Posts Tagged ‘scrambles’

“Everyone Is Panicking”: Major Cocoa Processor Scrambles To Find Beans As Prices Hyperinflate

“Everyone Is Panicking”: Major Cocoa Processor Scrambles To Find Beans As Prices Hyperinflate One of the world’s largest cocoa processors is scouring the globe for beans as weather and disease spark massive crop failures across West Africa and catapult prices in New York to record highs.  “Everybody is panicking,” said Brandon Tay Hoe Lian, chief executive […]

Israel Delays Gaza Invasion (Again) As US Scrambles To Put Missile Defenses In Place

By Zero Hedge Update(1128ET): Both US and Israeli officials have told The Wall Streat Journal in a breaking major Source

DeSantis scrambles RNC race after praising Dhillon and urging ‘new blood’

DANA POINT, Calif. — The contentious race for chair of the Republican National Committee just met an unexpected twist: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday calling for “new blood” at the RNC and praising the current challenger to RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, Harmeet Dhillon. DeSantis weighed in on the race just 24 hours before the […]

US Nitrogen Exports Jump as Europe Scrambles for Fertilizer

CHICAGO/LONDON—U.S. exports of nitrogen fertilizers jumped to a multi-year high this summer after surging natural gas prices in Europe drove up costs of producing the crop nutrient there, making U.S. shipments more competitive. The brisk U.S. sales highlight the effect of the war in Ukraine on global food and energy supplies. Russia, under financial sanctions, […]

Las Vegas Incumbent Democrat Scrambles for Seat as Blue District Goes Purple

As Floridians and New Yorkers voted in primaries on Aug. 23, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) were in Las Vegas to boost their party’s odds of winning the chamber’s majority in the midterm elections. The House leaders were in town to double down on the bets […]

Las Vegas Incumbent Democrat Scrambles for Seat as Blue District Goes Purple

As Floridians and New Yorkers voted in primaries on Aug. 23, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) were in Las Vegas to boost their party’s odds of winning the chamber’s majority in the midterm elections. The House leaders were in town to double down on the bets […]

The US Scrambles For Relevance By Addressing The Yemen War

Washington’s special envoy for Yemen is heading to both Saudi Arabia and Jordan, in an alleged effort to help a UN brokered ceasefire initiative to succeed. However, this visit seems to be little to do with Yemen and more about US power in the region. Whilst during US President Joe Biden’s first address on foreign […]

Pentagon Scrambles to Restock Weapons Sent to Ukraine as Arm Makers Look to Cash In


Iowa Republicans face dilemma after commission scrambles congressional map

“I’m going to study it. I’m going to see what I and my colleagues think is best for the state as a collective whole,” said state Rep. Bobby Kaufmann, who chairs the state government committee. “And then we’ll make a decision in the next couple of weeks about whether to do a yes vote, or […]

Biden Scrambles To Renew Eviction Moratorium Before Kamala Harris Throws Him Out Of White House

Biden Scrambles To Renew Eviction Moratorium Before Kamala Harris Throws Him Out Of White House WASHINGTON, D.C.—After pressure from suffering special interest groups across the country—and upon the realization that Vice President Harris was about to kick him out of the White House—President Biden quickly signed an executive action to extend the eviction moratorium today. […]


South Front [embedded content] As has become customary in recent weeks, after the relative success of the Axis of Resistance on battlefields across the Middle East, Israel delivered a reminder of its interest in Syria. On March 16th, Damascus’ air defense repelled a missile barrage, which was heading towards targets surrounding the Syrian capital. A […]

Israel scrambles to save animals hurt in massive tar spill

Browse > Home / News / Israel scrambles to save animals hurt in massive tar spill February 25, 2021 by   Read on for article A catastrophic tar spill washing up along Israel’s entire Mediterranean coast may be the worst environmental disaster in Israeli history. Tar-coated sea turtles on a beach in Israel, Photo courtesy […]

Ecuador: US-Backed Government Scrambles To Privatize The Central Bank

Above image: A demonstrator holds a banner against International Monetary Fund during a protest in Quito, Ecuador, May 18, 2020. Photo | Dolores Ochoa | Editing by MintPress News. An emergency law dubbed the Humanitarian Support Organic Law would “lockdown” Ecuador’s central bank, siphon it from the public sector, and place its financial sovereignty at […]

‘It’s all fallen apart’: Newsom scrambles to save California — and his career

LOS ANGELES — California is running so low on oxygen that officials are telling emergency crews to conserve supplies. Ambulances in Los Angeles are backed up outside emergency rooms, sometimes for hours. And the coronavirus vaccine distribution remains so disjointed that a freezer failure that forced immediate inoculations of hundreds of people in Northern California […]

DNC Scrambles To Hide ‘Pedo Ring’ Evidence From Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz

A DNC lawyer is scrambling to block evidence found on a laptop connected to Debbie Wasserman Schultz that links the Clinton campaign to a D.C. pedophile ring.  The lawyer, representing DNC IT staffer Imran Awan, has acknowledged that the laptop contains proof of both a pedophile and spy ring operating at the very highest levels […]

US War Games: Moscow Scrambles Fighter Jet To Intercept US Spy Plane

Russia has scrambled a Su-30 fighter jet after detecting an American spy plane over the Black Sea, according to a Defense Ministry statement. The Р8А Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft was approaching the Russian border at an extremely high speed, in what is likely to be a US war games exercise being conducted in the event of […]

In Shifting War, US Scrambles to Established Outposts in Western Iraq

Officials are loudly trumpeting the idea that, with the fall of al-Qaim in Iraq and Abu Kamal in Syria, ISIS is “defeated,” and has lost their “last” strongholds in both countries. In reality, ISIS fighters have been taking to the desert for weeks on end in both countries. U.S. officials seem to have been fully […]

Russian military scrambles ‘Yars’ ICBM launchers during war games (VIDEO)

A video by the Russian Defense Ministry shows a convoy of ‘Yars’ launchers moving in to their deployment areas while being escorted by support units down the road. An exercise involved mock attacks of an enemy Special Forces unit as well as simulated chemical and radiological attacks on the ICMB launchers. Source Article from

Trump Scrambles To Keep CIA Torture Report Secret

Cpl. Charles A. Graner Jr. appearing to punch one of several handcuffed detainees lying on the floor in late 2003 at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo) The likelihood of the full version of the 2014 CIA torture report compiled by the Senate Intelligence Committee ever being made public has dropped precipitously, […]

‘Democracy, where are you?’ Nuit Debout protest after govt forces through labor law

The crowd gathered outside the National Assembly building in Paris held placards reading “Democracy, where are you?” and earlier quotes from President Francois Hollande condemning the very article of the constitution used by his government on Tuesday. ‘France must move forward’: Govt imposes controversial labor reform by decree, despite opposition Earlier that afternoon, inside the […]

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