Posts Tagged ‘pointless’

Fauci Admits Elite Did Not Follow Same “Pointless COVID Rules” Forced on Public

Incriminating testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals the elite did not follow the same “pointless COVID rules” that were forced on the public. Leaked transcript of testimony with Fauci given in January was released this […] The post Fauci Admits Elite Did Not Follow Same “Pointless COVID Rules” Forced on Public appeared first on The […]

Gingrich: ‘No More Pointless GOP Debates; Trump Is Going To Be The Nominee’

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich dropped a truth bomb Thursday, noting that there is no use in having more ‘debates’ among Republican also-ran candidates because Donald Trump is polling so far ahead of them and is certain to be the nominee for 2024. In a Fox News interview, Gingrich noted “I was talking […]

‘Pointless Screaming Match’: Politicos Rip Chaos-Packed GOP Primary Debate

Politicos from all persuasions found fault with the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night hosted by Fox News, which devolved into chaos at times. Source

HPV, Pointless Tests and Toxic Shots

Jan 10 2023 HPV (Human Papillomavirus) At some point in your life, you have probably been told that you have HPV or had it in the past. According to mainstream theory, it can either do nothing to you…or it can end up killing you! Let’s take a look at the incredible industry that has been built […]

Breaking: Fauci Funded Pointless, Painful Dog Experiments, as He Pushes FDA to Declare mRNA Shots Safe to be Mandated

A report broken by the blog after a Freedom of Information Act request to Anthony Fauci’s division at the NIH, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), shows that Fauci spent $424,000 on dog experiments in which beagles suffered for months, sometimes howling in pain. All the dogs, many puppies, were later euthanized. […]

Progressive Suggests Tearing Down Dumb Pointless Fence In Middle Of Field

Brought to you by: BEACONSFIELD, ENGLAND—According to sources, there’s a fence standing in the middle of a local field, with no apparent reason for being there. Local progressives are suggesting it be torn down immediately. “I don’t want the fence to be here, so we should just tear it down immediately,” said Hercule Flambeau, a progressive activist. “As […]

MIT Study: Social Distancing and Occupancy Limits Completely Pointless

by Ethan Huff Have the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions really curbed the number of hospitalizations and deaths as widely claimed? According to researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the answer is a resounding no. Image: New research shows that capacity restrictions and six-foot distancing guidelines did a whole lot of nothing to […]

Is impeaching President Trump ‘pointless revenge’? Not if it sends a message to future presidents

Image Credit: FiveThirtyEight House Democrats have introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump, charging him with “incitement of insurrection” for the siege at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. One immediate difficulty facing those seeking to impeach the president is that impeachment is a lengthy process. Trump has only a few days left in […]

The Pointless Putsch

The Pointless Putsch Above image: By Nathaniel St. Clair. If the people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, and eventually overtook the Capitol, quite easily by the way, with police literally opening gates for them, snapping some selfies, and participating in a few friendly shoving matches before ceding the building completely. If those people […]

Expansion of Gaza fishing zone 'pointless PR stunt'

by Farah Najjar For the 4,000 registered fishermen in the besieged Gaza Strip, a proposed Israeli plan to let them temporarily fish farther out from shore is “far from enough”. Fishermen told Al Jazeera that Israel’s move to slightly expand the fishing zone limit from six to nine nautical miles, implemented this week, will have little effect in […]

New Cop Block Groups in CA, FL, GA, NY & WA

New groups hailing from California, Florida, Georgia, New York and Washington were just added to the Groups Page. If you’re in their area connect with them! In addition to sharing the places online where you can find them, many group founders chose to share their motivations for starting the group. Not too surprisingly, many founders […]

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