Posts Tagged ‘dershowitz’


Epstein flew to Martha’s Vineyard and visited Dershowitz, bringing a bottle of champagne. “The two men found common interests,” The New Yorker recorded, talking about “science…academia…Harvard.” They became close friends, and in September of that year, Epstein introduced Dershowitz to his “mentor,” billionaire Leslie Wexner. Details of Epstein’s purported wealth management business remain sketchy today, to the […]

Jan 7 – Lynn Rothschild Introduced Alan Dershowitz to Jeffrey Epstein

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Stealing Our Birthright is Rothschild Family Business Alan Dershowitz Throws Rothschilds Under the Bus.  Illuminati go-fers are starting to panic. Rats are deserting the shit.  He says Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Evelyn de Rothschild (1931-2022) introduced him to Epstein. Epstein was a Rothschild operation run by […]

Dershowitz: Bad Behavior by Schools Helped Create Student Debt Issue, Harvard Runs, Charges Like a Huge Corporation

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus and Newsmax Legal Analyst Alan Dershowitz said that the bad behavior of universities is a large driver of student loan debt and even said his own institution has engaged in the same behavior and is “like a mega-corporation and the tuition reflects it.” […]

Alan Dershowitz: ‘You Have No Right To Be Unvaccinated, Gov’t Should Plunge a Needle Into Your Arm’

The government should round up the unvaccinated, take them to medical centers and “plunge a needle into their arm,” according to Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz, who famously represented Jeffrey Epstein. “You have no […] The post Alan Dershowitz: ‘You Have No Right To Be Unvaccinated, Gov’t Should Plunge a Needle Into Your Arm’ […]

BBC Says Interview With Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Over Maxwell Verdict Was Not ‘Suitable’

The BBC’s coverage of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial – which ended with a guilty verdict Wednesday – backfired when the broadcasters attempted to analyze the result shortly afterwards with Alan Dershowitz. Maxwell, a close associate of the disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, was found guilty on five charges related to sex trafficking […]


[embedded content]… ‘Blackrock has a secret weapon that has made it the most powerful company in the world: Aladdin.  ‘If you’re ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence could impact our lives, here’s the answer.  ‘Aladdin is the brainchild of Larry Fink, and it already controls more assets than the GDP than the US.  ‘It’s growing by […]

CNN Bankruptcy: Judge Orders Alan Dershowitz $300 Million Lawsuit Against CNN To Move Forward

The future of CNN looks ropey after a judge ruled in favor of Alan Dershowitz and ordered the civil liberties attorney’s $300 million lawsuit against CNN to move forward. Professor Dershowitz won a victory in court that will allow his massive lawsuit against the far-left network to proceed to depositions. A desperate motion to dismiss the […]

Alan Dershowitz Not Impressed by Trump Lawyer Bruce Castor at Impeachment Trial

Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz appeared on Newsmax TV to discuss former President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearings, specifically criticizing Trump attorney Bruce Castor’s defense of the former president. ‘There is no argument – I have no idea what he is doing,’ @AlanDersh on Trump’s defense lawyer Bruce Castor ‘talking nice’ to U.S. Senators […]

Dershowitz persuaded Trump to let the Israeli billionaire, Dan Gertler, loot DR Congo again

This is personal. I’ve been to the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the most exploited and consequently poorest nations on earth. I’ve seen the copper mines that enrich overseas investors but leave the Congolese people without schooling, health care, or an adequately trained and paid security force.  So when the New York Times reports […]

LANDSLIDE INCOMING: Dershowitz Says Trump Set to Win Pennsylvania Lawsuit

Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz has promised that President Trump is set to win a lawsuit his campaign filed in Pennsylvania challenging the legitimacy of mail-in ballots received after Election Day. Dershowitz predicted that the U.S. Supreme Court would take on Trump’s lawsuit if the number of votes being challenged are enough to change […]

Alan Dershowitz on The Jonathan Pollard Case

In this clip from 2013, Alan Dershowitz kvetches about the “terrible” conviction of israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who was freed under the Obama administration. Bitchute link

Alan Dershowitz Sues CNN for Defamation over Impeachment Coverage

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz is suing CNN for $300 million for misreporting the substance of his defense of President Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial earlier this year. Dershowitz, who filed suit Wednesday in a federal court in Florida, alleges that CNN and its various commentators “doctored the tape” of his […]

Alan Dershowitz Says 16 Is Too Old for Age of Consent Laws – “Statutory Rape is an Outdated Concept”

jewish supremacist Alan Dershowitz is currently in the spotlight for being accused of raping underage White girls who were part of Jeffrey Epstein’s operation. Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Sarah Ransome both accuse Dershowitz of raping them when they were teenage girls. He was Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer, and after his client was convicted and given his […]

Dershowitz: The Age of Consent Must Be Lowered, ‘Statutory Rape Is An Outdated Concept’

Alan Dershowitz, who stands accused of having sex with multiple alleged Jeffrey Epstein victims, says “statutory rape is an outdated concept” and there should be “Romeo and Juliet exceptions” to statutory rape law. The age of consent should be lowered to as young as 14 because “voluntary sex is so common in their age group“, […]

Vaccine Debate: Robert F. Kennedy Jr vs Alan Dershowitz

In general, are vaccines both effective and safe? Is the current experimental coronavirus vaccine flouting normal testing and safety protocols, and being intentionally rushed to market by the pharmaceutical industrial complex and its partners and stakeholders in government and the third sector? Arguing against: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as […]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz: The Great Vaccine Debate!

Childrens Health July 23, 2020 Don’t miss this historic debate between Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. With the current COVID crisis dominating headlines at national and local levels, the topic of vaccines is now front and center. The two attorneys debate a range of issues […]

Watch: Alan Dershowitz & Robert F Kennedy Jr. Have A Vaccine Debate

Would it not have been serving to have seen this happen already? A vaccine discussion, between two sides with different perspectives. Made available for everyone to see in a big way – perhaps through mainstream media. Sure, Dershowitz and Kennedy are not physicians, they are lawyers by trade. However, just like it can happen for […]

Alan Dershowitz demands censorship of Al Jazeera Israel lobby film

Ali Abunimah Lobby Watch 13 March 2018 Alan Dershowitz speaking at a 2015 lecture. (Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee) Alan Dershowitz is calling for the government of Qatar to censor Al Jazeera’s suppressed film exposing the US Israel lobby. In a letter on Monday he called for the channel to “reshoot and re-edit” the film before […]

Israel propagandist Alan Dershowitz protested in Qatar

Tamara Nassar Activism and BDS Beat 5 March 2018 Activists walked out of a lecture by Alan Dershowitz in Doha on Sunday, chanting “Zionists are not welcome here.” Dershowitz, for decades a Harvard law professor, is one of the most prominent pro-Israel propagandists in the United States. He has a long record of justifying attacks […]

Rabbi Boteach Calls Dershowitz a “Shill”

In the US, Russian government collusion with the Trump Administration is a hot button issue. But in Israel, collusion with the Arab Muslim nation of Qatar is the tin foil hat issue currently, where they are taking a page from the DNC. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is now accusing Alan Dershowitz of ‘shilling’ for Qatar. In […]

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