Posts Tagged ‘ricans’

Where pa’lante meets sumud: Puerto Ricans organize in solidarity with Palestine

The Zoom camera clicks on and Natalia Ibrahim Abufarah Davila, 35, appears. The Palestinian-Puerto Rican organizer has a soft aura and wears glasses, her face framed by a side part and thick braid. Born to a Palestinian father and a Puerto Rican mother, Abufarah Davila grew up between the two cultures and has since become […]

Puerto Ricans Desperate For Water After Hurricane Fiona’s Rampage

CAGUAS, Puerto Rico (AP) — More than a half million people in Puerto Rico remained without water service three days after Hurricane Fiona slammed into the U.S. territory, and many spent hours in lines Wednesday to fill jugs from water trucks while others scooped water from mountain runoff. Sweat rolled down the faces of people […]

Six Months After Hurricane, Puerto Ricans Are Still Without Light

Six Months After Hurricane, Puerto Ricans Are Still Without Light Light posts hang crookedly over buildings, beautiful two story homes are now one level memories of greatness, debris and destruction blend in with the beautiful landscape of the San Lorenzo batholith, and the glow from candles lighting the dark night can be seen from the […]

Puerto Ricans Brace For Another Disaster: Foreclosures

Puerto Ricans Brace For Another Disaster: Foreclosures Above Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Bloomberg News/Getty Images.  A vehicle drives through streets filled with floodwater and past destroyed homes caused by Hurricane Maria in this aerial photograph taken above Barrio Obrero in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Sept. 25, 2017. Foreclosure horrors have now been added to Puerto Rico’s Dickensian experience […]

How The Vietnam War Prepared Puerto Ricans To Confront Crisis

Above Photo: Members of Movimiento Pro-Independencia de Puerto Rico picket the White House in March of 1965. (Claridad / Biblioteca Digital UPR Río Piedras) Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us breakthrough. This week, as Puerto Ricans feel once […]

A tale of two parades: how a New York governor throws Puerto Ricans under the bus while reaffirming his commitment to Israeli apartheid

Being a governor is often seen as a stepping-stone in the United States for the presidency. While the current and former U.S. Presidents are exceptions to that rule, nobody’s behavior embodies that tradition more than Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. The Governor has never missed an opportunity to promote himself, including around issues that […]

Authorities Plan to Cut Off Power to Militia at Occupied Oregon Refuge

Authorities Plan to Cut Off Power to Militia at Occupied Oregon Refuge January 5th, 2016 Via: The Guardian: Federal authorities are planning to cut off the power of the wildlife refuge in Oregon that has been taken over by militia, exposing the armed occupiers […]

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