Posts Tagged ‘colleagues’

Dear Colleagues: We Must Revive Sound Science

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Subject: A call to repair two years of immense damage to science, with important current implications – an open letter Quick links: Your comments/remarks/feedback in response to this letter: web form, email  List of academicians, scientists, medical practitioners who supported some or many of the various official Covid-19 measures: Electronic […]

My medical colleagues in Gaza are exhausted, and terrified of what is to come

When I left Gaza two weeks ago, my colleagues at the European Hospital in Khan Younis were already overwhelmed. Now, they are terrified Israel will invade the hospital and kill patients like they did at nearby Nasser Hospital. Source

My Colleagues’ Right to Say Terrible Things

Federal law, drawing on the US Constitution, recognizes only two types of speech: protected and unprotected. That is no less true today than it was before the current conflict broke out in the Middle East. Unprotected speech is a very narrow category—basically, defamation (in the legal sense), incitement to riot, and terroristic threats. Practically everything […]

Former Secret Service Agent Says Colleagues Are “Absolutely Furious” Over Cocaine Farce

Secret Service Agent turned news anchor Dan Bongino says that many of his former colleagues are fuming over the shut down of the ‘investigation’ into the cocaine found in the White House, and that “they know exactly who it was,” that stashed the drugs. As we highlighted yesterday, the Secret Service have concluded the probe […]

From loner to phenom: DeSantis’ old colleagues are surprised at his rise

Amid a contentious government shutdown in October 2013, Rep. Ron DeSantis approached a fellow Republican freshman, Rodney Davis, and offered to do him a favor. Days before, back in Davis’s Illinois district, a Democratic challenger had staged a protest at the shuttered National Park Service site of Abraham Lincoln’s home, where a U.S. Department of […]

Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Calls on Colleagues to Resign Over “Crimes Against Humanity.” Two Resign.

Image: COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, posted by USAFrontlineDoctors on June 22, 2022 (View Video at Rumble) Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer: Profile Addressed in video: Sir Patrick Vallance,  Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the UK, has announced his intention to resign in December Matthai Mammen,  Vice President, Pharmaceuticals, […]

Congresswoman wept, pled with her colleagues to vote against a same-sex marriage bill

[embedded content] (The Kansas City Star) — Before Rep. Vicky Hartzler became a member of Congress, she was the face of the movement in Missouri to ban gay marriage. She traveled across the state in 2004, urging Missourians to add an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman. […]

Teacher Secretly Recorded Colleagues in School Bathroom: Lawsuit

Seventeen New York teachers who say they were unknowingly recorded by a hidden camera planted in a bathroom by an ex co-worker have sued their former colleague and the school for doing little to prevent the invasive crime. The teachers, who work at Sand Creek Middle School in Colonie, a suburb of Albany, filed their […]

Former Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Urged Colleagues Not to Reverse Roe v. Wade

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a televised interview that he pushed his colleagues on the court to change their votes and not overturn Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that legalized abortion in the United States, a ruling that in the end they voted to reverse. Breyer, 84, was referring to the decision […]

Former Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Urged Colleagues Not to Reverse Roe v. Wade

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a televised interview that he pushed his colleagues on the court to change their votes and not overturn Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that legalized abortion in the United States, a ruling that in the end they voted to reverse. Breyer, 84, was referring to the decision […]

Former Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Urged Colleagues Not to Reverse Roe v. Wade

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a televised interview that he pushed his colleagues on the court to change their votes and not overturn Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that legalized abortion in the United States, a ruling that in the end they voted to reverse. Breyer, 84, was referring to the decision […]

Former Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Urged Colleagues Not to Reverse Roe v. Wade

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a televised interview that he pushed his colleagues on the court to change their votes and not overturn Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that legalized abortion in the United States, a ruling that in the end they voted to reverse. Breyer, 84, was referring to the decision […]

Former Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Urged Colleagues Not to Reverse Roe v. Wade

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in a televised interview that he pushed his colleagues on the court to change their votes and not overturn Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that legalized abortion in the United States, a ruling that in the end they voted to reverse. Breyer, 84, was referring to the decision […]

‘Game of Thrones’ Producer Loved ‘My Son Hunter’ But Says He Can’t Tell Colleagues Due to Hollywood Cancel Culture

A producer of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” and other major works reportedly praised the movie “My Son” Hunter at a recent advance screening in Los Angeles but says he can’t tell colleagues due to Hollywood’s pernicious cancel culture, giving credence to “My Son Hunter” producer Ann McElhinney’s remarks about how “Hollywood would never make this […]

Commercial pilot says his colleagues are “dropping like flies with crushing chest pains” following covid vaccinations

“Biden is destroying the airline industry with his jab mandates” Americans have a huge undeserved ego.They think America is the center of the universe, the sun rises and sets only in America. Biden is a soul-less Zionist Zombie baker’s bitch it is true.An evil despicable aromaic piece of pig shit it is true. BUT!And this […]

US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are “Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain” Post-Covid-1 9 Vaccination

US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are “Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain” Post-Covid-19 Vaccination Tap News / Weaver US pilot Greg Pearson has spoken out about a wave of post-Covid-19 vaccine illness that he said is spreading rapidly throughout the airline industry. Pearson revealed in an interview with “Real America’s Voice” that a large […]

Whistleblowing Journalist Exposes The Pro Lockdown Bias Of BBC Colleagues

A whistelblowing journalist has revealed the ‘lockdown’ zealotry of his colleagues at the BBC. Using the pseudonym Charlie Walsham, the BBC reporter wrote an exposé about the pro-lockdown bias of his colleagues in the Spectator magazine. The Daily Sceptic reports: Here’s how it begins: “I have been a BBC journalist for many years, and in […]

Aid group MSF ‘horrified’ as colleagues murdered in Ethiopia

The medical charity Doctors Without Borders said Friday it was “horrified by the brutal murder” of three colleagues in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, the latest attack on humanitarian workers helping civilians in the deadly conflict there. A statement by the aid group, also known by its French acronym MSF, said two Ethiopian colleagues and one from […]

Dr Byram Bridle Speaks For 100 Colleagues Afraid To Share Science About COVID Vaccine Concerns

The Facts: Associate Editor of the British Medical Journal Dr. Peter Doshi explains that both Pfizer and Moderna did not respond to questions about why bio-distribution studies were not conducted prior to the rollout of their COVID vaccines. Reflect On: Are these vaccines actually safe and effective? Why are so many people within the mainstream […]

CNN’s Cuomo: I’m ‘Sorry’ for Putting My Colleagues in ‘Bad Spot’ by Being on Calls with Brother and His Staff – ‘I Must’ Be There for Family

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” host Chris Cuomo admitted that he was on calls with his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and some of his staff, and said that such conduct “was a mistake. Because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a […]

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