Posts Tagged ‘daddy’

Is building a slave state for Big Daddy the apex achievement of feminism?

The polite world was fascinated last month when long-time NPR editor Uri Berliner confessed to the Stalinist suicide pact the public broadcaster, like all public broadcasters, seems to be on. Formerly it was a place of differing views, he claimed, but now it has sold as truth some genuine falsehoods like, for instance, the Russia […]

Mike Stone – Puff Daddy is the Epstein of the Rap Industry

Someone asked me if I’m serious when I recommend unplugging from corporate America.  I told him yes, I’m deadly serious. Then, knowing the jolt it was sure to give him, I suggested he start by killing his television. Well, you’d have thought I told him to murder his firstborn.  “Kill my television? How will I […]

Was Fidel Castro Justin Trudeau’s Daddy?

Was Fidel Castro Justin Trudeau’s Daddy?  Fri 9:57 am +01:00, 8 Mar 2024  2 posted by pete fairhurst 2 I know what I think. You decide for yourself…. “The Lugenpresse and usual suspects have spent a lot of effort debunking a theory that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is the bastard son of Communist revolutionary […]

Left’s Sugar Daddy Alex Soros Huddles with ‘Great Leader’ Gavin Newsom at Clinton Global Initiative

Alex Soros met with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, praising him as a “great leader” at the start of the annual Clinton Global Initiative. Source

VIDEO: Dad Hit by Drunk Driver Refuses to Let Injuries Hold Him Back From Daddy-Daughter Dance

A man paralyzed in 2006 when his car was hit head-on by a drunk driver has refused to miss a moment with his family. He has even learned daddy-daughter dances from his wheelchair to show his youngest daughter, a budding ballerina, that his love knows no limits. Rhode Islander Charles Potter, 36, lives with his fiancée, […]

Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky


‘Daddy’s Girl’, Meet Ghislaine

HIGH CRIMES: ‘Daddy’s Girl’, Meet Ghislaine – By Whitney Webb SM  Source – “…Hand in hand with the blackmail angle of this case is the specter of Ghislaine Maxwell’s family ties to intelligence agencies, as well as the intelligence ties of Jeffrey Epstein himself. Given that blackmail, particularly sexual blackmail, has been used by intelligence […]

Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged madam of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail and sex trafficking network, has attracted considerable mainstream and independent media attention, though not as much as one might expect given the level of media attention that surrounded Epstein’s 2019 arrest and death or given the public interest in the Epstein/Maxwell scandal […]

April Enciso’s “Come Home, Daddy” appears in Persian

April Enciso’s “Come Home, Daddy” appears in Persian – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – April Enciso’s book “Come Home, Daddy: An Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Memoir” where she portrays her father’s struggle with Alzheimer’s disease published in Persian. The book translated by Hooman Shokrai has been published by the Agar publishing house in Tehran. “Come Home, Daddy” is a […]

Here are the Hunter Biden emails where connections to Daddy Biden are being to boost Burisma pay

By Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle FonrougeNew York Post Hunter Biden discussed leveraging his connection to his father in a bid to boost his pay from a Ukrainian natural gas company, according to an email he sent around the time he joined the firm’s corporate board. In a lengthy memo to his then-business partner, Devon Archer, who already sat […]


ISRAEL = SAUDIS = SAME DADDY = BRITISH-ISRAEL ROTHSCHILDS ZIO-CRIME SYNDICATE Israel Deployed 18 Fighter Jets To Saudi Arabia To “Prevent A Coup” from FARS NEWS, by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, Jun 22, 2017 Click for Source Article on ZeroHedge Saudi power transition = King Salman bin Abdulaziz Replaced Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz […]

The U.S., Not Russia, Arms Al Qaeda Worldwide, Washington is the Jihadists’ Sugar Daddy

The U.S., Not Russia, Arms Al Qaeda Worldwide By Glen Ford, A Black Agenda Radio commentary by executive editor Glen Ford. “For Russia, the war in Afghanistan is a domestic issue, with a direct impact on the drug trade and terrorist attacks on Russian cities.” The U.S. Secretary of Defense claims Russia is giving weapons […]

Are HPV vaccines worthless? Study: HPV infections not necessary for development of cervical cancer

     The title of a paper recently published by McCormack et al in Molecular Cytogenetics says it all, “Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas.” If the findings in this paper are true, a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is extremely unlikely to protect against cervical cancer. According to this paper neither genetic predisposition […]

Fash the Nation with Special Guest Andrew Anglin

Jazzhands McFeelsThe Right Stuff June 19, 2016 TRS Radio (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – As the left’s latest attempt at going after guns begins to falter in the wake of the 8th Muslim terror attack that has occurred under the incompetent stewardship of Barack Obama, it has been nothing short of a full court press against Donald Trump […]

The CIA, the X-Files, and the North Korean H-bomb: A coordinated campaign? (+ foo fighters, GMO monsters, and nuclear explosions & the real conspirators)

The truth is out there… but you won’t find it in Hollywood… …(former Hollywood bigwigs Michael Eisner and George Lucas with alien deception propagandist Jordan Maxwell) The CIA connection to Hollywood should already be well known by any awakening person. The mass media complex of which Hollywood is an integral part serves as one of […]

Washington is panicking that Putin is breaking the ISIS supply line

     ISIS is intergral to the West’s strategy for toppling Assad For years, the US-directed NATO alliance has made sure that convoys full of food, weapons, and other goods have gotten to the terrorist groups IS and al-Qaida via the Syrian-Turkish border. Russian air strikes have massively impeded this service, if not brought it to […]

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