Posts Tagged ‘apologize’

Vaccine-Injured Chris Cuomo Refuses To Apologize For Demonizing the Unvaccinated as ‘America’s Biggest Enemy’

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo, who this week revealed the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine destroyed his health, has refused to apologize for his past comments demonizing the unvaccinated as “America’s biggest enemy.” Confronted with examples of […] The post Vaccine-Injured Chris Cuomo Refuses To Apologize For Demonizing the Unvaccinated as ‘America’s Biggest Enemy’ appeared first on […]

Jews Force Newspaper To Publicly Apologize And Grovel For Printing ‘Antisemitic’ Easter Poem

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The Sacramento Bee daily newspaper was forced to apologize for running an Easter poem as a two-page paid advertisement that jewish groups claimed contained ‘antisemitic’ language even though it didn’t mention Jews by name: “The ad appeared on April 10 and 12, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and featured a poem signed […]

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’” “By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.” “I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued. “It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at […]

Not in Our Name CUNY demands that Hunter administration apologize for antisemitism smear

We understand that speaking out in the face of settler colonial genocide is, in the words of Hunter’s campus motto, an important act of “care of the future.” The CUNY administration is not living up to its motto. Source

Comer calls on Raskin to ‘apologize’ for ‘disinformation’ in Biden family investigation

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) went after Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) on Thursday, accusing the Democrat of “spreading disinformation” about his investigation into President Biden’s family finances. “In the course of this investigation, you have been a spirited critic of the need to look into President Biden or his family,” Comer wrote to Raskin in a… […]

We must refuse to apologize for Palestinian humanity

The media will demand that we condemn the Palestinian resistance. We must refuse. Source

Exclusive – Jim Banks: The Navy Should Apologize for Propping Up Ibram X. Kendi, Whose Antiracist Research Center Is Under Investigation

House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) called on the Navy to apologize for propping up Ibram X. Kendi, the critical race theorist whose center  is now under investigation for financial mismanagement. Source

L.A. City Council Leaders Apologize for Racist Slurs Against Black Child; ‘Negrito,’ ‘Monkey’

Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez and Councilmember Kevin de Léon — the former president pro tem of the California State Senate — apologized Sunday for a conversation including racial slurs against the black child of a white colleague. Source

Kevin McCarthy: Biden Should Apologize for Slandering Millions of Americans as ‘Fascists’

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said during his prebuttal to President Joe Biden’s upcoming speech to the nation that Biden should first apologize for “slandering tens of millions of Americans as fascists.”

Republicans Demand Biden Administration Apologize to Border Patrol Agents

Republican lawmakers and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton are calling on the Biden administration to apologize to Border Patrol agents, after a federal investigation said they were falsely accused of “whipping” illegal immigrants in Texas. In September last year, the Biden administration was quick to criticize Border Patrol agents on horseback, after some media outlets […]

Jews Prove They Are Not ‘Privileged’ Or ‘Powerful’ By Forcing UK Newspaper To Apologize For Claiming They Are

U.K. police provide personal protection to Jews in Stamford Hill (The Jewish Chronicle) At the behest of powerful Jewish supremacist groups in the U.K., the editor of The Metro newspaper has been forced to issue a formal apology — along with a printed a correction — after publishing a letter from a reader who implied […]

Biden: ‘I Apologize For Calling All The Colored Folks Negroes’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After stirring controversy by referring to legendary baseball player Satchel Paige as a “negro,” Biden came forward today to apologize for his gaffe.  “Ah man, I apologize for calling all the colored folks negroes,” he said to a stunned press. “I forgot all the coloreds don’t want us to them to call them that anymore. […]

Neil Wigan should apologize to Palestinian citizens of Israel too

UK Ambassador to Israel Neil Wigan was being very respectful when he tweeted that he was “disturbed” to hear that Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar, who uses a wheelchair, could not attend the UN Climate Conference due to accessibility issues. “I apologise deeply and sincerely to the Minister. We want a COP Summit that is […]

CNN Refuses to Apologize to Joe Rogan Over Ivermectin Smear

A career cop who was forced to resign for refusing to go along with vaccine mandates warned Wednesday that ‘a sleeping giant’ has been awoken. Washington State trooper Robert LaMay, who infamously signed off after 22 years in the job by telling Democrat Governor Jay Inslee to “kiss my ass”, told Fox News host Laura […]

UK Library Forced To Apologize After Hiring Man In Monkey Dildo Costume To Perform For Kids

Yes, really. “Footage shared on social media on Saturday showed members of the Mandiga Arts Group at Redbridge Libraries Summer Reading Challenge event at Goodmayes Library in east London,” reports the London Evening Standard. I would really love a detailed breakdown of the commissioning process whereby Redbridge council commissioned the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey as […]

Belgian Soccer Player Refuses To Apologize For Chanting He’d ‘Rather Die Than Be A Jew’

Jews in Belgium are shocked and aghast after failing to publicly shame an unrepentant star soccer player into apologizing for joining fans in singing that he’d “rather die than be a Jew” — a tradition among many rival teams in Europe: Noa Lang wrote an unapologetic message on Instagram on Saturday following the discovery of […]

Agency working with US military wants Jews to apologize for killing Jesus

WASHINGTON — An agency that provides administrative services to the US military posted an Easter sermon on its website that described a New Testament passage preaching to Jews as a demand to “say sorry” for killing Jesus. The Washington Headquarters Services pulled down the sermon attributed to a Navy chaplain in North Carolina on April […]

The AJC wants ‘Saturday Night Live’ to apologize for vaccine joke

The American Jewish Committee is circulating a petition asking “Saturday Night Live” to apologize for a joke that suggested Israel is vaccinating only its Jewish population. “Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population, and I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half,” Michael Che, the co-host of SNL’s news parody, “Weekend Update,” […]

Polish Court Orders Holocaust Scholars to Apologize for Recent Book

A Polish court ruled on February 9 that two Holocaust scholars have to apologize to the family member of Edward Malinowski for stating in their book that he aided the Nazis in killing Jews. The Jerusalem Post and ABC News reported that the Warsaw District Court concluded that Polish Center of Holocaust Research Professor Barbara […]

Polish court: Holocaust scholars must apologize ‘for inexact information’

A Polish court has ruled that two Polish historians must issue an apology for including testimony in a 2018 book of a Jewish woman who accused a village mayor of betraying 22 Jews to the Nazis during the Holocaust. The Warsaw District Court determined that Prof. Barbara Engelking, founder and director of the Polish Center […]

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