Posts Tagged ‘warren’

Warren Supports Kamala Harris If Biden Drops Out

The 30 shekel prostitutes of Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac have made a bad joke out of DC & occupied America. When DC gives you lemons, made lemonade in the form of jokes. I mean the evil child raping Mickey Mouse shit coming out of DC, one either has to laugh or cry at […]

Exclusive — Rep. Warren Davidson, Sen. Mike Lee Propose Bill to Define Ukraine ‘Proxy War’ Strategy to End ‘War Hawk Regime’s Latest Obsession’

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) introduced legislation to define America’s strategy with Ukraine and avoid “endless war.” Source

Elizabeth Warren Says Its Time To Arrest People Who Use Bitcoin

Senator Elizabeth Warren has declared that it’s time to make owning cyrpto wallets illegal in America. And her plan runs contrary to the principles she campaigned on with Senator Roger Marshall. In 2022, Senator Warren […] The post Elizabeth Warren Says Its Time To Arrest People Who Use Bitcoin appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Warren Calls for Fed Chair Powell’s Ouster – He Is ‘Trying to Drive’ U.S. into Recession

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell should be removed because he is “trying to drive” the U.S. economy into a recession. Source

Victorian police officers charged with assault in Narre Warren South

Two police officers will face court after they allegedly assaulted a man during an arrest. Two Victorian police officers have been charged after they allegedly assaulted a man during an arrest in Melbourne’s southeast. The 35-year-old male senior constable and a 45-year-old male senior constable have each been charged with unlawful assault and unlawful assault […]

‘Lawless and reckless’: Warren condemns Fifth Circuit attack on CFPB

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images The conservative-dominated Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding structure is unconstitutional, a decision that Sen. Elizabeth Warren—one of the agency’s architects—decried as “lawless and reckless.” “The CFPB has returned billions of dollars to Americans by doing its job, and its funding is […]

It’s ‘Repulsive & Cruel’ To Dump Migrants On The Rich At Martha’s Vineyard Says Elizabeth Warren

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Sen. Elizabeth Warren is not happy about illegal aliens being flown to the doorsteps of the nation’s wealthiest. Warren has however remained silent when President Joe Biden […]

Senator Warren’s Mishap Proves the Importance of Reliable Genetic Ancestry Tests

In the lead up to the 2020 US presidential election and the party primaries, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren led President Donald Trump by four percentage points in the polls. Read more Section:  News Science & Space Read Later 

Warren constituents press Senator over support for Israel military aid

At a town hall in Natick, Massachusetts this week Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) told a group of supporters that she supported conditioning aid to Israel, but couldn’t remember whether she voted in favor of the United States’s $38 billion military aid deal with the country. In fact, she cosponsored a 2018 bill that aimed to […]

Tucker Carlson Defends Child Rapist Cult Leader Warren Jeffs

A few years back a contributor wrote an article about how Tucker Carlson advocates child rape, and this audio clearly shows it.  Source

Elizabeth Warren Blames Grocery Stores for Food Price Inflation

Massachusetts senator has implicated grocery stores as main culprits in rising food prices in a series of open letters to CEOs of three major chains New Analysis Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) pointed the finger at grocery stores, blaming them for rising food prices in a series of letters addressed to the CEOs of three major grocery […]

Warren: SCOTUS ‘Has Lost the Respect of the American People’ — We Need More Justices

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the American people had lost respect for the Supreme Court. She argued it needed to be expanded. Warren said, “The problem we’ve got is first, that Mitch McConnell hijacked this court. He stole the Supreme Court seat so that President Obama didn’t get to […]

Warren: Biden’s Economy Is ‘Strong’ — ‘A Lot of Good Economic Indicators’

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better package would continue what she deemed good economic indicators shown during the first year of Biden’s administration. Warren said, “So I look at it this way, there are a lot of strong signs in this economy, particularly coming […]

Warren on Increased Gas Prices: ‘This Isn’t About Inflation’ – It’s Price Gouging

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) argued that if “this were just ordinary inflation, we might see prices go up. But prices at the pump have gone up,” because the increase in gas prices “isn’t about inflation. This is about price gouging for these guys.” Warren said, “We know exactly […]

Taking aim at predatory equity firms, Warren leads bill to ‘stop Wall Street looting’

Accusing private equity companies of “drooling” over the prospect of snatching up businesses faltering during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday led the reintroduction of a bill to “fundamentally reform” the predatory industry and “level the playing field” by forcing firms “to take responsibility for the outcomes” of their acquisitions. “Private equity […]

Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books

Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine. “Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and […]

Crop Circles 2021 – Longwood Warren, Nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported 4th July.

» UFO NEWS ~ UFOs Phoenix Arizona July 4th, 2021! plus MOREToday at 8:26 am by PurpleSkyz » Scientists Just Discovered Mysterious Life Forms Hiding Beneath AntarcticaToday at 8:20 am by PurpleSkyz » Crop Circles 2021 – Hackpen Hill Wiltshire – 05/07/21Today at 8:18 am by PurpleSkyz » Crop Circles 2021 – Longwood Warren, Nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported 4th July.Today at 8:16 […]

Warren Buffett Resigns From Gates Foundation

Billionaire philanthropist Warren Buffett has announced his resignation as trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His resignation comes just weeks after Bill and Melinda Gates announced they were getting divorced and amid allegations of impropriety against Bill Gates. Buffett was one of three members of the foundation’s board; the other two are Bill […]

Trouble keeps coming for Lovely Warren. Rochester might reelect her anyway.

That Warren has maintained much of her support despite that trifecta of scandals and with little evidence that crime, poverty and deep racial disparities have greatly improved during her tenure would seem counterintuitive. But many Rochesterians — especially in its Black communities — see Warren as a fighter who is persevering despite relentless roadblocks and […]

Warren: ‘Not Going to Spend Much More Time’ Trying for Bipartisan Support on COVID Relief

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Cross Connection,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stated that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will either have to “step up and join us,” on COVID relief, “or we’re going to call his bluff. Me, I’m already at that point.” And that “if Republicans aren’t going to come, we’re not going […]

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