Report: BBC Insider Charges Broadcaster Is “Disappearing Women” In Favour Of Trans People

A BBC senior insider has claimed that the British state funded broadcaster is “disappearing women” on its staff and its programming in favour of trans people in order to meet ludicrous woke “gender quotas”.

The Telegraph reports that the BBC is following guidelines set out in 2017 known as The 50:50 equality project, which was supposed to be focused on elevating women within the corporation, but has now been hijacked to include biological males identifying as women.

The report notes that while “content-makers monitor the gender identity of their contributors with the aim of featuring at least 50 per cent women – they do not monitor whether a contributor’s gender differs from their sex registered at birth”.

The senior source told the Telegraph that “The BBC has now ‘disappeared’ women as a sex class and instead monitors ‘gender identity’.”

“It’s redefined a word which we all understand, without any public debate, and (50:50 equality project founder) Ros Atkins has gone along with the change.”

The source adds that “In this 50:50 monitoring, the BBC is still following ‘Stonewall law’ in failing to respect sex as as a protected characteristic.”

“Sadly, the BBC still seems to be a deeply sexist organisation where these concerns raised by women are dismissed,” the sources further asserts.

The BBC responded in a statement, claiming “this is clearly an attempt to generate a story where none exists”.

The statement further claimed that “The BBC’s 50:50 project is a ground-breaking initiative that has significantly increased women’s representation in BBC content and has inspired others to do the same.”

As we previously highlighted, the license fee-funded BBC has hired “trans and nonbinary inclusion” consultants to train its staff that there are at least 150 different genders.

Employees were ordered to include their own gender pronouns in company emails, a list which has now apparently expanded to include newly invented ones such as “xe, xem, xyrs.”

A source who leaked the story to the Telegraph after quitting the BBC told the newspaper, “The BBC simply doesn’t understand what’s going on with gender identity ideology,” and has “been pandering to a social contagion amongst young people rather than being the adult in the room.”

The whistleblower added that there is a “tight-knit cabal at the top of BBC News who give tacit approval to gender ideology” and block stories critical of transgender ideology while ensuring ones that “affirm gender ideology…go straight to output.”

In another instance, we highlighted how the BBC recently changed the wording of a rape victim’s testimony because woke employees didn’t want to ‘misgender’ the biological man who allegedly carried out the abuse.

An anonymous source from within the BBC told The Times of London that “They were originally all male references but the woke bros at the news website wanted to make them female because of misgendering. It’s quite shocking. I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim.”


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