Posts Tagged ‘militarized’

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

I am thinking of a certain industry. See if you can guess what it is. This industry is huge, constituting a large portion of the nation’s GDP. Millions of people earn their living through it, directly or indirectly. The people at the top of this industry (who operate mostly behind the scenes, of course) are […]

Police Launch Third Militarized Raid Against Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

Above Photo: Dan Loan. The RCMP arrested 15 people on Thursday November 18 as the land defence struggle against the construction of the Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline on Wet’suwet’en territory in northern British Columbia continues. Gidimt’en land defender Sleydo’ says: “[The RCMP] came with intent and the ability to kill people and seriously harm people.” […]

It’s Official: Covid-19(84) Has Been MILITARIZED!!! Canada On The Brink of MARTIAL LAW!!!!

It’s Official: Covid-19(84) Has Been MILITARIZED!!! Canada On The Brink of MARTIAL LAW!!!! Press For / Dan The Canadian military has been deployed to aid (and eventually take over) the Covid-19(84) nightmare operation that is unfolding before our eyes as more and more “cases” continue to wrench up the fear state on the east […]

Militarized Law Enforcement Isn’t Protecting Us From Mass Shooters

Above photo: Logan Weaver via Unsplash. As mass shootings remain a deadly reality of our daily lives, the police continue to point to them as a need for militarizing themselves and society at large. Yet militarized police often fail to stop mass shootings from happening when they do respond. On March 24, 2021, a man […]

North Korean Gymnast Defects By Jumping Over Militarized Border Fence

A North Korean gymnast defected from the country earlier this month by jumping over a heavily fortified, 10-foot-tall fence that borders the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separating North and South Korea, a South Korean official said Monday. The man, said to be in his late 20s and of small stature, evaded capture for 14 hours after leaping […]

Militarized Psychiatry vs Plant Medicine

October 20th, 2020 By Sergey Baranov Contributing writer for Wake Up World A spoon of cactus juice a day keeps the doctor away. A new development in the psychiatric field deserves attention, but not because it is promising and hopeful. A recent article published by the University of North Carolina makes a few important points. First is the […]

The Militarized Assault On Our Right To Protest

The Militarized Assault On Our Right To Protest The Trump Administration sent federal law enforcement, including the paramilitary squad of Customs and Border Patrol, BORTAC, which has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, to the streets of Portland, OR to stop the ongoing demonstrations against racist police violence. Federal law enforcement, working with local police, […]

Video of Insane Militarized Police State Response to Alleged Armed Man in Keene, NH Home

From 1937 To 2018: The Militarized Suppression Of Protest In Puerto Rico

From 1937 To 2018: The Militarized Suppression Of Protest In Puerto Rico By Jorge Juan Rodríguez V, May 3, 2018 Above Photo: From As I look on at my beautiful Puerto Rico and see the people rising against colonialism and economic tyranny only to be beaten and illegally […]

California County Wins Fight Against World’s Largest Militarized Police Training Exercise

OAKLAND, Calif. – In an action called “historic” by the program’s opponents, Alameda County Supervisors voted March 27 to end the county’s yearly Urban Shield tactical police disaster training exercise as it currently exists. For over a decade, the program – mainly funded through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security – has brought law enforcement […]

Mass Shootings Are A Byproduct Of A Militarized Society

Mass Shootings Are A Byproduct Of A Militarized Society Above Photo: From An article by Lucian K. Truscott IV, published in Salon last week, addresses the recent Florida mass killing with a novel suggestion. It implores trigger-happy “gun nuts” to forego the civilian gun market and join the Army. Weapons like the AR-15 and the R-15 are replicas […]

Walls and Militarized Police: How Israel Is Exporting Its Occupation to US

Israeli footprints are becoming more apparent in the U.S. security apparatus. Such a fact does not bode well for ordinary people from the United States. U.S. Senate Bill S.720 should have been a wake-up call. The bill, drafted by the Israel lobby group, U.S. Israel Public Affairs Committee, as part of its “2017 Lobbying […]

Walls and Militarized Police: How israel Is Exporting Its Occupation to the US

Israeli footprints are becoming more apparent in the US security apparatus. Such a fact does not bode well for ordinary Americans. US Senate Bill S.720 should have been a wake-up call. The Bill, drafted by the Israel lobby group, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as part of its “2017 Lobbying Agenda” is set to […]

Trump’s Plan to Escalate Militarized Policing Will Make Police Brutality Worse

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A decade of militarized drug policies in Mexico has created more violence and more human rights violations

     51 people die every day in Mexico’s war on drugs, but neither drugs nor drug trafficking are decreasing, while human rights violations have soared. Mexico decided over ten years ago to militarize their drug policies and rely on the armed forces to conduct counter-narcotic operations and other public safety tasks. The so-called “war on […]

Big Pharma finds new use for statins in cancer patients, after large study reveals the drug’s benefits were 100 percent fabricated

(NaturalNews) As the consensus about statins as cholesterol-lowering “miracle drugs” starts to crack, Big Pharma is doubtless looking for ways to preserve the profitability of the top-earning drug class of all time. Now, a new study in the journal Breast Cancer Research may indicate how statins will soon be marketed: as anti-cancer drugs. […]

White House says will veto Congress anti-Iranian measures

New York, July 15, IRNA – Reacting to the US Congress adoption of two anti-Iranian bills, the White House has announced it will veto any such measures if it finds them against the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. As the US is preparing itself for the presidential elections, pundits say the Republicans in the Congress […]

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.” Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated […]

Global Dire Straights 2016: Western media, the public interest, corrupting youth, the real terrorism, collective consciousness

     Philosopher John McMurtry was asked to “co-operate with Ayatollah Khamenei in the Supreme Leader’s letter to the Youth in Europe and North America”. The questions posed by a designated US enemy opened a new world standpoint on the US-led world disorder and the taboo depths of shared crises as we enter 2016. What in […]

Global Dire Straights 2016: Western media, the public interest, corrupting youth, the real terrorism, collective consciousness

     Philosopher John McMurtry was asked to “co-operate with Ayatollah Khamenei in the Supreme Leader’s letter to the Youth in Europe and North America”. The questions posed by a designated US enemy opened a new world standpoint on the US-led world disorder and the taboo depths of shared crises as we enter 2016. What in […]

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