […]

Nigel Farage Says Vaccine Passports Are An ‘Infringement On Our Liberties’

Brexit leader and GB News presenter Nigel Farage has slammed vaccine passports describing them as an “infringement on our liberties” He also believes, that despite what they say, UK government will bring back lockdowns if coronavirus cases rise. During a live Farage at Large event in Folkestone, Kent, for GB News this week Farage said: […]

Civil Liberties Are Being Trampled by Exploiting “Insurrection” Fears. Congress’s 1/6 Committee May Be the Worst Abuse Yet.

Following the 9/11 script, objections to government overreach in the name of 1/6 are demonized as sympathy for terrorists. But government abuses pose the greater threat. When a population is placed in a state of sufficiently grave fear and anger regarding a perceived threat, concerns about the constitutionality, legality and morality of measures adopted in […]

ACLU: ‘Gov’t Forcing People to Take Vaccines Is a Victory for Civil Liberties’

The ACLU has declared that governments forcing vaccinations on unwilling citizens is actually a victory for civil liberties. Yes, really. “Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties,” the ACLU tweeted, linking to a New York Times article. “They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young […]

ACLU Says the State Forcing People to Take Vaccines is a Victory For Civil Liberties

Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma after the piece began to go viral. The article (archived here) was written by Zak Ringelstein, who has a a PhD in education from Columbia University and founded Zigadoo, an educational and development […]

The Stabbing of a Hong Kong Police Officer May Result in More Clampdown on Liberties

The stabbing of a Hong Kong police officer on the night of July 1 could result in Hong Kong citizens having even more of their liberties restricted. July 1 has been the date of the annual pro-democracy march in Hong Kong in recent years. But not this year. After the implementation of the National Security […]

UK’s New Internet Bill Criticised by Civil Liberties Groups

The UK government on Wednesday published the draft of a new “landmark” internet bill to regulate online space. The ambitious new bill (pdf), which is expected to be brought before Parliament in the coming months, is set to be the first major set of regulations for the internet anywhere in the world. It aims to […]

Israel’s ‘green passport’ raises a red flag about civil liberties

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

President of US-Based Human Rights, Religious Liberties Group China Aid Receives Death Threats

Public domain (Mission Network News) — Bob Fu, the president of China Aid, has received death threats and currently is being protected by U.S. law enforcement. China Aid is an international human rights organization that seeks to expose the human rights violations of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and promote religious freedom in the country. […]

AG Barr Calls Coronavirus Lockdowns ‘Greatest Intrusion Of Civil Liberties In American History’

US Attorney General Bill Barr has caused a stir by calling the coronavirus stay at home orders, “the greatest intrusion of civil liberties in American history” Barr made his comments while speaking at a Constitution Day event held in DC by Hillsdale College. When asked about coronavirus restrictions keeping churches closed in many areas, the […]

AG William Barr: Coronavirus Lockdowns ‘Greatest Intrusion on Civil Liberties’ Since Slavery

Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday evening “other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint,” coronavirus lockdowns were the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.” Barr’s comments came during a Constitution Day celebration at Hillsdale College, commemorating the date in 1789 when the Constitution was signed by the Framers in Philadelphia. […]

Civil Liberties Groups Cry Foul Over Trump’s ‘Enemy Combatant’ Designations

President Donald Trump’s assertion last week that he wanted to send the New York City terror suspect to Guantanamo Bay to be held as an enemy combatant has civil liberties groups worried about the administration’s continued faith in the controversial detainment practice. When asked Oct. 30 about the deaths of eight pedestrians by a man […]

Civil Liberties Org Challenges Police Use of License Plate Readers as Mass Surveillance Tool

By Activist Post The Rutherford Institute has asked the Virginia Supreme Court to prohibit police from using license plate readers as mass surveillance tools to track citizens whether or not they are suspected of a crime. In filing an amicus brief in Neal v. Fairfax County Police Department, Rutherford Institute attorneys argue that […]

What percentage of Americans really know their civil liberties?

What percentage of Americans really know their civil liberties? By Dark Politricks Israel are busy pushing through their owned US congress to pass an anti BDS bill which will fine anyone from not buying Israeli goods and products, many coming from Palestinian confiscated land where they are illegally building more housing against UN law. President […]

Dershowitz warns that left-wing media frenzy endangers civil liberties by promoting LIES about Trump and the presidency

Dershowitz warns that left-wing media frenzy endangers civil liberties by promoting LIES about Trump and the presidency He supported President Obama and politically leans very much to the Left, but when it comes to the construct of American government, there are few better defenders of our constitutional system than Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. And […]

Ron Paul: Online Gaming Ban threatens all of our liberties

Ron Paul: Online Gaming Ban threatens all of our liberties By ns_admin for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an article for Town Hall explaining why legislation banning Internet gambling not only violates the Constitution but threatens all of our liberties. You can read Dr. Paul’s op-ed here and below. And remember to call your […]

France Announces Martial Law Amid Total Crackdown On Civil Liberties

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced martial law in France, following the false flag terror attack in Manchester, UK, on Monday.  This will be the sixth extension to France’s state of emergency since the Paris attacks in November 2015, which has seen civil liberties in France almost entirely abolished in the name of security. This […]

How WiFi Will Be Used to Erase Civil Liberties

If there is ever a perfect example of dual-use technology, it is WiFi connectivity. I’ve already covered the mounting evidence that our ubiquitous gadgets and wireless connections are doing irreparable physical harm, especially to the young and to pregnant women, but the concern about surveillance is running a parallel track. Recent announcements in the UK […]

Oregon Drops Appeal, Will Pay $517,000 To Motorcyclist Kicked By Cop (Update)

The State of Oregon has dropped a pair of appeals in a case in which a state police lieutenant was filmed crashing into and kicking a motorcyclist. An eight-member jury ruled in U.S. District Court in January that Lt. Rob Edwards had violated Justin Wilkens’ civil rights in an Aug. 3, 2012 incident that left […]

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