Posts Tagged ‘incompetent’

Most OpenAI Staff Threaten To Quit, Join Microsoft Unless ‘Incompetent, Incapable’ Board Resigns


WATCH: Trump Says Biden ‘Not Too Old’ to Be President but Is ‘Grossly Incompetent’

Former President Donald Trump told Megyn Kelly that President Biden is “not too old” to be president, but he made it clear that the 80-year-old is “grossly incompetent.” Source

The Covid-19 Crisis and “The Seventh Wave”: Our Politicians are Fraudulent, Complicit and Incompetent

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux Global Research, July 18, 2022 Media-Lux Region: Canada The  historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity.  This diabolical agenda has undermined the sovereignty of nation states.  It has contributed  to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Democrats ‘Incompetent’ After Election Losses

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the Democrat Party “incompetent” for not placing progressives in top positions, warning former Vice President Joe Biden that if he does not select far-left people for top positions, the Democrats will lose big in the 2022 midterm elections. Ocasio-Cortez told the New York Times that she sharply rejected the notion […]

Boeing CEO Pledges to Hire 20 Percent More Incompetent Negroes

Boeing has decided that it wants to crash its own company by hiring a bunch of incompetent negroes to run things in order to appease the extortionist BLM mafia. NYPost: Boeing is seeking to increase black US employees throughout the company by 20 percent and mandate benchmarks for hiring people of color, Chief Executive Dave […]

Boeing CEO Pledges to Hire 20 Percent More Incompetent Negroes

Boeing has decided that it wants to crash its own company by hiring a bunch of incompetent negroes to run things in order to appease the extortionist BLM mafia. NYPost: Boeing is seeking to increase black US employees throughout the company by 20 percent and mandate benchmarks for hiring people of color, Chief Executive Dave […]

Boeing CEO Pledges to Hire 20 Percent More Incompetent Negroes

Boeing has decided that it wants to crash its own company by hiring a bunch of incompetent negroes to run things in order to appease the extortionist BLM mafia. NYPost: Boeing is seeking to increase black US employees throughout the company by 20 percent and mandate benchmarks for hiring people of color, Chief Executive Dave […]

Boeing CEO Pledges to Hire 20 Percent More Incompetent Negroes

Boeing has decided that it wants to crash its own company by hiring a bunch of incompetent negroes to run things in order to appease the extortionist BLM mafia. NYPost: Boeing is seeking to increase black US employees throughout the company by 20 percent and mandate benchmarks for hiring people of color, Chief Executive Dave […]

UK experts cannot prove Russian agents are that incompetent compared to the MI6/CIA

UK experts cannot prove Russian agents are that incompetent compared to the MI6/CIA By Dark Politricks Experts from the UK chemical testing high secure lab at Porton Down, cannot even prove the nerve agent which hasn’t killed anybody yet but is supposed to be severely deadly came from Russia. Knowing Porton Down, who killed at […]

The government is clearly incompetent, so why do we want it to do more?

     The feds can’t pass a budget or do much very well, yet a record level of Americans want it more involved in our lives. That’s not as crazy as it seems. By now, you know the score: A couple of weeks have passed, so there’s a new deadline looming for a budget agreement to […]

Canada: Indigenous People Are Not Your Incompetent Children

Canada: Indigenous People Are Not Your Incompetent Children Above photo: Artwork by Rolande Souliere. When my sister and I were in high school, we thought it was funny to tell our non-Native boyfriends ridiculous things about the rez and see what they believed. We lived on the Six Nations reserve about 25 kilometres southwest of […]

Britain’s Incompetent Conservatives Can’t Handle #Brexit

The world recently commemorated the centennial of the Russian Revolution, which resulted from the flagrant incompetence of that country’s ruling class in confronting a moment of overwhelming national crisis. The barricades are not yet out in the streets of modern-day London, but a certain sense of déjà vu is appropriate. At the least, we are […]

FBI Terrorism Sting Nets Paranoid Schizophrenic Previously Found Incompetent By A State Court

It looks like the FBI has secured another anti-terrorism “win.” Once again, the agency controlled the terrorism sting from beginning to end, ensuring the suspect communicated with no one but confidential informants and undercover agents. And, once again, the FBI has utilized the sort of person who probably poses more harm to themselves than […]

Judge Slams ‘Incompetent’ Police Following Raid On Family’s Tomato Garden

Bob Harte displays the indoor garden his family cultivates. (AP/Orlin Wagner) Wichita, KS – In a “huge and significant victory for the Fourth Amendment,” the federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a lawsuit brought by a Kansas City couple who endured a SWAT raid over their tomato plants. Robert and Adlynn Harte — and their two young […]

Judge Slams ‘Incompetent’ Cops After SWAT Raids Innocent Family for Growing Tomato Plants

Wichita, KS – In a “huge and significant victory for the Fourth Amendment,” the federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a lawsuit brought by a Kansas City couple who endured a SWAT raid over their tomato plants. Robert and Adlynn Harte — and their two young children — were caught up in […]

Incompetent California government kills 72,000 baby Salmon due to a "faulty wire"

(Natural News) Thousands of baby Chinook salmon have lost their lives to a faulty wiring mishap that cut off their water supply. Officials from the Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that the electrical issue caused a necessary pump to switch “off” and caused the flow of water to stop at the Thermalito hatchery. Initial […]

Assange: CIA is World’s Most Dangerously Incompetent Organization

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer May 17, 2017 We think of these spy agencies as being diabolical and evil. Because of course, that’s how they are in the movies. In reality, they have a “national security” cover blanket – a very think one – that allows for rampant stupidity and incompetence with no […]

CIA is world’s most dangerously incompetent spy agency – Assange

“Dictators and terrorists have no better friend in the world than Julian Assange, as theirs is the only privacy he protects,” CIA spokesperson Heather Fritz Horniak told RT in an email. WikiLeaks ‘hostile intel,’ Assange & his followers ‘demons’: CIA chief goes ballistic The scathing response came after RT asked the CIA to comment on […]

Trump: Incompetent Comey Exonerated ‘Guilty As Hell’ Hillary

President Donald Trump says that former FBI Director James Comey should never have exonerated ‘guilty as hell’ Hillary Clinton over her private email use.  In an interview with NBC Nightly News on Friday, Trump said he blamed incompetent Comey for allowing Hillary to get away with her crimes. “No, what happened, he had a lot of […]

Assange Truth Bomb: ‘Incompetent’ CIA Is ‘Responsible For ISIS, Al-Qaeda’

Julian Assange has blasted the “useless, incompetent” CIA and blamed them for the rise of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and declared that the agency has the blood of millions of people around the world on it’s hands. Assange told Spanish current affairs show When It’s Gone: “The CIA is basically useless. They are extremely incompetent as an organization.” “It […]

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