Posts Tagged ‘distances’

Public opposition to Project 2025 surges as Trump distances himself

Awareness and disapproval of Project 2025 increase significantly despite Trump’s attempts to disassociate from the controversial conservative policy agenda. Source

BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 1 March. The BBC last week scrapped a plan to smear British Palestinians as rape apologists, after reporting by The Electronic Intifada earlierin February sounded the alarm. An episode of the BBC’s high profile TV show Panorama broadcast last week mostly omitted the smears. And the BBC seems to […]

US distances itself from reported breakthrough in Saudi-Israel talks

The White House rebuffed a reported breakthrough Wednesday in talks to normalise relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, saying it is premature, reports Anadolu Agency. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the report "has left some people with the impression that the discussions are farther along and closer to some sense of certainty than […]

100 year old technology can allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge

The technology exists to allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge. This technology isn’t new. It has been around since the advent of the Ford Model T gas combustion car.  This century old technology has allowed gas combustion engine vehicles to generate and continuously regenerate their own electrical energy […]

Lebanese government distances itself from Hezbollah criticism of Saudi Arabia

Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, has rebuked the Hezbollah movement after its Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, accused Saudi Arabia of exporting Daesh’s ideology and taking aim at King Salman, who he described as a “terrorist”. Taking to Twitter, Mikati said “For God’s sake, have mercy on Lebanon and the Lebanese people and stop [fuelling] political […]

U.S. Distances Itself From Demands For Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire

The Biden administration distanced itself Monday from growing calls by Democrats and others for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers as fighting entered a second week, with more than 200 people dead, most of them Palestinians in Gaza. The United States, Israel’s top ally, also blocked for the third time what would […]

Beth Din distances itself from ‘covert missionary’ Jewish status claim

The Orthodox Beth Din of Philadelphia has distanced itself from claims made on behalf of alleged covert Christian missionary Michael Elkohen that he is Jewish on the basis of a bill of divorce the rabbinical court issued for him.As previously reported by The Jerusalem Post, Elkohen, born Elk, is thought to be a covert missionary […]

Planned Parenthood Distances Themselves From Margaret Sanger By Continuing Her Legacy

Planned Parenthood Distances Themselves From Margaret Sanger By Continuing Her Legacy NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood’s newest CEO Alexis McGill Johnson has recently made the decision to distance the organization from their racist, eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger.  “At Planned Parenthood, we have made the bold decision to part ways from our evil, racist founder. We denounce her […]

Trump Legal Team Distances from Sidney Powell

President Donald Trump’s legal team distanced themselves from attorney Sidney Powell on Sunday evening, noting that she did not represent the president, either as part of the team or in his personal capacity. In a statement attributed to Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, and Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis, the team said: “Sidney Powell is practicing […]

Nigeria’s move from a fixed to a floating exchange-rate policy

Lumkile Mondi (TC) : Africa’s largest economy has finally floated its fixed currency exchange rate for the first time in history. The freeing of the Nigerian naira after months of policy debates saw the currency immediately plummet by 40%. Photo: Friedrich Böhringer One would have to go back two decades to find parallels. South Africa […]

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