Hamas like all resistance groups, from the African national congress to Irish Republican

Posted on by uprootedpalestinians

Mar 29, 2024

Journalist and historian Paola Caridi, author of “Hamas: From Resistance to Regime,” joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the roots and nature of Hamas, and what we miss when we unthinkingly cast Hamas as nothing more than a terrorist organization.

Journalist and historian Paola Caridi, author of “Hamas: From Resistance to Regime,” joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the roots and nature of Hamas, and what we miss when we unthinkingly cast Hamas as nothing more than a terrorist organization.

Hamas, like all resistance groups, from the African National Congress to The Irish Republic Army, are as demonized as they are misunderstood.

Hamas is a religious, nationalist political movement. It is not, despite what Israel and Washington say, a terrorist organization—although, like most resistance groups (including the Jewish militias that created the state of Israel), it has used terrorism as a tactic. Because those on the outside do not understand what went into making Hamas—the steady drip of humiliation, violence, and impoverishment that define Israel’s Occupation of the Palestinians—Hamas and its ideology appears incomprehensible. But from the Palestinian perspective, Israel has left the Palestinians with no other choice.

Hamas: How Israel created its own nemesis w/Paola Caridi | The Chris Hedges Report


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