Trump Plan to Kill Energy Star Program Financially Benefits His Companies

Trump Plan to Kill Energy Star Program Financially Benefits His Companies

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show

The Trump administration’s defunding of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may be financially beneficial to Donald Trump’s businesses and properties after all.

The call to cut all funding for the Energy Star Program (ESP) will have an immediate and literal effect on several of Trump’s properties; including the Mayfair Hotel he converted into condos which have received a rating of 1 (the lowest you can get) for utilizing energy wasting electronics such as refrigerators and televisions.

When it comes to conflicts of interest and profiting from the presidency, Norman Ornstein, political scientist for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) confirmed the recent “renovations” at the EPA and ESP are a conflict of interest.

Ornstein said: “You bet your life. We’ve seen no evidence that the President is trying to isolate himself from any appearances of conflict when it comes to his interests.”

It was recently revealed in the press that Trump not only lied about divesting from his more than 400 companies, but according to “recently released letters between the TO and the government”, Trump can draw money from those corporate profits at any time.

Buried on the 161 page of the TO Trust Certification Change is clause 9 which states: “The Trustees shall distribute net income or principal to Donald Trump at his request, as the Trustees deem necessary for his maintenance, support or uninsured medical expenses, or as the Trustees otherwise deem appropriate.”

In other words, monies incurred by the TO can be handed over to Trump at his request without having to declare those funds to the government or anyone else. Furthermore, those involved in this scheme, Eric Trump, Allen Wiesselberg, and Donald Jr., are not obliged to reveal when or how much Trump takes from the business.

In order to hide the money flow from the company to Trump, he created “multiple layers of approval for major actions and key business decisions”, according to Amanda Miller, spokesperson for the TO.

And as the “exclusive beneficiary” of the TO, Trump potentially taking profits from the company shows that divestment has not occurred; regardless of the efforts to convince the public of the contrary. In addition, when the monies are handed over to Trump is not specified.

Earlier this month Eric Trump shocked journalist Dan Alexander when he admitted that he regularly updates his father as to the “bottom line, profitability reports and stuff like that” of the Trump Organization (TO) – even though Trump went to great lengths to convince the public otherwise.

In fact, Eric said his father gets “quarterly” reports on his businesses under the TO brand because he and his father “are very close” and he talks “to him a lot”.

The ways in which Trump is profiting from the presidency is spread out among many avenues. For example, since Trump took office he has spent $2.52 million on the American taxpayer’s dime to hang out at his for-profit resort.

And based on reports from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), the Donald J. Trump for President (DTP), Trump Victory, and the Trump Make America Great Again Committee (TMAGA) have raised $13.2 million for his 2020 bid for a second term in the White House.

A small portion of these funds have come from actual donors, but 80% of the earnings can be attributed directly to the sale of Trump-branded merchandise; including hats, mugs and even stickers.

Trump’s profit end of the bargain comes from the fact that $458,000 of his future campaign funding has been spent at his various corporations; including $274,000 for rentals in Trump Tower for office space and $61,000 at Trump’s golf courses.

Corporations have gathered to rally behind preserving the ESP; companies such as United Technologies Corp., LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics America, Panasonic Corp. of North America, Nest Thermostats, Ingersoll Rand, Pratt & Whitney engines, and Staples – over 1,000 businesses in all.

In a joint statement to the Trump administration, these companies call for the ESP to be “strengthened, not weakened.”

Susanne Posel

Susanne Posel

Chief Editor | Investigative Journalist

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