Posts Tagged ‘printing’

Jews Force Newspaper To Publicly Apologize And Grovel For Printing ‘Antisemitic’ Easter Poem

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The Sacramento Bee daily newspaper was forced to apologize for running an Easter poem as a two-page paid advertisement that jewish groups claimed contained ‘antisemitic’ language even though it didn’t mention Jews by name: “The ad appeared on April 10 and 12, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and featured a poem signed […]

The Hidden History of Korea’s Printing Innovation (Video)

Situated just 30 miles northwest of Seoul, a narrative unfolds that underscores Korea’s devotion to the written word. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Putin Delivers Biden an Almighty Slap: ‘Don’t Blame Me’ For Inflation, ‘Stop Printing Money!’

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a patient man, known for his ability to quietly absorb insults for decades before ensuring revenge is served at a time that suits him. But even Putin is getting tired […] The post Putin Delivers Biden an Almighty Slap: ‘Don’t Blame Me’ For Inflation, ‘Stop Printing Money!’ appeared first on […]

Iowa Chef Attributes $1 Million Lottery Win to Clerk’s Ticket Printing Error

A prep-chef from Iowa believes his one million dollar lottery win was due to a clerk’s printing mistake when he bought his ticket. 

Quantitative Easing = Printing Monopoly Money Backed By NOTHING Making Dollars WORTHLESS (Federal Reserve=Rothschild ZIONIST Bank)

by: David Morgan  Money Metals News Service  November 13th, 2020  Comments Print We now have a clearer vision of what lies ahead on the global landscape; the trend that is now coming to fruition is that the standard of living for almost everyone in the world is going to sink lower. For some, for .0001% of the world, it could […]

‘The business is on fire’: Israeli textile printing firm expands partnership with Amazon

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money”

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money”…Ron Finley I touched on this topic recently. We’ve been hearing about shortages for ages now (check out the Ice Age Farmer at the link) & remember Bill Gates & Co want you eating their GM fake excuse for food so they can control your supply. […]

Extinction Rebellion blockade of UK newspaper printing plants ‘completely unacceptable’: Johnson

Environmental activists from Extinction Rebellion have blockaded two British printing plants, disrupting the distribution of several national newspapers on Saturday. The group said it targeted printworks at Broxbourne, north of London, and Knowsley in northwest England that are owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. Prime Minister Boris Johnson branded the demonstration “completely unacceptable” on Twitter, […]

Keep Your Snaps Forever by Printing them

Now you may create an outstanding custom 3D photograph from any photo! Those stylish 3-D personalized photograph frames are beautiful and last for 50 years or extra. Our custom 3D printing manner provides a crisp three-D image that seems to flow in a modern black body. Customized 3D pictures are a unique preference for any […]

This 3D-printing robot can build an entire home in 6 months for just $300,000

(Natural News) The number of robots involved in the manpower-deprived construction industry has been increasing as of late. An architectural startup has decided to automate much of the construction process using 3D-printing robots. In a Business Insider article, the robot home-builders can print a 1,000-square-foot dream house in just half a year […]

Buzzfeed Faces Bankruptcy As Victims Sue For Printing “Russia Dossier”

Buzzfeed is facing bankruptcy as victims sue them for printing the discredited Russia Dossier and former allies turn their backs on the failing pile of garbage.  Poor desperate Buzzfeed! Throughout the second half of 2016, we now know from the Senate memo, Buzzfeed was being briefed by British Ex-Spy Christopher Steele on the contents of […]

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users April 20th, 2017 Back on April 13: Is that Google Home device capable of voice printing people? If so, maybe the phones are too. Well, that didn’t take long. Via: Google: We’re adding the ability for […]

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users April 20th, 2017 Back on April 13: Is that Google Home device capable of voice printing people? If so, maybe the phones are too. Well, that didn’t take long. Via: Google: We’re adding the ability for […]

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users April 20th, 2017 Back on April 13: Is that Google Home device capable of voice printing people? If so, maybe the phones are too. Well, that didn’t take long. Via: Google: We’re adding the ability for […]

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users April 20th, 2017 Back on April 13: Is that Google Home device capable of voice printing people? If so, maybe the phones are too. Well, that didn’t take long. Via: Google: We’re adding the ability for […]

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users

Google Home Capable of Voice Printing Multiple Users April 20th, 2017 Back on April 13: Is that Google Home device capable of voice printing people? If so, maybe the phones are too. Well, that didn’t take long. Via: Google: We’re adding the ability for […]

8 Science-Backed Reasons That Will Make You Think Twice About Lying

Lying: It’s generally considered taboo, yet people still do it every single day. Whether it’s a “white lie” or a “big fat lie,” people do it for all sorts of reasons, including as a means for avoiding conflict, getting ahead at something, and increasing their likability to others. It’s a part of human nature, but […]

Incendiary Radio: Flying Solo Through the Fracas Download Robert Reyvolt takes to the airwaves to discuss many recent events, including the Egypt Air attack, political punditry, updates on Alex Jones, trannygate, the jew pope, and much more. Source Article from

Farmers Predict Widespread Food Shortages To Hit America Soon

Two farmers have predicted that widespread food shortages are going to hit America, devastating the lives of millions. Cliff Harris and Ed Petrowski told The Common Sense radio show that due to government over-regulation of the farming industry, farmers are going out of business in record numbers, which is likely to lead to a food […]

How A New Generation Is Getting Their Education Abroad — Without Paying Tuition

A generation in search of answers There has long been a bug in the minds of the new generation — something doesn’t add up about the modern life path. We’ve heard it all before: spend some time in school, get a career helping some corporation produce and market some product or service, buy a house, […]

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