Posts Tagged ‘wasted’

Right Wing Round-Up: A Life Wasted

David A. Fahrenthold @ The New York Times: Pro-Trump Nonprofit Paid Millions to Companies Tied to Its Own Leaders The Conservative Partnership Institute’s three highest-paid contractors had connections to the group’s leaders or their relatives, raising concerns about self-dealing. Julia Laurie @ Mother Jones: Mystery Group Announces $5 Million Fund to Pay for Reports of […]

With Billions Wasted NATO Still Doesn’t Have the Juice to Beat Russia

In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch from the […]

About one-third of the food Americans buy is wasted, hurting the climate and consumers’ wallets

And when food goes bad, the land, labor, water, chemicals and energy that went into producing, processing, transporting, storing and preparing it are wasted too. Source

Blog: Chile’s Boric wasted an opportunity for Palestine at the UN General Assembly

Chilean President Gabriel Boric may currently be the most outspoken leader in Latin America on Palestinian rights and Israeli violations. However, his rhetoric leaves much to be desired. It, in turn, raises questions about how Chile – the country with the largest Palestinian community in the region – can differentiate itself from other countries to […]

Bill Maher Rips Biden’s Build Back Better: Money will Be Wasted on Consultants ‘Snorting This S**t Up’

Bill Maher ridiculed President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan during a recent appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” saying the president’s signature effort will primarily benefit consultants and other “pigs” who feed at the trough of government spending.

Weather Warfare, Wasted Forests and Worldwide Collapse of Ecosystems

The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global ecological collapse. The signs of environmental collapse can be difficult to distinguish from a distance, our forests are a primary example. An up close examination is essential if the truth is […]

Shock Report Shows US Defense Contractors Wasted Trillions Through Fraud, Corruption

30 min video: Story #2: Are the US and China Stumbling Toward An ‘Islands War’? Story #3: Chaos In Australia As Construction Workers Violently Protest Vaccine Mandate Outside Union HQ _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Heaven Installs Garbage Can At Entrance For Discarding All The Seashells You Wasted Your Life Collecting

Heaven Installs Garbage Can At Entrance For Discarding All The Seashells You Wasted Your Life Collecting HEAVEN—According to sources reporting from the afterlife, heaven has installed a garbage can at the entrance to the eternal state along with a sign instructing people to discard all the seashells they wasted their lives collecting before entering into […]

Ex-CIA Agent: US Wasted Trillions on Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, Achieved Nothing

July 26, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The US has squandered trillions of dollars on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while failing to achieve any objectives, former US counter-terrorism specialist and CIA military intelligence officer Philip Giraldi wrote in an op-ed for Strategic Culture Foundation. In an article, Giraldi made the remarks as US soldiers […]

Biden: We Inherited Bad Circumstances for Vaccine Rollout — Trump ‘Wasted So Much Time’

President Joe Biden said during a CNN town hall on Tuesday that he inherited difficult circumstances for the coronavirus vaccination rollout because former President Donald Trump “wasted so much time.” Anchor Anderson Cooper asked, “Are you concerned about the rollout of this online? Because it has been incredibly confusing for a lot of people, not […]

Democrats Wasted at Least $293 Million Trying to Flip the Senate

Democrats poured a record-breaking $293 million into crucial Senate races in 2020, only to find out that those seats would go to the GOP. The races were heavily funded by small-dollar donations, and even though the Democrats raked in millions of dollars in campaign cash this election cycle, races in key states have resulted in […]

Study: Pentagon Wasted $28 Million on the Wrong Kind of Camouflage

June 28, 2017 By Will Porter The Pentagon overspent between $26 and $28 million on useless camouflage for the Afghan National Army (ANA), a government watchdog study found. Conducted by the Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the study not only found that between November 2008 and January 2017 the Defense […]

Hearts of Iron 3 | World War 1 mod | Russian Empire | Part 14 | Calmer Heads

Lets Play Hearts of Iron 3 with the World War 1 (WW1) mod as the Russian Empire. Dont forget to hit that like button and leave a comment, its helps out a lot! source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Tags: benjamin magnus, Commentary, Gameplay, HD, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 3, Hearts […]

Flint, Michigan water scandal illustrates the need for more citizen scientists

(NaturalNews) In an age of government corruption and regulatory abuse, citizen scientists are now more urgently needed than ever before. This is perhaps no more true than in Flint, Michigan, where activists conducted independent research that discovered lead levels in children had doubled since the city switched its water supply. The story of […]

Oregon passes mandatory GMO labeling bill for transgenic salmon

(NaturalNews) Mankind has irrevocably altered the natural ecosystem. We’ve polluted the oceans, the atmosphere and the soil, we’ve cut down rainforests and sought to conquer even the most inhospitable of places on Earth. When it seemed that it couldn’t get any worse, Murphy’s Law showed us otherwise. We started playing the role of […]

Recycling for survival in Gaza

Nothing goes to waste in Gaza. Recycling has become a way of life. But, it’s not so much about protecting the environment in Gaza. It’s much more personal. It’s about survival. After ten years of closure, three wars that devastated farmland and destroyed homes, soaring unemployment and the lack of access to materials to rebuild […]

Gallery of secret society art

Anika Burgess of Atlas Obscura posted a gallery of images from the book As Above, So Below: Art of the American Fraternal Society 1850-1930, which has a forward by David Byrne. With the growth of membership came a rise in the creation of artwork, which is explored in the book As Above, So Below: Art […]

Questionable FBI Surveillance Aircraft Fleet Outed by Coalition of Journalists, Activists, And Techies

The following post was submitted to the CopBlock Network by Isiah Holmes, who has been featured several times previously on Cop Block, via the Submissions Page. In this post, Isiah discusses the use of aircraft FBI to conduct surveillance and the role that private citizens (along with the media) played in uncovering and exposing […]

Chart Of The Day: $17 Trillion In Student Debt By 2030

  Source: This industry of education is going backwards, and will one day burst – will that happen soon? Source Article from

Putin responds to complaints of rising anti-Semitism by offering Russian refuge

     As a rising wave of anti-Semitic attacks engulf Europe, the Russian president has offered European Jews protection by proposing that they immigrate to Russia. In a meeting with members of the European Jewish Congress in the Kremlin, the president of the congregation complained to Vladimir Putin about the rising anti-Semitism across Europe that has […]

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