Diddy’s “Sex Slave” Shot Up the Trump National Hotel in 2018

Oddi is shown here during a police interview talking about how he was paid to be a sex slave for Diddy aka Sean Combs. The latter would tell him to engage in sex acts with his then-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura while he played with himself, because he is not attracted to women.

Oddi claimed that Diddy and Ricky Ross and DJ Khaled are all gay.

Oddi also happens to be the same person that shot up the Trump National Hotel in 2018. One wonders if these people are all CIA mind controlled sex slave-assassins, straight out of the 1960s and 1970s.

Meanwhile, a video was just released of Sean Combs brutally assaulting Cassie Ventura in a hotel hallway! This man is worth $1 billion!

The billionaires, trillionaires and quadrillionaires of this world are a bottomless pit of scum.

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The post Diddy’s “Sex Slave” Shot Up the Trump National Hotel in 2018 first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


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