Posts Tagged ‘almighty’

Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?

 SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 Source Philip Giraldi August 23rd was a big news day all over the world. The western media’s focus on the events of that day was solidly on the unproven claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the sabotage or shooting down of an executive jet that killed his former associate Yevgeny Prigozhin. […]

Putin Delivers Biden an Almighty Slap: ‘Don’t Blame Me’ For Inflation, ‘Stop Printing Money!’

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a patient man, known for his ability to quietly absorb insults for decades before ensuring revenge is served at a time that suits him. But even Putin is getting tired […] The post Putin Delivers Biden an Almighty Slap: ‘Don’t Blame Me’ For Inflation, ‘Stop Printing Money!’ appeared first on […]

President Trump: ‘We Put Our Faith in Almighty God’ — Not Career Politicians

President Trump drew a stark contrast between his view of America and that of the Democrats, affirming the American faith in “Almighty God” and asking how Joe Biden and the Democrats can possibly lead the nation when they spend so much time “tearing down our country.” This election, Trump said, “will decide whether we will […]

4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes offshore of Northern California, near Eureka

     An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 struck off California, 64 miles northwest of Eureka, on Monday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The USGS initially measured the quake at magnitude-4.5. The earthquake struck at 7:35 p.m. local time. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration said there was no tsunami threat to Hawaii or […]

World War 3 Scenario – WW3 Predictions

World War 3 scenario, it is a prediction of how WW3 escalation . source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from Views: 0