Posts Tagged ‘financially’

Tens of millions of Americans are “trapped” in an endless cycle of debt that is sucking the life out of them financially

(NaturalNews) Did you know that U.S. households are 17,690,000,000,000 dollars in debt?  Of course household debt is only one part of a much larger story.  The… Source

Financially-Strapped Vatican Opens Its First-Ever Shopping Mall

The economically ailing Vatican has inaugurated a 120,000-square-foot shopping mall to cater to the millions of tourists and pilgrims that visit it each year. Source

Fact Check: Joe Biden Claims A Record Number of Americans Feel Financially Comfortable

Biden misleadingly cited data from last year, when inflation was much lower, to claim Americans feel comfortable with their personal financial situation.

Poll: Nearly Half of Voters Say They Are ‘Financially Worse’ Off than One Year Ago

Nearly half of U.S. voters say they are “financially worse” than they were one year ago, shortly after the end of former President Trump’s four years in office, Harvard/Harris Poll’s March survey found. The survey asked respondents, “Would you say that your personal financial situation is improving or getting worse?” Nearly half, 49 percent, said […]

Rule massively financially incentivizing hospitals to poison and kill Covid patients found. Save and share aggressively.

Rule massively financially incentivizing hospitals to poison and kill Covid patients found. Save and share aggressively. Tap News / Weaver – Dec 23, 2021 Once again, a private person using simple web searching skills and the ability to read and comprehend simple English has blown the lid off of YET ANOTHER facet of the […]

Zionist Jews ‘Confident’ Evangelical Christians Will Continue To Financially Support Israel Despite Gaza Slaughter

If we take Yael Eckstein’s word for it, the recent slaughter in Gaza won’t affect the “unconditional” support that Israel receives from duped evangelical Christians — at least according to a recent wishful-thinking op-ed she wrote for the Jerusalem Post: We still do not know who the next government of Israel will be, and the […]

‘Racial Division Will Never Go Away,’ Reports News Organization That Is Financially Dependent On Racial Division

‘Racial Division Will Never Go Away,’ Reports News Organization That Is Financially Dependent On Racial Division MINNEAPOLIS, MN—As news organizations descended upon Minneapolis on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death, anchors and reporters solemnly reminded the country that racial division will likely always be an integral part of American society.  “The racial division that has […]

Iran Leader Urges Muslim States to Back Palestinians Militarily, Financially

People gather during a demonstration to express solidarity with Palestinian people amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in Tehran, Iran May 19, 2021. Photo: Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday called on Muslim states to support Palestinians militarily and financially and help rebuild Gaza after […]

YouTube Financially Deplatforms Swath Of Indie Media

Above photo: CCO. These accounts could remain demonetized for months, or forever. This is censorship.  The Google-owned video sharing platform YouTube has demonetized numerous independent media accounts, a jarring escalation in the steadily intensifying campaign against alternative news outlets online. Progressive commentators Graham Elwood, The Progressive Soapbox, The Convo Couch, Franc Analysis, Hannah Reloaded and Cyberdemon531 have all received notifications from YouTube that […]

“Financially Devastated” – Over 80% of NYC Restaurants Unable to Pay Rent

The state of the New York City restaurant industry is in dire straits. July proved to be another disastrous month for restaurants, bars, and nightlife establishments across the city with a majority unable to pay rent in July, a new survey found. NYC Hospitality Alliance surveyed about 500 owners and operators of eateries in the […]

Trump Plan to Kill Energy Star Program Financially Benefits His Companies

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show The Trump administration’s defunding of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may be financially beneficial to Donald Trump’s businesses and properties after all. The call to cut all funding for the Energy Star Program (ESP) will have an immediate and literal effect on several […]

Natural chemical found in blue-green algae found to destroy cancer cells … Potent anti-cancer medicine fights brain and breast tumors that chemo can’t treat

(NaturalNews) Scientists from Oregon State University have discovered that a compound found in algae can fight two of the most aggressive types of cancer out there: triple negative breast cancer and brain tumors. The findings were presented at the Experimental Biology 2016 meeting last month in San Diego. The discovery was made by […]

S. Azadegan digging operations complete by September 2016

TEHRAN, March 15 (Shana) – Drilling operations at South Azadegan oilfield are 61% complete and will sum up by September 2016, a senior official with National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) said. Mehran Makvandi, NIDC deputy managing director in drilling projects, told Shana that NIDC is currently involved in 14 major drilling projects in onshore and […]

UN envoy ‘optimistic, determined’ after informal talks with Syrian opposition

De Mistura met with the Riyadh-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) in a Geneva hotel on Sunday, he told reporters, adding that it was a “courtesy call.” “They deserved that we pay attention to their own concerns,” he explained. “I have been explaining what is the [peace] plan and what all meetings are about.” He told […]

Hand of God? Pictures of heavenly cloud formation go viral

Locals living on the Portuguese island of Madeira were greeted with the unusual cloud formation this week with weather blogger Rogerio Pacheco taking a few snaps of the impressive morning sky. “For me, the cloud looks like an outstretched hand with a fireball,” Pacheco told the Weather Channel. “Others have compared it to a flaming […]

Kazakh thieves steal 1,000 kg of… pinecones in hope to sell them back to owner

The alleged thieves are local residents of the Pavlodarsk region in northeastern Kazakhstan. They broke into a warehouse where the cones were being prepared for planting and stole 1,218 kilograms of them, the local police said on Thursday. After being arrested, the two men, aged 33 and 24, confessed that they had intended to sell their […]

Flashback: Health Ranger predicted ISIS would target ‘gun-free zones’ near LA after Paris attacks, warned Americans to arm themselves in self-defense

(NaturalNews) Just two days after the horrific terror attacks in Paris claimed the lives of 130 people, Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, predicted […]

Putin: Obama and I Have Common Understanding of Next Steps in Syria – Veterans Today

Very First Batch of US-Trained Syrian “Moderates” Promptly Join Al Qaeda

Very First Batch of US-Trained Syrian “Moderates” Promptly Join Al Qaeda In yet another “stunning” development Division 30, a “moderate” rebel group, which had been trained by the CIA decided last month that Al Qaeda was a better employer; on crossing the border, the men immediately defected to Al Qaeda, handing over weapons and their substantial expertise- they were […]

Utah Monetary Declaration: States Can Financially Break Away From Federal Government

  Ron Hera Oct 2, 2011 Earlier this week I attended the Utah Monetary Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah.  As you may know, the state of Utah passed a Legal Tender Act earlier this year authorizing the use of federally minted gold and silver coins as money in the state of Utah.  Now, legislators in other states, many of […]

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