Posts Tagged ‘laboratory’

Alex Jones a Rothschild’s Disinfo Bit#h says-Bird Flu Outbreak May Have Originated From Laboratory

A 30 shekel disinformation bitch takes information already exposed, like the genie which is out of it’s bottle and can not be put back, uses it to make the dim witted sheep think the 30 shekel whore is an OPPOSITION JOURNALIST.Once they gain the trust of the sheep, they start mixing in the lies their […]

Israel Approves the Sale of Fake Laboratory Made Meat

In a groundbreaking move, an Israeli company has secured preliminary approval from the government to sell the world’s first steaks created from cultivated beef cells, as announced by the country’s Health Ministry this week. The approval is part of a pilot program for alternative protein conducted by the Department of Food Risk Management, reflecting a […]

The Palestine Laboratory – How Israel exports the technology of occupation around the world

‘A sad and sordid record of how “the light unto the nations” became the purveyor of the means of violence and brutal repression from Guatemala to Myanmar and wherever else the opportunity arose.’ Noam Chomsky On Tuesday 4 July the Australian Institute of International Affairs NSW hosted an address by Antony Loewenstein, author and political […]

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Achieved Fusion Ignition

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)—a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making that will pave the way for advancements in national defense and the future of clean power. Source

Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine

Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. Dozens of pages are completely redacted, and many others are heavily redacted. The records show […]

New Space Force laboratory opens: A breakdown on space warfare ‘autonomy’

Image Credit: The Washington Examiner A “Space Warfighting Operations R&D”—acronym “SWORD”—laboratory “will be working in the area of autonomy to enable space systems to automatically detect and respond to threat conditions faster than a human operator could achieve,” declared Colonel Eric Felt at its opening last month.  The laboratory, in Albuquerque, is an arm of […]

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious

MAY 11, 2021 WINNIPEG:  The Justice Centre represents churches and individuals who are challenging government lockdown restrictions in the Court of Queen’s Bench as unjustified violations of the Charter freedoms to associate, worship, and assemble peacefully. The hearing commenced on May 3, 2021 and is continuing this week. The onus is on the Manitoba Government to justify its restrictions […]

Brazil’s COVID-19 Crisis Spirals Out Of Control: ‘An Open-Sky Laboratory For Viral Mutations’

Brazil recorded its 300,000th COVID-19 death this week, a grim marker of a health care crisis that promises to worsen in the coming months in South America’s largest nation. The United States is the only country to record more total COVID-19 deaths than Brazil, but in the U.S., vaccine rollout has at least offered a glimmer […]

Inside the world’s largest Covid vaccine laboratory, where hopes lie for most of developing world

W hen the coronavirus pandemic broke out last year and the world clamoured for a vaccine to bring life back to normal, one company in western India was fully confident of playing a key role – indeed, it had spent years preparing for this very moment. Serum Institute of India (SII), a family-run pharmaceutical giant […]

BNL lawsuit and the impacts of national nuclear laboratory

After nearly 25 years, a lawsuit charging that radioactive discharges from Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York have caused cancers and other illnesses in people in nearby communities is moving forward—still slowly. BNL after negotiations agreed to settlements of approximately $600,000 for the first two groups of plaintiffs, each with about 18 persons. […]

Explosion in Hormuzgan steel laboratory leaves 7 injured

IRNA – The blast in Hormuzgan steel laboratory on Wednesday injured seven people, Head of Hormuzgan emergency said. The accident happened in the evening, Amir Hassan Assadi told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). Three people were cured on site and four others were transported to hospital, he added. The reason behind the accident is […]

“Greece has been a laboratory on a way out of a capitalist crisis”

Rally in Athens in support of OXI (NO ) in the run-up to the 2015 referendum The crisis in Greece has no end in sight. While the media cheered a recent agreement between the Syriza government and creditors, there is no escaping the reality of an unsustainable debt, a completely destroyed economy in which successive […]

China’s cargo spacecraft docks with orbital laboratory for 1st time

The Tianzhou-1, China’s first robotic cargo spacecraft, was launched on Thursday evening from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China’s Hainan Province, Xinhua news agency reported. The docking procedure was completed at 12:23pm on Saturday (04:23 GMT), the report cited the Beijing Aerospace Control Center as saying. ‘Complete success’: Shenzhou 11 returns Chinese duo […]

Muslim clerics issue fatwa against killing minorities, secular activists in Bangladesh

Since 2013 nearly 50 people, including members of religious minorities, foreigners and liberal activists, have been murdered by Islamist militants, according to Press TV. More than 11,000 people have been arrested over the past four days in a new crackdown in connection with the attacks. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and a South Asian branch […]

Wounded ISIS fighters brought to Turkey hospitals in ‘pick-up trucks’ – doctors, eyewitnesses to RT

Both Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) and Free Syrian Army fighters were able to cross the border from Syria into Turkey en masse and receive medical help – only to then be allowed to go back to resume fighting in Syria, the head of a local doctors’ association told RT’s Lizzie Phelan. ‘Turkey the only […]

Hollande threatens to ban demos as French anti-labor law protests grow

“At a time when France is hosting the Euro 2016 [football tournament], when it is faced with terrorism, demonstrations can no longer be authorized if property, people and public property cannot be safeguarded,” Hollande told a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, according to his spokesman Stephane Le Foll, AFP reported.  “The conditions under which a manifestation […]

No more polygamy & underage wives for immigrants, says German minister

“No one who comes to us has the right to put their cultural roots or their religious beliefs above our laws,” the politician from the center-left SPD party told Bild newspaper on Tuesday. Islam should be taught in all German schools – Bavarian bishop The state of Bavaria alone has been able to confirm 550 […]

RT producer ‘hit with gas canister,’ taken to hospital amid Paris labor reform clashes (VIDEO)

READ MORE: 40 injured, 58 arrested in Paris anti-labor reform protests Tens of thousands of protesters, many wearing masks and hoods, descended upon central Paris on the day when the Senate, the upper chamber of the French Parliament, was to discuss controversial labor legislation that has provoked dozens of demonstrations throughout the year. The two-person […]

Dr. Pierce: The Corrupters

Youtube link Israel is not our greatest ally, despite what every single candidate in the recent history of American politics would have you believe. If they all have to kiss Israeli ass, it’s pretty clear who’s running the show. Source Article from

Sleep cycles determined by amount of salt in the brain

     Newly presented study discusses salt levels in the brain and how they play a very important role in whether a person is sleeping or awake at any given moment. Professor Maiken Nedergaard from the Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience at University of Copenhagen says this information could prove quite beneficial in the study […]

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